Scientific publications
Troglia Alessandro , Bigi Chiara , Vobornik Ivana , Fujii Jun , Knez Daniel , Ciancio Regina , Dražić Goran , Fuchs Marius , Di Sante Domenico , Sangiovanni Giorgio , Rossi Giorgio , Orgiani Pasquale , Panaccione Giancarlo, Evidence of a 2D Electron Gas in a Single-Unit-Cell of Anatase TiO2 (001), «ADVANCED SCIENCE», 2022, 9, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article] Open Access
Guglielmelli A.; Rocchi F.; Massimi C.; Castelluccio D.M.; Manna A.; Mucciola R., Scientific motivations for a reassessment of the neutron capture cross sections of erbium isotopes in the high-sensitivity thermal energy range for LWR systems, «ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY», 2022, 178, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gianpiero Gervino; Oliver Aberle; Ana-Paula Bernardes; Nicola Colonna; Sergio Cristallo; Maria Diakaki; Salvatore Fiore; Alice Manna; Cristian Massimi; Pierfrancesco Mastinu; Alberto Mengoni; Riccardo Mucciola; Elizabeth Musacchio Gonz??lez; Nikolas Patronis; Elisso Stamati; Pedro Vaz; Rosa Vlastou, NEAR: A New Station to Study Neutron-Induced Reactions of Astrophysical Interest at CERN-n_TOF, «UNIVERSE», 2022, 8, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access
Tagliente G.; Kopecky S.; Heyse J.; Krticka M.; Massimi C.; Mengoni A.; Milazzo P.M.; Plompen A.J.M.; Schillebeeckx P.; Valenta S.; Wynants R.; Altstadt S.; Andrzejewski J.; Audouin L.; Becares V.; Barbagallo M.; Becvar F.; Belloni F.; Berthoumieux E.; Billowes J.; Boccone V.; Bosnar D.; Brugger M.; Calvino F.; Calviani M.; Cano-Ott D.; Carrapico C.; Cerutti F.; Chiaveri E.; Chin M.; Colonna N.; Cortes G.; Cortes-Giraldo M.A.; Cristallo S.; Diakaki M.; Domingo-Pardo C.; Dressler R.; Duran I.; Eleftheriadis C.; Ferrari A.; Fraval K.; Furman V.; Gobel K.; Gomez-Hornillos M.B.; Ganesan S.; Garcia A.R.; Giubrone G.; Goncalves I.F.; Gonzalez-Romero E.; Goverdovski A.; Griesmayer E.; Guerrero C.; Gunsing F.; Heftrich T.; Hernandez-Prieto A.; Jericha E.; Kappeler F.; Kadi Y.; Karadimos D.; Katabuchi T.; Ketlerov V.; Khryachkov V.; Kivel N.; Kokkoris M.; Kroll J.; Lampoudis C.; Langer C.; Leal-Cidoncha E.; Lederer C.; Leeb H.; Leong L.S.; Losito R.; Lugaro M.; Mallick A.; Manousos A.; Margani, Zr 92 (n,g) and (n,tot) measurements at the GELINA and n_TOF facilities, «PHYSICAL REVIEW C», 2022, 105, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access
J. Moreno-Soto; S. Valenta; E. Berthoumieux; A. Chebboubi; M. Diakaki; W. Dridi; E. Dupont; F. Gunsing; M. Krti{\v{c}}ka; O. Litaize; O. Serot; O. Aberle; V. Alcayne; S. Amaducci; J. Andrzejewski; L. Audouin; V. B{\'{e}}cares; V. Babiano-Suarez; M. Bacak; M. Barbagallo; Th. Benedikt; S. Bennett; J. Billowes; D. Bosnar; A. Brown; M. Busso; M. Caama{\~{n}}o; L. Caballero-Ontanaya; F. Calvi{\~{n}}o; M. Calviani; D. Cano-Ott; A. Casanovas; F. Cerutti; E. Chiaveri; N. Colonna; G. Cort{\'{e}}s; M. A. Cort{\'{e}}s-Giraldo; L. Cosentino; S. Cristallo; L. A. Damone; P. J. Davies; M. Dietz; C. Domingo-Pardo; R. Dressler; Q. Ducasse; I. Dur{\'{a}}n; Z. Eleme; B. Fern{\'{a}}ndez-Dom{\'{\i}}nguez; A. Ferrari; P. Finocchiaro; V. Furman; K. Göbel; A. Gawlik-Rami{\k{e}}ga; S. Gilardoni; I. F. Gon{\c{c}}alves; E. Gonz{\'{a}}lez-Romero; C. Guerrero; S. Heinitz; J. Heyse; D. G. Jenkins; A. Junghans; F. Käppeler; Y. Kadi; A. Kimura; I. Knapov{\'{a}}; M. Kokkoris; Y. Kopatch; D. Kurtulgil; I. Ladarescu;, Constraints on the dipole photon strength for the odd uranium isotopes, «PHYSICAL REVIEW C», 2022, 105, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access
Tositti, Laura; Morozzi, Pietro; Brattich, Erika; Zappi, Alessandro; Calvello, Mariarosaria; Esposito, Francesco; Lettino, Antonio; Pavese, Giulia; Sabia, Serena; Speranza, Antonio; Summa, Vito; Caggiano, Rosa, Apportioning PM1 in a contrasting receptor site in the Mediterranean region: Aerosol sources with an updated sulfur speciation, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2022, 851, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Berriban, Iman; Azhra, M.; Chham, Essaid; Ferro-Garcia, Marìa Angeles; Milena-Perez, Abel; Nouayti, A.; Garcìa Orza, José Antonio; Brattich, Erika; Tositti, Laura; Piñero-García, Francisco; El Bardouni, Tarek; Ziani, H.; El Yaakoubi, H.; El Barbari, M., PSCF and CWT methods as a tool to identify potential sources of 7Be and 210Pb aerosols in Granada, Spain, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY», 2022, 251-252, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]
Pillai, Umesh Pranavam Ayyappan; Pinardi, Nadia; Alessandri, Jacopo; Federico, Ivan; Causio, Salvatore; Unguendoli, Silvia; Valentini, Andrea; Staneva, Joanna, A Digital Twin modelling framework for the assessment of seagrass Nature Based Solutions against storm surges, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2022, 847, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Đorđe Stratimirović, Miguel Ángel Hernández-Ceballos, Erika Brattich, Darko Sarvan, Jelena Ajtić, Interrelation between the beryllium-7 specific activity in the surface air and North Atlantic Oscillation based on their wavelet coherence, in: RAD 10th Jubilee, International Conference of Radiation in various Fields of Research, Book of abstracts, 2022, pp. 110 - 110 (atti di: RAD 10th Jubilee, International Conference of Radiation in various Fields of Research, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 25-29/07/2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Erika Brattich, Miguel-Angel Hernandez-Ceballos, Jose-Antonio Garcia Orza, Juan Pedro Bolivar, Pietro Morozzi, Angela Marinoni, Paolo Bonasoni, Paolo Cristofanelli, Alessandro Zappi, Laura Tositti, The use of atmospheric radionuclides as tracers of atmospheric processes: what can we learn about aerosol transport?, in: International Aerosol Conference 2022, Book of Abstract, 2022, pp. 255 - 255 (atti di: International Aerosol Conference 2022, Athens, Greece, 4-9/09/2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Timoncini; E. Brattich; E. Bernardi; C. Chiavari; I. Vassura; C. Velino; L. Tositti, Challenges and guidelines for artificial ageing testing of cultural heritage materials exposed to a changing troposphere, in: EUROCORR 2022 European Corrosion Congress, Book of Abstracts, 2022, pp. 985 - 985 (atti di: EUROCORR 2022, EUROCORR 2022 European Corrosion Congress Corrosion in a Changing World – Energy, Mobility, Digitalization, Berlin, Germany, 28/08-01/09/2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Casadio R., Quantum black holes and resolution of the singularity, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC METHODS IN MODERN PHYSICS», 2022, 19, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article] Open Access
Decataldo, Francesco; Giovannini, Catia; Grumiro, Laura; Marino, Maria Michela; Faccin, Francesca; Brandolini, Martina; Dirani, Giorgio; Taddei, Francesca; Lelli, Davide; Tessarolo, Marta; Calienni, Maria; Cacciotto, Carla; De Pascali, Alessandra Mistral; Lavazza, Antonio; Fraboni, Beatrice; Sambri, Vittorio; Scagliarini, Alessandra, Organic Electrochemical Transistors as Versatile Tool for Real-Time and Automatized Viral Cytopathic Effect Evaluation, «VIRUSES», 2022, 14, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Abdurro'uf, Katherine Accetta, Conny Aerts, Victor Silva Aguirre, Romina Ahumada, Nikhil Ajgaonkar, N. Filiz Ak, Shadab Alam, Carlos Allende Prieto, Andres Almeida, Friedrich Anders, Scott F. Anderson, Brett H. Andrews, Borja Anguiano, Erik Aquino-Ortiz, Alfonso Aragon-Salamanca, Maria Argudo-Fernandez, Metin Ata, Marie Aubert, Vladimir Avila-Reese, Carles Badenes, Rodolfo H. Barba, Kat Barger, Jorge K. Barrera-Ballesteros, Rachael L. Beaton, Timothy C. Beers, Francesco Belfiore, Chad F. Bender, Mariangela Bernardi, Matthew A. Bershady, Florian Beutler, Christian Moni Bidin, Jonathan C. Bird, Dmitry Bizyaev, Guillermo A. Blanc, Michael R. Blanton, Nicholas Fraser Boardman, Adam S. Bolton, Mederic Boquien, Jura Borissova, Jo Bovy, W.N. Brandt, Jordan Brown, Joel R. Brownstein, Marcella Brusa, Johannes Buchner, Kevin Bundy, Joseph N. Burchett, Martin Bureau, Adam Burgasser, Tuesday K. Cabang, Stephanie Campbell, Michele Cappellari, Joleen K. Carlberg, Fabio Carneiro Wanderley, Ricardo C, The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar, and APOGEE-2 Data, «ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES», 2022, 259, pp. - - - [Scientific article] Open Access
G. Buldgen, G. Ottoni, C. Pezzotti, A. Lyttle, P. Eggenberger, S. Udry, D. Ségransan, A. Miglio, M. Mayor, C. Lovis, Y. Elsworth, G.R. Davies, W.H. Ball, CORALIE radial velocity search for companions around evolved stars (CASCADES): II. Seismic masses for three red giants orbited by long-period massive planets, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2022, 657, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
V. Squicciarini, R. Gratton, M. Janson, E. E. Mamajek, G. Chauvin, P. Delorme, M. Langlois, A. Vigan, S. C. Ringqvist, G. Meeus, S. Reffert, M. Kenworthy, M. R. Meyer, M. Bonnefoy, M. Bonavita, D. Mesa, M. Samland, S. Desidera, V. D'Orazi, N. Engler, E. Alecian, A. Miglio, T. Henning, S. P. Quanz, L. Mayer, O. Flasseur, G. D. Marleau, A scaled-up planetary system around a supernova progenitor, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2022, 664, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
F. Anders, A. Khalatyan, A. B. A. Queiroz, C. Chiappini, J. Ardèvol, L. Casamiquela, F. Figueras, Ó. Jiménez-Arranz, C. Jordi, M. Monguió, M. Romero-Gómez, D. Altamirano, T. Antoja, R. Assaad, T. Cantat-Gaudin, A. Castro-Ginard, H. Enke, L. Girardi, G. Guiglion, S. Khan, X. Luri, A. Miglio, I. Minchev, P. Ramos, B. X. Santiago, M. Steinmetz, Photo-astrometric distances, extinctions, and astrophysical parameters for Gaia EDR3 stars brighter than G = 18.5, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2022, 658, pp. 1 - 27 [Scientific article] Open Access
J. Bétrisey, C. Pezzotti, G. Buldgen, S. Khan, P. Eggenberger, S. J. A. J. Salmon, A. Miglio, Kepler-93: A testbed for detailed seismic modelling and orbital evolution of super-Earths around solar-like stars, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2022, 659, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article] Open Access
C. Pezzotti, G. Ottoni, G. Buldgen, A. Lyttle, P. Eggenberger, S. Udry, D. Ségransan, M. Mayor, C. Lovis, M. Marmier, A. Miglio, Y. Elsworth, G.R. Davies, W.H. Ball, CORALIE radial-velocity search for companions around evolved stars (CASCADES): III. A new Jupiter host-star: In-depth analysis of HD 29399 using TESS data, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2022, 657, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article] Open Access
Tailo, M. ; Corsaro, E. ; Miglio, A. ; Montalban ; Brogaard, K. ; Milone, A. P. ; Stokholm, A. ; Casali, G. ; Bragaglia, A., Asteroseismology of the multiple stellar populations in the globular cluster M4, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2022, 662, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access