Teaching projects and methodologies

Transversal skills for physics professions

Examination of the careers of students who have attended this department's degree courses shows that graduates find important job opportunities both in scientific research and in the various sectors of services, industry, communication and teaching.

Therefore, as teaching staff, we believe that the disciplinary knowledge acquired during the years of university training must be able to be translated into skills and abilities that allow the organization of ideas and technical content in forms that are compatible with the civil, environmental and economic needs that come from a society undergoing profound change.

In order to achieve this important objective, 12 Transversal Skills CFUs have been introduced in the teaching plan of the new International Master's Degree in Physics, which are mandatory for all second year students (over 100).

The teaching is composed of several modules, carried out with active teaching methods, which allow students to acquire skills in logical thinking for design, scientific communication in the media, public speaking through theatre.

The specificity of the course lies in the objective of anchoring the learning of these skills to activities on topics related to physics itself and related professions.

At the present, the teaching is attended by 6 teachers of the Department, staff of ARIC and Job Placement and the involvement of professionals from outside the academic world.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy coordinates European Erasmus + projects on didactic innovation.

IDENTITIES project  (coordinator: Olivia Levrini)

The IDENTITIES project designs novel teaching approaches on interdisciplinarity in science and mathematics to innovate pre-service teacher education for contemporary challenges.

Disciplinary IDENTITIES, their boundaries and forms of integration are enlightened through reflections on their epistemological and linguistics structures and, operationally, through research methods in physics and mathematics education.

The project will lead to the construction of Open Education Resources for Blended modules and MOOCs, as well as recommendations for policy makers to promote interdisciplinarity and innovate prospective teachers education for STEM challenges.
