Scientific publications
Ciotti, L. ; Lanzoni, B., Stellar systems following the R1/m luminosity law. II. Anisotropy, velocity profiles, and the fundamental plane of elliptical galaxies, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1997, 321, pp. 724 - 732 [Scientific article]
Zucchini R., Reducibility and Gribov problem in topological quantum field theory, «COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 1997, 185, pp. 723 - 751 [Scientific article]
Ciotti, L; Giampieri, G, Motion of a rigid body in a tidal field - An application to elliptical galaxies in clusters, «CELESTIAL MECHANICS & DYNAMICAL ASTRONOMY», 1997, 68, pp. 313 - 334 [Scientific article]
Testi L; Palla F; Prusti T; Natta A; Maltagliati S, A search for clustering around Herbig Ae/Be stars, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1997, 320, pp. 159 - 166 [Scientific article]
Cesaroni R; Felli M; Testi L; Walmsley C; Olmi L, The disk-outflow system around the high-mass (proto)star IRAS 20126+4104, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1997, 325, pp. 725 - 744 [Scientific article]
Persi P; Felli M; Lagage P; Roth M; Testi L, Sub-arcsec resolution infrared images of the star forming region G 35.20-1.74, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1997, 327, pp. 299 - 308 [Scientific article]
Felli M; Testi L; Valdettaro R; Wang J, Star formation in the S 235 A-B complex, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1997, 320, pp. 594 - 605 [Scientific article]
Testi L; Felli M; Omont A; Perault M; Seguin P; Comoretto G; Gilmore G, Detection of young stellar objects with ISO, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1997, 318, pp. 13 - 16 [Scientific article]
Codella C; Testi L; Cesaroni R, The molecular environment of H_2_O masers: VLA ammonia observations, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1997, 325, pp. 282 - 294 [Scientific article]
Beccaria M; Cella G; Ciampa A; Cuoco E; Curci G; Vicere A, Triggering and data analysis for the VIRGO experiment on the APEmille parallel computer, «NUCLEAR PHYSICS. B», 1997, 54, pp. 184 - 187 [Scientific article]
Caron B; Dominjon A; Drezen C; Flaminio R; Grave X; Marion F; Massonnet L; Mehmel C; Morand R; Mours B; Sannibale V; Yvert M; Babusci D; Bellucci S; Candusso S; Giordano G; Matone G; Mackowski JM; Pinard L; Barone F; Calloni E; DiFiore L; Flagiello M; Garufi F; Grado A; Longo M; Lops M; Marano S; Milano L; Solimeno S; Brisson V; Cavalier F; Davier M; Hello P; Heusse P; Mann P; Acker Y; Barsuglia M; Bhawal B; Bondu F; Brillet A; Heitmann H; Innocent JM; Latrach L; Man CN; PhamTu M; Tournier E; Taubmann M; Vinet JY; Boccara C; Gleyzes P; Loriette V; Roger JP; Cagnoli G; Gammaitoni L; Kovalik J; Marchesoni F; Punturo M; Beccaria M; Bernardini M; Bougleux E; Braccini S; Bradaschia C; Cella G; Ciampa A; Cuoco E; Curci G; DelFabbro R; DeSalvo R; DiVirgilio A; Enard D; Ferrante I; Fidecaro F; Giassi A; Giazotto A; Holloway L; LaPenna P; Losurdo G; Mancini S; Mazzoni M; Palla F; Pan HB; Passuello D; Pelfer P; Poggiani R; Stanga R; Vicere A; Zhang Z; Ferrari V; Majorana E; Puppo P; Rapagnani P, The Virgo interferometer, «CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY», 1997, 14, pp. 1461 - 1469 [Scientific article]
Caron, B; Dominjon, A; Drezen, C; Flaminio, R; Grave, X; Marion, F; Massonnet, L; Mehmel, C; Morand, R; Mours, B; Sannibale, V; Yvert, M; Babusci, D; Bellucci, S; Candusso, S; Giordano, G; Matone, G; Mackowski, JM; Pinard, L; Barone, F; Calloni, E; DiFiore, L; Flagiello, M; Garuti, F; Grado, A; Longo, M; Lops, M; Marano, S; Milano, L; Solimeno, S; Brisson, V; Cavalier, F; Davier, M; Hello, P; Heusse, P; Mann, P; Acker, Y; Barsuglia, M; Bhawal, B; Bondu, F; Brillet, A; Heitmann, H; Innocent, JM; Latrach, L; Man, CN; PhamTu, M; Tournier, E; Taubmann, M; Vinet, JY; Boccara, C; Gleyzes, P; Loriette, V; Roger, JP; Cagnoli, G; Gammaitoni, L; Kovalik, J; Marchesoni, F; Punturo, M; Beccaria, M; Bernardini, M; Bougleux, E; Braccini, S; Bradaschia, C; Cella, G; Ciampa, A; Cuoco, E; Curci, G; DelFabbro, R; DeSalvo, R; DiVirgilio, A; Enard, D; Ferrante, I; Fidecaro, F; Giassi, A; Giazotto, A; Holloway, L; LaPenna, P; Losurdo, G; Mancini, S; Mazzoni, M; Palla, F; Pan, HB; Passuello, D; Pelfer, P; , The VIRGO interferometer for gravitational wave detection, «NUCLEAR PHYSICS. B», 1997, 54, pp. 167 - 175 [Scientific article]
Beccaria M.; Bernardini M.; Bougleux E.; Braccini S.; Bradaschia C.; Casciano C.; Cella G.; Cuoco E.; D'Ambrosio E.; De Carolis G.; Del Fabbro R.; De Salvo R.; Di Virgilio A.; Ferrante I.; Fidecaro F.; Flaminio R.; Gaddi A.; Gennai A.; Gennaro G.; Giazotto A.; Holloway L.; La Penna P.; Losurdo G.; Malik S.; Mancini S.; Nicolas J.; Palla F.; Pan H.B.; Paoletti F.; Pasqualetti A.; Passuello D.; Poggiani R.; Popolizio P.; Raffaelli F.; Vicere A.; Waharte F.; Zhang Z., Extending the VIRGO gravitational wave detection band down to a few Hz: Metal blade springs and magnetic antisprings, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 1997, 394, pp. 397 - 408 [Scientific article]
PIERI, Pierbiagio; S. DAUL; D. BAERISWYL; M. DZIERZAWA; P. FAZEKAS, Low density ferromagnetism in the Hubbard model, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER», 1996, 54, pp. 9250 - 9253 [Scientific article]
L. L. A. VERMEERSEN; R. SABADINI; SPADA, GIORGIO, Analytical visco-elastic relaxation models, «GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 1996, 23, pp. 697 - 700 [Scientific article]
L. L. A. VERMEERSEN; R. SABADINI; SPADA, GIORGIO, Compressible rotational deformation, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 1996, 126, pp. 735 - 761 [Scientific article]
F. Florindo; L. Alfonsi; A. Piersanti; G. Spada; W. Marzocchi, Geomagnetic jerks and seismic activity, «ANNALI DI GEOFISICA», 1996, 34, pp. 1227 - 1233 [Scientific article]
C. GIUNCHI; SPADA G.; R. SABADINI, Effects of lateral viscosity variations on present-day horizontal motions and baseline deformations due to glacial isostatic adjustment, «PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH», 1996, 21, pp. 325 - 330 [Scientific article]
SPADA, GIORGIO; R. Sabadini; E. Boschi, The spin and inertia of Venus, «GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 1996, 23, pp. 1997 - 2000 [Scientific article]
SPADA, GIORGIO; R. Sabadini; E. Boschi, Long-term rotation and mantle dynamics of the Earth, Mars, and Venus, «JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH», 1996, 101, pp. 2253 - 2266 [Scientific article]