Scientific publications

  • Botteon, A.; Shimwell, T.W.; Bonafede, A.; Dallacasa, D.; Brunetti, G.; Mandal, S.; van Weeren, R.J.; Brüggen, M.; Cassano, R.; de Gasperin, F.; Hoang, D.N.; Hoeft, M.; Röttgering, H.J.A.; Savini, F.; White, G.J.; Wilber, A.; Venturi, T., LOFAR discovery of a double radio halo system in Abell 1758 and radio/X-ray study of the cluster pair, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2018, 478, pp. 885 - 898 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Aaij, R.; Adeva, B.; Adinolfi, M.; Aidala, C.A.; Ajaltouni, Z.; Akar, S.; Albicocco, P.; Albrecht, J.; Alessio, F.; Alexander, M.; Alfonso Albero, A.; Ali, S.; Alkhazov, G.; Alvarez Cartelle, P.; Alves Jr, A.A.; Amato, S.; Amerio, S.; Amhis, Y.; An, L.; Anderlini, L.; Andreassi, G.; Andreotti, M.; Andrews, J.E.; Appleby, R.B.; Archilli, F.; d'Argent, P.; Arnau Romeu, J.; Artamonov, A.; Artuso, M.; Arzymatov, K.; Aslanides, E.; Atzeni, M.; Bachmann, S.; Back, J.J.; Baker, S.; Balagura, V.; Baldini, W.; Baranov, A.; Barlow, R.J.; Barsuk, S.; Barter, W.; Baryshnikov, F.; Batozskaya, V.; Batsukh, B.; Battista, V.; Bay, A.; Beddow, J.; Bedeschi, F.; Bediaga, I.; Beiter, A.; Bel, L.J.; Beliy, N.; Bellee, V.; Belloli, N.; Belous, K.; Belyaev, I.; Ben-Haim, E.; Bencivenni, G.; Benson, S.; Beranek, S.; Berezhnoy, A.; Bernet, R.; Berninghoff, D.; Bertholet, E.; Bertolin, A.; Betancourt, C.; Betti, F.; Bettler, M.O.; van Beuzekom, M.; Bezshyiko, Ia.; Bian, L.; Bifani, S.; Billoir, P.; Birnkraut,, Observation of the Decay B0s → anti-D0 K+ K−, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D», 2018, 98, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]

  • Sirunyan, A.M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Ambrogi, F.; Asilar, E.; Bergauer, T.; Brandstetter, J.; Brondolin, E.; Dragicevic, M.; Erö, J.; Flechl, M.; Friedl, M.; Frühwirth, R.; Ghete, V.M.; Grossmann, J.; Hrubec, J.; Jeitler, M.; König, A.; Krammer, N.; Krätschmer, I.; Liko, D.; Madlener, T.; Mikulec, I.; Pree, E.; Rad, N.; Rohringer, H.; Schieck, J.; Schöfbeck, R.; Spanring, M.; Spitzbart, D.; Waltenberger, W.; Wittmann, J.; Wulz, C.-E.; Zarucki, M.; Chekhovsky, V.; Mossolov, V.; Suarez Gonzalez, J.; De Wolf, E.A.; Di Croce, D.; Janssen, X.; Lauwers, J.; Van Haevermaet, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Remortel, N.; Abu Zeid, S.; Blekman, F.; D'Hondt, J.; De Bruyn, I.; De Clercq, J.; Deroover, K.; Flouris, G.; Lontkovskyi, D.; Lowette, S.; Moortgat, S.; Moreels, L.; Python, Q.; Skovpen, K.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Van Parijs, I.; Beghin, D.; Brun, H.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Delannoy, H.; Dorney, B.; Fasanella, G.; Favart, L.; Goldouzian, R.; Grebenyuk,, Constraints on the chiral magnetic effect using charge-dependent azimuthal correlations in pPb and PbPb collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, «PHYSICAL REVIEW C», 2018, 97, pp. 1 - 34 [Scientific article]

  • Sirunyan, A.M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Ambrogi, F.; Asilar, E.; Bergauer, T.; Brandstetter, J.; Dragicevic, M.; Erö, J.; Escalante Del Valle, A.; Flechl, M.; Frühwirth, R.; Ghete, V.M.; Hrubec, J.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Krätschmer, I.; Liko, D.; Madlener, T.; Mikulec, I.; Rad, N.; Rohringer, H.; Schieck, J.; Schöfbeck, R.; Spanring, M.; Spitzbart, D.; Taurok, A.; Waltenberger, W.; Wittmann, J.; Wulz, C.-E.; Zarucki, M.; Chekhovsky, V.; Mossolov, V.; Suarez Gonzalez, J.; De Wolf, E.A.; Di Croce, D.; Janssen, X.; Lauwers, J.; Pieters, M.; Van De Klundert, M.; Van Haevermaet, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Remortel, N.; Abu Zeid, S.; Blekman, F.; D’Hondt, J.; De Bruyn, I.; De Clercq, J.; Deroover, K.; Flouris, G.; Lontkovskyi, D.; Lowette, S.; Marchesini, I.; Moortgat, S.; Moreels, L.; Python, Q.; Skovpen, K.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Van Parijs, I.; Beghin, D.; Bilin, B.; Brun, H.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Delannoy, H.; Dorney, B.; Fasanella, G.; Fa, Search for a singly produced third-generation scalar leptoquark decaying to a τ lepton and a bottom quark in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2018, 2018, pp. 115 - 153 [Scientific article]

  • Sirunyan, A.M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Ambrogi, F.; Asilar, E.; Bergauer, T.; Brandstetter, J.; Dragicevic, M.; Erö, J.; Escalante Del Valle, A.; Flechl, M.; Frühwirth, R.; Ghete, V.M.; Hrubec, J.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Krätschmer, I.; Liko, D.; Madlener, T.; Mikulec, I.; Rad, N.; Rohringer, H.; Schieck, J.; Schöfbeck, R.; Spanring, M.; Spitzbart, D.; Taurok, A.; Waltenberger, W.; Wittmann, J.; Wulz, C.-E.; Zarucki, M.; Chekhovsky, V.; Mossolov, V.; Suarez Gonzalez, J.; De Wolf, E.A.; Di Croce, D.; Janssen, X.; Lauwers, J.; Pieters, M.; Van Haevermaet, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Remortel, N.; Abu Zeid, S.; Blekman, F.; D'Hondt, J.; De Bruyn, I.; De Clercq, J.; Deroover, K.; Flouris, G.; Lontkovskyi, D.; Lowette, S.; Marchesini, I.; Moortgat, S.; Moreels, L.; Python, Q.; Skovpen, K.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Van Parijs, I.; Beghin, D.; Bilin, B.; Brun, H.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Delannoy, H.; Dorney, B.; Fasanella, G.; Favart, L.; Goldouzian, R, Search for pair-produced resonances decaying to quark pairs in proton-proton collisions at s =13 TeV, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D», 2018, 98, pp. 112014-1 - 112014-25 [Scientific article]

  • Valenti, E.; Zoccali, M.; Mucciarelli, A.; Gonzalez, O. A.; Surot, F.; Minniti, D.; Rejkuba, M.; Pasquini, L.; Fiorentino, G.; Bono, G.; Rich, R. M.; Soto, M., The central velocity dispersion of the Milky Way bulge, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2018, 616, pp. A83 - A90 [Scientific article]

  • Aaboud M., Aad G., Abbott B., Abdinov O., Abeloos B., Abhayasinghe D.K., Abidi S.H., Abouzeid O.S., Abraham N.L., Abramowicz H., Abreu H., Abulaiti Y., Acharya B.S., Adachi S., Adamczyk L., Adelman J., Adersberger M., Adiguzel A., Adye T., Affolder A.A., Afik Y., Agheorghiesei C., Aguilar-Saavedra J.A., Ahmadov F., Aielli G., Akatsuka S., Åkesson T.P.A., Akilli E., Akimov A.V., Alberghi G.L., Albert J., Albicocco P., Alconada Verzini M.J., Alderweireldt S., Aleksa M., Aleksandrov I.N., Alexa C., Alexopoulos T., Alhroob M., Ali B., Alimonti G., Alison J., Alkire S.P., Allaire C., Allbrooke B.M.M., Allen B.W., Allport P.P., Aloisio A., Alonso A., Alonso F., Alpigiani C., Alshehri A.A., Alstaty M.I., Alvarez Gonzalez B., Álvarez Piqueras D., Alviggi M.G., Amadio B.T., Amaral Coutinho Y., Ambroz L., Amelung C., Amidei D., Amor Dos Santos S.P., Amoroso S., Amrouche C.S., Anastopoulos C., Ancu L.S., Andari N., Andeen T., Anders C.F., Anders J.K., Anderson K.J., Andreazza A., Andrei V., An, Combination of searches for heavy resonances decaying into bosonic and leptonic final states using 36 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D», 2018, 98, pp. 052008-1 - 052008-32 [Scientific article]

  • pieri pierbiagio; giancarlo strinati calvanese; leonardo pisani, Screening corrections on the critical temperature and gap parameter throughout the BCS-BEC crossover, in: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2018, JPN, Ito Research Center - Tokyo University, 2018, pp. 130 - 130 (atti di: International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2018, Tokyo, 25-31 Luglio 2018) [Abstract]

  • Kirsti Jylhä, Achim Drebs, Antti Mäkelä, Carl Fortelius, Väinö Nurmi, Athanasios Votsis, Leena Maidell-Münster, Santa Stibe, Anja Maerz, Lucy Barrett, Silvana Di Sabatino, Francesco Barbano, Alessio Francesco Brunetti, Beatrice Pulvirenti, Prashant Kumar, Francesco Pilla, Assessing Environmental Impacts and Socioeconomic Benefits of Green Infrastructure: The Vantaa iSCAPE Case Study, in: 98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, AMS, 2018, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Austin, 07/01/2018 - 11/01/2018) [Abstract]

  • Feidas, H.; Porcu', Federico; Puca, S.; Rinollo, A.; Lagouvardos, C.; Kotroni, V., Validation of the H-SAF precipitation product H03 over Greece using rain gauge data, «THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY», 2018, 131, pp. 377 - 398 [Scientific article]

  • Laura Tositti; Linda Pieri; Erika Brattich; Silvia Parmeggiani; Francesca Ventura, Chemical characteristics of atmospheric bulk deposition in a semi-rural area of the Po Valley (Italy), «JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY», 2018, 75, pp. 97 - 121 [Scientific article]

  • Brizi, L.; Barbieri, M.; Baruffaldi, F.; Bortolotti, V.; Fersini, C.; Liu, H.; Nogueira d'Eurydice, M.; Obruchkov, S.; Zong, F.; Galvosas, P.; Fantazzini, P., Bone Volume-to-total Volume Ratio Measured in Trabecular Bone by Single – Sided NMR Devices, «MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE», 2018, 79, pp. 501 - 510 [Scientific article]

  • Barbieri, M.; Brizi, L.; Bortolotti, V.; Fantazzini, P.; Nogueira d’Eurydice, M.; Obruchkov, S.; Liu, H.; Galvosas, P., Single-sided NMR for the diagnosis of osteoporosis: Diffusion weighted pulse sequences for the estimation of trabecular bone volume fraction in the presence of muscle tissue, «MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS», 2018, 269, pp. 166 - 170 [Scientific article]

  • Cristofanelli, Paolo; Brattich, Erika; Decesari, Stefano; Landi, Tony Christian; Maione, Michela; Putero, Davide; Tositti, Laura; Bonasoni, Paolo, High-Mountain Atmospheric Research: The Italian Mt. Cimone WMO/GAW Global Station (2165 m a.s.l.), Basel/New York, Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 135 (SPRINGERBRIEFS IN METEOROLOGY). [Research monograph]

  • D'Adderio, L.P.; Porcù, F.; Tokay, A, Evolution of drop size distribution in natural rain, «ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH», 2018, 200, pp. 70 - 76 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Brizi, L.; Camaiti, M.; Bortolotti, V.; Fantazzini, P.; Bluemich, B.; Haber- Pohlmeier, S., One and Two-dimensional NMR to evaluate the performance of consolidants in porous media with a wide range of pore sizes: Applications to cultural heritage, «MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS», 2018, 269, pp. 186 - 190 [Scientific article]

  • Gasperini, Paolo; Lolli, Barbara; Castellaro, Silvia, Reply to “Comment on ‘Unbiased Estimation of Moment Magnitude from Body‐ and Surface‐Wave Magnitudes’ by R. Das, H. R. Wason, and M. L. Sharma and ‘Comparative Analysis of Regression Methods Used for Seismic Magnitudes Conversions’ by P. Gasperini, B. Lolli, and S. Castellaro” by J. Pujol, «BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA», 2018, 108, pp. 548 - 551 [Comment or similar]

  • Cadoni, M.; Casadio, R.; Giusti, A.; Mück, W.; Tuveri, M., Effective fluid description of the dark universe, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 2018, 776, pp. 242 - 248 [Scientific article]

  • Aaij, R.; Adeva, B.; Adinolfi, M.; Ajaltouni, Z.; Akar, S.; Albrecht, J.; Alessio, F.; Alexander, M.; Alfonso Albero, A.; Ali, S.; Alkhazov, G.; Alvarez Cartelle, P.; Alves Jr, A. A.; Amato, S.; Amerio, S.; Amhis, Y.; An, L.; Anderlini, L.; Andreassi, G.; Andreotti, M.; Andrews, J. E.; Appleby, R. B.; Archilli, F.; D'Argent, P.; Arnau Romeu, J.; Artamonov, A.; Artuso, M.; Aslanides, E.; Auriemma, G.; Baalouch, M.; Babuschkin, I.; Bachmann, S.; Back, J. J.; Badalov, A.; Baesso, C.; Baker, S.; Balagura, V.; Baldini, W.; Baranov, A.; Barlow, R. J.; Barschel, C.; Barsuk, S.; Barter, W.; Baryshnikov, F.; Batozskaya, V.; Battista, V.; Bay, A.; Beaucourt, L.; Beddow, J.; Bedeschi, F.; Bediaga, I.; Beiter, A.; Bel, L. J.; Beliy, N.; Bellee, V.; Belloli, N.; Belous, K.; Belyaev, I.; Ben-Haim, E.; Bencivenni, G.; Benson, S.; Beranek, S.; Berezhnoy, A.; Bernet, R.; Berninghoff, D.; Bertholet, E.; Bertolin, A.; Betancourt, C.; Betti, F.; Bettler, M. -. O.; van Beuzekom, M.; Bezshyiko, I. a.; Bifa, Measurement of CP Observables in B± → D(⁎) K± and B± → D(⁎) π± Decays, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 2018, 777, pp. 16 - 30 [Scientific article] Open Access

  • Jellite, M.; Rehspringer, J. -L.; Fazio, M. A.; Muller, D.; Schmerber, G.; Ferblantier, G.; Colis, S.; Dinia, A.; Sugiyama, M.; Slaoui, A.; Cavalcoli, D.; Fix, T., Investigation of LaVO3based compounds as a photovoltaic absorber, «SOLAR ENERGY», 2018, 162, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]