Scientific publications
A., Bianconi; M., Corradini; A., Cristiano; Dona', Roberto; M., Leali; E., Lodi Rizzini; L., Venturelli; N., Zurlo, Antiproton reflection by a solid surface, «HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS», 2009, 194, pp. 297 - 303 [Scientific article]
L. Ciotti; J.P. Ostriker; D. Proga, Feedback from central black holes in elliptical galaxies. I: models with either radiative or mechanical feedback but not both, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2009, 699, pp. 89 - 104 [Scientific article]
R. Casadio, Gravitational renormalization of quantum field theory: A 'Conservative' approach, in: null, 2009, 174, pp. 012058 - 012058 (atti di: FOURTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP DICE2008: FROM QUANTUM MECHANICS THROUGH COMPLEXITY TO SPACETIME: THE ROLE OF EMERGENT DYNAMICAL STRUCTURES, Castello Pasquini/Castiglioncello (Tuscany), Italy, 22–26 September) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Baldazzi; N. Lanconelli; S. Masetti; M. Fiaschetti; M. Maccagnani; L. Roma; P.L. Rossi; G. Levi; C. Sbarra, A method to remove the projection error in triple-energy radiography with contrast medium, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 2009, 610, pp. 222 - 224 [Scientific article]
O. Levrini; A. Altamore; E. Balzano; E. Bertozzi; M. Gagliardi; E. Giordano; P. Guidoni; G. Rinaudo; C. Tarsitani, LOOKING AT THE PHYSICS CURRICULUM IN TERMS OF FRAMING IDEAS, in: Physics Curriculum Design, Development and Validation, Proceedings GIREP 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, s.l, s.n, 2009(atti di: Physics Curriculum Design, Development and Validation, GIREP 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Nicosia, Cyprus, 18-22, August, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Castellaro S.; Mulargia F., How far from a building starts the tremor free-field?,, in: SSA meeting: abstracts, MONTEREY (CA), s.n, 2009, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Seismological Society of America meeting, Monterey, 8-10 aprile 2009) [Abstract]
A. BAZZANI; BENEDETTI C.; S. RAMBALDI; L. ROSSI; G.TURCHETTI, Dynamical models of molecular chains and efficient integration algorithms, «COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE & NUMERICAL SIMULATION», 2009, 14, pp. 593 - 612 [Scientific article]
L. Ciotti, Galaxies: a very short introduction, «GIORNALE DI ASTRONOMIA», 2009, 35, n.1, pp. 69 - 70 [Review]
L. Ciotti, Co-evolution of elliptical galaxies and their central black holes. Clues from their scaling laws., «LA RIVISTA DEL NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA», 2009, 32, n.1, pp. 1 - 69 [Scientific article]
L. Ciotti; L. Morganti; P.T. de Zeeuw, Two-component galaxies with flat rotation curve, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2009, 393, pp. 491 - 500 [Scientific article]
M. Barnabe'; C. Nipoti; L.V.E. Koopmans; S. Vegetti; L. Ciotti, Crash-testing the CAULDRON code for the joint lensing and dynamics analysis of early-type galaxies, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2009, 393, pp. 1114 - 1126 [Scientific article]
L. Ciotti; L. Morganti, Two-component galaxy models: the effect of density profile at large radii on the phase-space consistency, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2009, 393, pp. 179 - 191 [Scientific article]
F. Fiore; S. Puccetti; M. Brusa; M. Salvato; G. Zamorani; T. Aldcroft; H. Aussel; H. Brunner; P. Capak; N. Cappelluti; F. Civano; A. Comastri; M. Elvis; C. Feruglio; A. Finoguenov; A. Fruscione; R. Gilli; G. Hasinger; A. Koekemoer; J. Kartaltepe; O. Ilbert; C. Impey; E. Le Floc'h; S. Lilly; V. Mainieri; A. Martinez-Sansigre; H. J. McCracken; N. Menci; A. Merloni; T. Miyaji; D. B. Sanders; M. Sargent; E. Schinnerer; N. Scoville; J. Silverman; V. Smolcic; A. Steffen; P. Santini; Y. Taniguchi; D. Thompson; J. R. Trump; C. Vignali; M. Urry; L. Yan, Chasing Highly Obscured QSOs in the COSMOS Field, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2009, 693, pp. 447 - 462 [Scientific article]
R. Gilli;G. Zamorani;T. Miyaji;J. Silverman;M. Brusa;V. Mainieri;N. Cappelluti;E. Daddi;C. Porciani;L. Pozzetti;F. Civano;A. Comastri;A. Finoguenov;F. Fiore;M. Salvato;C. Vignali;G. Hasinger;S. Lilly;C. Impey;J. Trump;P. Capak;H. McCracken;N. Scoville;Y. Taniguchi;C.M. Carollo;T. Contini;J.-P. Kneib;O. LeFevre;A. Renzini;M. Scodeggio;S. Bardelli;M. Bolzonella;A. Bongiorno;K. Caputi;A. Cimatti;G. Coppa;O. Cucciati;S. de la Torre;L. de Ravel;P. Franzetti;B. Garilli;A. Iovino;P. Kampczyk;C. Knobel;K. Kovac;F. Lamareille;J.-F. Le Borgne;V. Le Brun;C. Maier;M. Mignoli;R. Pello';Y. Peng;E. Perez Montero;E. Ricciardelli;M. Tanaka;L. Tasca;L. Tresse;D. Vergani;E. Zucca;U. Abbas;D. Bottini;A. Cappi;P. Cassata;M. Fumana;L. Guzzo;A. Leauthaud;D. Maccagni;C. Marinoni;P. Memeo;B. Meneux;P. Oesch;R. Scaramella;J. Walcher, The spatial clustering of X-ray selected AGN in the XMM-COSMOS field, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2009, 494, pp. 33 - 48 [Scientific article]
M. Brusa; A. Comastri; R. Gilli; G. Hasinger; K. Iwasawa; V. Mainieri; M. Mignoli; M. Salvato; G. Zamorani; A. Bongiorno; N. Cappelluti; F. Civano; F. Fiore; A. Merloni; J. Silverman; J. Trump; C. Vignali; P. Capak; M. Elvis; O. Ilbert; C. Impey; S. Lilly, High Redshift Quasars in the COSMOS Survey: The Space Density of z > 3 X-Ray Selected QSOs, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2009, 693, pp. 8 - 22 [Scientific article]
Arnaud M.; Barcons X.; Barret D.; Bautz M.; Bellazzini R.; Bleeker J.; Bohringer H.; Boller Th.; Brandt W.N.; Cappi M.; Carrera F.; Comastri A.; Costa E.; Courvoisier T.; de Korte P.; Dwelly T.; Fabian A.C.; Flanagan K.; Gilli R.; Griffiths R.; Hasinger G.; Kaastra J.; Kahn S.; Kelley R.; Kunieda H.; Makishima K.; Matt G.; Mendez M.; Mitsuda K.; Nandra K.; Ohashi T.; Page M.; Palumbo G.G.C.; Pavlinsky M.; Sciortino S.; Smith A.; Struder L.; Takahashi T.; Turler M.; Turner M.; Ueda Y.; Vignali C.; Vink J.; Warwick R.; Watson M.; Willingale R.; Zhang S.N., XEUS: the physics of the hot evolving universe, «EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY», 2009, 23, pp. 139 - 168 [Scientific article]
M. Dragoni; A. Piombo, Thermoelastic deformation associated with a lava tube, «BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY», 2009, 71, pp. 409 - 418 [Scientific article]
D. Cavalcoli; M. Rossi.; A. Tomasi; A.Cavallini, Degeneracy and instability of nanocontacts between conductive tips and hydrogenated nanocrystalline Si surfaces in conductive atomic force microscopy, «NANOTECHNOLOGY», 2009, 20, pp. 045702 - 045708 [Scientific article]
M. Masotti; N. Lanconelli; R. Campanini, Computer-aided mass detection in mammography: False positive reduction via gray-scale invariant ranklet texture features, «MEDICAL PHYSICS», 2009, 36, pp. 311 - 316 [Scientific article]
F. Cannata; A. Yu. Kamenshchik; D. Regoli, Scalar field cosmological models with finite scale factor singularities., «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 2009, 670, pp. 241 - 245 [Scientific article]