Star sustainability: how they live, die and “resurrect” the stars

In the conference it will be shown how the “starcadavers” can create exotic and extreme binary systems

  • Date: 08 February 2024 from 16:00 to 17:30

  • Event location: Aula della Specola, via Zamboni 33, Bologna

In the conference it will be shown how the “starcadavers”, such as neutron stars and black holes, if they are located inside particular clusters of stars, can create exotic and extreme binary systems that can become an ideal laboratory for performing fundamental physics experiments and testing Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity.


  • Dr. Dr. Mario Cadelano (DIFA, UNIBO)

By the curato of:

  • Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi", University Museum System - Specola Museum

In collaboration with:

  • INAF - Observatory of Astrophysics and Space Science of Bologna