Waiting for Cassini
Various locations
Celebrating 400 Years of Genius: Honoring the Legacy of the Renowned Scientist (1625–1712)
Concluded events
Presentations and meetings
BO.CONNECT: careers and innovation in the Metropolitan Area
Online event
Join the events to discover the most in-demand skills in the metropolitan area of Bologna, through insights from the business world, research sector, and Unibo Alumni.
Career guidance and work
PhD programmes: pathways, tools, and opportunities
online on MsTeams
The online event to explore this opportunity to enhance your education and embark on a research journey. Th event will be held in Italian.
Presentations and meetings
Erasmus+: calls for International Mobility
Aula Magna di Fisica, via Irnerio 46, Bologna
We will present the calls for International Mobility at DIFA (including the new Erasmus call, Erasmus traineeship, Overseas, the DIFA call for the thesis abroad, and others)
The 'Swabian MOSES 2023' research campaign
DIFA – Aula B Via Irnerio 46 - Bologna
Thunderstorm initiation and mesoscale circulations from observational and numerical weather prediction model perspectives
Search for CPV in Charm
Room IR-1A, via Irnerio 46 - Bologna
Latest results and future prospects
Learning model parameters
AULA II - Piano Terra - Edificio in Bo via Francesco Selmi, 2 - Bologna
by combining data assimilation and machine learning
Training initiatives
Aula D, via Ranzani 14, Bologna (BO)
Luisa Cifarelli (Professor Emeritus of Experimental Physics at the University of Bologna)
Shows and festivals
Marconi at the theatre
Municipal Theatre of San Giovanni in Persiceto (Corso Italia n.72, Bologna)
An evening dedicated to Guglielmo Marconi
Presentations and meetings
Think & Drink | Sea Level Rise from a Material Engagement Perspective
Serra Sonora, Serre dei Giardini Margherita, Via Castiglione 134, Bologna
created by the PhD students of the Collegio Superiore
Exploring Student’s Sensemaking
Laboratorio di Didattica della Fisica, Piano 0, Via Irnerio, 46 - Bologna e Online
in an Introductory Physics Lab
Laplace’s Delusion
ROOM III - Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician" Via Selmi, 2 - Bologna
Why the Future Cannot Be Predicted