Astronomy has always been a science based on the observation of the Universe.
Unlike other branches of science where it is possible to construct experiments, in astronomy we can only study how the Universe in which we live appears to us.
Most of the great astronomical discoveries in human history are linked to new and more precise instruments for observing the Universe: the revolution introduced by Galileo
in understanding the sky comes from the use of his telescope.
In recent decades we have finally managed to observe planets around other stars, study their formation processes and evaluate the presence or absence of atmosphere around them.
In this conference we will talk about how these observations require telescopes and instruments that allow astronomers to "work around" the limitations imposed by physics, and reduce or eliminate the effects of the Earth's atmosphere in observing the Universe.
Free entry while places are available.
To facilitate participation, some of the places will be bookable starting from 8:00 am on March 4th and the remaining places will be accessible on a first-come, first-serve basis on the day of the conference
To book, fill out the form which will be active from 4 March at 8:00 until 7 March at 12:00 at the link /