Scientific publications
Tinti, Stefano; Armigliato, Alberto; Pagnoni, Gianluca; Tonini, Roberto; Zaniboni, Filippo, Atlante delle zone esposte al rischio di maremoto nell'area di Catania, BOLOGNA, Editrice Compositori, 2010, pp. 40 . [Research monograph]
Chaudhary, P.; Brusa, M., Fe Kα Line in the Integrated Spectrum of Serendipitous 2XMM Catalog Sources, in: X-RAY ASTRONOMY-2009: PRESENT STATUS, MULTI-WAVELENGTH APPROACH AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES, PROCEEDINGS, «AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS», 2010, 1248, pp. 407 - 408 (atti di: International Conference on X-Ray Astronomy-2009: Present Status, Multi-Wavelength Approach and Future Perspectives, Bologna, ITALY, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Brusa;F. Fiore, Black Hole growth and star formation activity in the CDFS, in: X-RAY ASTRONOMY 2009; PRESENT STATUS, MULTI-WAVELENGTH APPROACH AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES, «AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS», 2010, 1248, pp. 405 - 406 (atti di: International Conference on X-Ray Astronomy-2009: Present Status, Multi-Wavelength Approach and Future Perspectives, Bologna, ITALY, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Maestri T.; Di Girolamo P.; Summa D.; Rizzi R., Clear and cloudy sky investigations using Raman lidar and airborne interferometric measures from the European AQUA Thermodynamic Experiment, «ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH», 2010, 97, pp. 157 - 169 [Scientific article]
Origlia L.; Rood R.T.; Fabbri S.; Ferraro F.R.; Fusi Pecci F.; Rich R. M.; Dalessandro E., Dust is Forming Along the Red Giant Branch of 47 Tuc, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2010, 718, pp. 522 - 526 [Scientific article]
M. Marini; F. Grilli; A. Guarnieri; A. Jones; Z. Klajic; N. Pinardi; M. Sanxhaku, Is the southeastern Adriatic Sea coastal strip an eutrophic area?, «ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE», 2010, 88, pp. 395 - 406 [Scientific article]
L. Gardini; D. Remondini;I. Zironi;C. Bernardini; M. Forni; G. Castellani, Kinetics of protein synthesis in single cell observation, in: Atti del XCVI congresso nazionale SIF (Società Italiana di Fisica), BOLOGNA, Segreteria SIF, 2010, pp. 101 - 101 (atti di: XCVI congresso nazionale SIF (Società Italiana di Fisica), Bologna, 20-24 settembre 2010) [Abstract]
C. Nipoti; P. Londrillo; L. Ciotti, N-body simulations in modified Newtonian dynamics, in: Grand Challenges in Computational Astrophysics, E D P SCIENCES, 17 AVE DU HOGGAR PARC D ACTIVITES COUTABOEUF BP 112, F-91944 CEDEX A, FRANCE, EAS Publications Series, «EAS PUBLICATIONS SERIES», 2010, 44, pp. 37 - 40 (atti di: JENAM 2008: GRAND CHALLENGES IN COMPUTATIONAL ASTROPHYSICS, Vienna, September 8-12, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Ciotti, Relativita'. Guida illustrata molto speciale, «GIORNALE DI ASTRONOMIA», 2010, 36, pp. 53 - 54 [Review]
Iwasawa K.; Vignali C.; Evans A.S.; Sanders D.B.; Trentham N, The gravitationally lensed, luminous infrared galaxy IRAS F10214+4724 observed with XMM-Newton, «NEW ASTRONOMY», 2010, 15, pp. 58 - 60 [Scientific article]
M. Bencivenni; D. Bortolotti; A. Carbone; A. Cavalli; A. Chierici; S. Dal Prà; D. De Girolamo; L. dell'Agnello; M. Donatelli; A. Fella; D. Galli; A. Ghiselli; D. Gregori; A. Italiano; R. Kumar; U. Marconi; B. Martelli; M. Mazzucato; M. Onofri; G. Peco; S. Perazzini; A. Prosperini; P. P. Ricci; E. Ronchieri; F. Rosso; D. Salomoni; V. Sapunenko; V. Vagnoni; R. Veraldi; M. C. Vistoli; S. Zani., Performance of 10 Gigabit Ethernet Using Commodity Hardware, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE», 2010, 57, pp. 630 - 641 [Scientific article]
L. Ciotti; L. Morganti, Consistency criteria for generalized Cuddeford systems, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2010, 401, pp. 1091 - 1098 [Scientific article]
L. Ciotti, Galaxy formation from dry and hydro simulations, in: Highlights of Astronomy, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION», 2010, 5, pp. 85 - 85 (atti di: Invited talk to Joint Discussion 01 "Dark Matter in Early-Type Galaxies", XXVIIth IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August, 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Ciotti, AGN feedback in numerical simulations, in: Highlights of Astronomy, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION», 2010, 5, pp. 293 - 293 (atti di: 27th IAU General Assembly, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, August, 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Miniutti G.; Piconcelli E.; Bianchi S.; Vignali C.; Bozzo E, Does the X-ray emission of the luminous quasars RBS 1124 originate in a mildly relativistic outflowing corona?, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2010, 401, pp. 1315 - 1324 [Scientific article]
Vergani D.; Zamorani G.; Lilly S.J.; Lamareille F.; Halliday C.; Scodeggio M.; Vignali C.; Ciliegi P.; Bolzonella M.; Bondi M.; Kovac K.; Knobel C.; Zucca E.; Caputi K.; Pozzetti L.; Bardelli S.; Mignoli M.; Iovino A.; Carollo C.M.; Contini T.; Kneib J.-P.; Le Fevre O.; Mainieri V.; Renzini A.; Bongiorno A.; Coppa G.; Cucciati O.; de la Torre S.; de Ravel L.; Franzetti P.; Garilli B.; Kampczyk P.; Le Borgne J.-F.; Le Brun V.; Maier C.; Pello R.; Peng Y.; Perez Montero E.; Ricciardelli E.; Silverman J.D.; Tanaka M.; Tasca L.; Tresse L.; Abbas U.; Bottini D.; Cappi A.; Cassata P.; Cimatti A.; Guzzo L.; Koekemoer A.M.; Leauthaud A.; Maccagni D.; Marinoni C.; McCracken H.J.; Memeo P.; Meneux B.; Oesch P.; Porciani C.; Scaramella R.; Capak P.; Sanders D.; Scoville N.; Taniguchi Y., K+a galaxies in the zCOSMOS Survey: Physical properties of systems in their post-starburst phase, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2010, 509, pp. A42 (1) - A42 (17) [Scientific article]
F. Maccaferri; M. Bonafede; E. Rivalta, A numerical model of dike propagation in layered elastic media, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 2010, 180, pp. 1107 - 1123 [Scientific article]
F. Marinacci; F. Fraternali; L. Ciotti; C. Nipoti, Stationary models for the extra-planar gas in disk galaxies, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2010, 401, pp. 2451 - 2462 [Scientific article]
Merloni A.; Bongiorno A.; Bolzonella M.; Brusa M.; Civano F.; Comastri A.; Elvis M.; Fiore F.; Gilli R.; Hao H.; Jahnke K.; Koekemoer A.M.; Lusso E.; Mainieri V.; Mignoli M.; Miyaji T.; Renzini A.; Salvato M.; Silverman J.; Trump J.; Vignali C.; Zamorani G.; Capak P.; Lilly S.J.; Sanders D.; Taniguchi Y.; Bardelli S.; Carollo C.M.; Caputi K.; Contini T.; Coppa G.; Cucciati O.; de la Torre S.; de Ravel L.; Franzetti P.; Garilli B.; Hasinger G.; Impey C.; Iovino A.; Iwasawa K.; Kampczyk P.; Kneib J.-P.; Knobel C.; Kovac K.; Lamareille F.; Le Borgne J.-F.; Le Brun V.; Le Fevre O.; Maier C.; Pello R.; Peng Y.; Perez Montero E.; Ricciardelli E.; Scodeggio M.; Tanaka M.; Tasca L. A. M.; Tresse L.; Vergani D.; Zucca E., On the cosmic evolution of the scaling relations between black holes and their host galaxies: Broad Line AGN in the zCOSMOS survey, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2010, 708, pp. 137 - 157 [Scientific article]
Sollima A.; Nipoti C., Globular clusters in modified Newtonian dynamics: velocity dispersion profiles from self-consistent models, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2010, 431, pp. 131 - 142 [Scientific article]