
4 Feb 2023 28 May 2023

Shows and festivals

The other Renaissance. Ulisse Aldrovandi and the wonders of the world

Fondazione Golinelli, Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 14, 40133, Bologna, Italia

The exhibition offers a unique opportunity to relive this extraordinary episode of European culture through scientific findings and works of art brought together for the very first time

20 May 2023 28 May 2023

Guided tours and workshops

Women's space

Specola Museum, via Zamboni 33, Bologna

Women's space

25 May 2023


Documenting the Earth’s Emission Spectrum with PREFIRE

Aula BP-2B, V.le B. Pichat, 6/2, Bologna

Models and observations unequivocally confirm that the climate is warming. Still, future projections of the associated impacts remain uncertain.

24 May 2023


Waiting for Euclid #2 The cosmic web

Salaborsa, P.zza del Nettuno, 3 - Bologna

Comparing two complex systems still full of unknown aspects: the network of galaxies that make up the universe and the network of neurons inside the human brain.

24 May 2023


Dynamics of Chemical Reaction Networks

Aula Teorici, Second Floor, Via Irnerio 46, Bologna

Prof. J.J.P. Veerman: Portland State University, USA (is visiting our Department at the invitation of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Alma Mater)

23 May 2023



Institute of Advanced Studies - Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

An Informal Introduction

19 May 2023


Guided Inquiry into a Physics Equation

Online meeting - on Zoom

The use of mathematics in physics can be productively conceptualized as using a language

8 Dec 2022 18 May 2023



Palazzo Poggi Museum, Via Zamboni, 33, 40126 Bologna BO

Ulisse Aldrovandi and the wonders of the world

17 May 2023


The Bak-Sneppen Model of Evolution

Aula Teorici, Second Floor, Via Irnerio 46, Bologna

Prof. J.J.P. Veerman: Portland State University, USA (is visiting our Department at the invitation of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Alma Mater)

12 May 2023


NeuroImaging genetics

Room 4, floor -1, Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi", viale Berti Pichat 6/2, Bologna

Fabrizio Pizzagalli, PhD: University of Turin

11 May 2023


Probabilistic prediction and predictability of the atmosphere at seasonal-to-decadal time scales: A reduced-order model perspective

Aula A, DIFA, Via Irnerio 46, Bologna

Seminar at DIFA

4 May 2023


Three meteorites in three days: small asteroids bomb the Earth

Aula della Specola via Zamboni 33, Bologna

Albino Carbognani: CONFERENCES to the SPECOLA-Monthly meetings of astronomical popularization