Scientific publications
Diotalevi, Tommaso; Battilana, Carlo; Fanfani, Alessandra; Bonacorsi, Daniele, Enhancing CMS data analyses using a distributed high throughput platform, in: Proceedings of Science, 2025, 476, pp. 1007 - 1012 (atti di: 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2024), Praga, 18-24 Luglio 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Pelliconi, Martina; Carvalho, Virginia; Santos, Jorge; Chullanayil Padmanabhan, Sibu; Righi, Serena, Life Cycle Assessment of an innovative polyhydroxyalkanoates biorefinery: addressing background data gaps for sustainable development, in: Atti del XVIII Convegno dell’Associazione Rete Italiana LCA - Life Cycle Thinking a supporto di modelli di produzione e di consumo sostenibili, Roma, Associazione Rete Italiana LCA, 2025, pp. 647 - 651 (atti di: XVIII Convegno dell’Associazione Rete Italiana LCA - Life Cycle Thinking a supporto di modelli di produzione e di consumo sostenibili, Pescara, 3-5 luglio 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Cavallo, Ana C.; Parkes, Michael; Righi, Serena, Assessing Land Use of an Indoor Vertical Farm Microgreens production through Life Cycle Assessment, in: Atti del XVIII Convegno dell’Associazione Rete Italiana LCA - Life Cycle Thinking a supporto di modelli di produzione e di consumo sostenibili, Roma, Associazione Rete Italiana LCA, 2025, pp. 188 - 197 (atti di: XVIII Convegno dell’Associazione Rete Italiana LCA - Life Cycle Thinking a supporto di modelli di produzione e di consumo sostenibili, Pescara, 3-5 luglio 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D'Altri, G.; Mariani, F.; Decataldo, F.; Bonafè, F.; Tessarolo, M.; Cramer, T.; Gualandi, I.; Fraboni, B.; Scavetta, E., Long-term potentiation through electrochemical polymerization on the gate electrode for high-endurance plasticity, in: BioEl2025 Book of Abstract, 2025, pp. 31 - 31 (atti di: 10th International Winterschool on Bioelectronics, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria, 14-21/03/25) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ballone A.; Di Filippo S.; Cetre S.; Barr D.; Vassallo D.; Baldi B.B.; Viotto V.; Baruffolo A.; Arcidiacono C.; Marafatto L.; Greggio D.; Farinato J.; Radhakrishnan K.; Umbriaco G.; Briguglio R.; Selmi C.; Cerpelloni P.; Machado T.G.; Battaini F.; Lessio L.; Bergomi M.; Carolo E.; Chinellato S.; Magrin D.; Dima M.; Salvadori S.; Ragazzoni R.; Morris T., DAO4MATTO: the real-time control implementation for the MATTO test bench, in: Proceedings Volume 13101, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VIII; 131013Y (2024), «PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING», 2024, 13101, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Yokohama, Japan, 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Maestri, Tiziano; Martinazzo, Michele; Cossich, William; Serio, Carmine; Masiello, Guido; Venafra, Sara, Fast radiative transfer in multiple scattering atmospheres at far and mid infrared wavelengths, in: Radiation Processes in the Atmosphere and Ocean, New York, AIP Publishing, «AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS», 2024, 2988, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: International Radiation Symposium, Thessaloniki (Greece), 4-8 July 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Massimo Nespoli, Maria Elina Belardinelli, Maurizio Bonafede, Thermo-poro-viscoelastic deformation sources, in: GNGTS2024, 2024, 2024, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: GNGTS2024, Ferrara, 14/02/2024) [Abstract]
Isacco Gualandi, Federica Mariani, Francesco Decataldo, Filippo Bonafè, Marta Tessarolo, Giada D'Altri, Tobias Cramer, Beatrice Fraboni, Erika Scavetta, Neuromorphic Organic Electrochemical Transistors: High-Endurance Long-Term Potentiation induced by PEDOT:PSS Electrochemical Polymerization on the Gate Electrode, in: 2024 MRS Spring Meeting Abstract Program, 2024, pp. 977 - 977 (atti di: 2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Seattle, Washington, 22-26/04/2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Roberta Guerra; Sara Giansiracusa; Maarten Blaauw; Stefano Miserocchi; Leonardo Langone; Tommaso Tesi; Federico Giglio, Historical record of Chemicals of Emerging Arctic Concern (CEACs): influence of human and climate changes (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard), in: Conference Nordic Climate History Learning from past experience - Abstracts, Oslo, University of Oslo, Research Council of Norway, Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (CAS), 2024, pp. 8 - 8 (atti di: Nordic Climate History Learning from past experience, Tøyen Hovedgård, The Botanical Garden, Oslo, 23-24 May 2024) [Abstract]
R. Guerra; S. Miserocchi; F. Giglio; L. Langone;, SEDIMENT RECORD OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE ARCTIC (KONGSFJORDEN, SVALBARD ARCHIPELAGO), in: Integrating Ocean Drilling Workshop 2024 (LPI Contrib. No. 3013), 2024, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Integrating Ocean Drilling and NASA Science: A Workshop to Explore Missions to Planet Earth April 2–4, 2024, Washington, D.C. USA, April 2–4, 2024) [Abstract]
A. Calidori, G. Bernagozzi, S. Castellaro, L. Landi, P.P. Diotallevi, Detection of seismic damage on a RC building using the proportional flexibility-resembling matrix, in: Proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milano, Aimgroup, 2024, pp. 1 - 12 (atti di: 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy, June 30 - July 5) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Lia Giulia D’Amico, Chenhong Zhang, Francesco Decataldo, Vito Vurro, Filippo Bonafè, Marta Tessarolo, Isacco Gualandi, Federica Mariani, Erika Scavetta, Tobias Cramer, Beatrice Fraboni, Hydrogel Enabled Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Battery-free Oxygen sensing in Aqueous Environments, in: International Conference on Science and technology of Synthetic Electronic Materials, 2024, pp. 1 - 27 (atti di: International Conference on Science and technology of Synthetic Electronic Materials, Dresda, 23-28 Giugno) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Savarese S.; Marty L.; Colapietro M.; Schipani P.; Perrotta F.; D'Orsi S.; Capasso G.; Sanchez R.Z.; Magrin D.; Farinato J.; Umbriaco G.; Covino S., VSTPOL: upgrading the VST instrument control software for the new wide-field polarimetric mode, in: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, «PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING», 2024, 13101, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VIII 2024, Yokohama, Japan, 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Gabriele Umbriaco, Le più importanti ricerche astronomiche di Giuliano Romano a Padova, in: Atti del XLIII Convegno annuale SISFA, 2024, pp. 105 - 116 (atti di: Società italiana degli storici della fisica e dell’astronomia, Padova, 5-8 settembre 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ciliegi, Paolo; Agapito, Guido; Aliverti, Matteo; Annibali, Francesca; Aridiacono, Carmelo; Azzaroli, Nicolò; Balestra, Andrea; Baronchelli, Ivano; Ballone, Alessandro; Baruffolo, Andrea; Battaini, Federico; Benedetti, Simone; Bergomi, Maria; Bianco, Andrea; Bonaglia, Marco; Briguglio, Runa; Busoni, Lorenzo; Cantiello, Michele; Capasso, Giulio; Carlà, Giulia; Carolo, Elena; Cascone, Enrico; Chauvin, Gaël; Chebbo, Manal; Chinellato, Simonetta; Cianniello, Vincenzo; Colapietro, Mirko; Correia, Jean Jacques; Cosentino, Giuseppe; Costa, Elia; D'Auria, Domenico; De Caprio, Vincenzo; Devaney, Nicholas; Di Antonio, Ivan; Di Cianno, Amico; Di Dato, Andrea; Di Filippo, Simone; Di Francesco, Benedetta; Di Giammatteo, Ugo; Di Prospero, Chiara; Di Rico, Gianluca; Di Rocco, Andrea; Diretto, Daphne; Dolci, Mauro; Eredia, Christian; Esposito, Simone; Fantinel, Daniela; Farinato, Jacopo; Feautrier, Philippe; Foppiani, Italo; Genoni, Matteo; Giro, Enrico; Gluck, Laurence; Goncharov, Alexander; Gran, MORFEO at ELT: the adaptive optics module for ELT, in: Proceedings Volume 13097, Adaptive Optics Systems IX; 1309722, 2024, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: Proceedings Volume 13097, Adaptive Optics Systems IX; 1309722, Yokohama, Japan, 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Casadio, Roberto, The scale(s) of quantum gravity and integrable black holes, in: Proceedings of the Lemaitre conference 2024, 2024, 56, pp. 1 - 17 (atti di: Lemaitre conference 2024: Black holes, gravitational waves and spacetime singularities, Specola Vaticana, Albano Laziale, Italy, 16-21 giugno 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Massimo Ponti, Eva Turicchia, Marco Tamburini, Riccardo Ercadi, Greta Zampa, Denis Badocco, Fabio Gasparini, Roberta Guerra, Loriano Ballarin, Daisy M. Makapedua, Jane Mamuaja, Markus T. Lasut, Paolo Pastore, Bioaccumulation of mercury and other potentially toxic elements in Holothuria (Halodeima) atra and Polycarpa aurata associated with gold mining in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, in: Bridging knowledge gaps between tropical, temperate, and cold-water coral reefs. Book of abstracts of the 2024 European Coral Reef Symposium., Ancona, Reef Check Italia, 2024, pp. 311 - 311 (atti di: 2024 European Coral Reef Symposium, Naples, Italy, 2-5 July 2024) [Abstract]
Casadio R., QUANTUM ROTATING BLACK HOLES (RECOVERING GEOMETRY IN A QUANTUM WORLD), in: XII Bolyai–Gauss–Lobachevsky Conference (BGL-2024): Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Physics and Mathematics, 14-B, METROLOHICHNA STR, KIEV, 03680, UKRAINE, BOGOLYUBOV INST THEORETICAL PHYSICS NATL ACAD SCI UKRAINE, 2024, 69, pp. 466 - 471 (atti di: XII Bolyai–Gauss–Lobachevsky Conference (BGL-2024): Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Physics and Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary, 1-3 May 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bergomi M.; Arcidiacono C.; Dima M.; Di Rosa S.; Greggio D.; Marafatto L.; Radhakrishnan K.; Umbriaco G.; Farinato J.; Ragazzoni R.; Viotto V.; Bertram T.; Bizenberger P.; Briegel F.; Mohr L.; Herbst T., NirvanaVIS, exploiting ground-layer AO correction for speckle holography at visible wavelengths, in: Proceedings Volume 13096, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X; 130969F, «PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING», 2024, 13096, pp. 1 - 9 (atti di: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Yokohama, Japan, 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Riva M.; Busoni L.; Magrin D.; Ciliegi P.; Agapito G.; Aliverti M.; Annibali F.; Arcidiacono C.; Azzaroli N.; Balestra A.; Baronchelli I.; Ballone A.; Baruffolo A.; Battaini F.; Bergomi M.; Bianco A.; Bonaglia M.; Briguglio R.; Capasso G.; Carla G.; Cascone E.; Chebbo M.; Chinellato S.; Cianniello V.; Colapietro M.; D'Ambrogio M.; D'Auria D.; De Caprio V.; Devaney N.; Di Antonio I.; Di Francesco B.; Di Giammatteo U.; Di Rico G.; Di Rocco A.; Eredia C.; Esposito S.; Farinato J.; Feautrier P.; Foppiani I.; Genoni M.; Giro E.; Goncharov A.; Hubert Z.; Jocou L.; Lapucci T.; Marafatto L.; Munari M.; Oberti S.; Pariani G.; Plantet C.; Puglisi A.; Ragazzoni R.; Redaelli E.M.A.; Rodeghiero G.; Salasnich B.; Scalera M.; Sordo R.; Schipani P.; Teodori L.; Umbriaco G.; Zanutta A.; Xompero M., MORFEO at ELT system engineering after PDR, MBSE, and beyond, in: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, «PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING», 2024, 13099, pp. 1 - 14 (atti di: Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy XI 2024, Yokohama, Japan, 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]