Scientific publications
Vignali C.; Alexander D.M.; Comastri A., The quest for Type 2 quasars: Chandra observations of luminous obscured quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2006, 373, pp. 321 - 329 [Scientific article]
R. Soria; A. Graham; G. Fabbiano; A. Baldi; M. Elvis; H. Jerjen; S. Pellegrini; A. Siemiginowska, Accretion and Nuclear Activity of Quiescent Supermassive Black Holes. II. Optical Study and Interpretation, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2006, 640, pp. 143 - 155 [Scientific article]
R. Soria; G. Fabbiano; A. Graham; A. Baldi; M. Elvis; H. Jerjen; S. Pellegrini; A. Siemiginowska, Accretion and Nuclear Activity of Quiescent Supermassive Black Holes. I. X-Ray Study, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2006, 640, pp. 126 - 142 [Scientific article]
R. Soria; A. Graham; G. Fabbiano; A. Baldi; M. Elvis; H. Jerjen; S. Pellegrini; A. Siemiginowska, Why are they not AGN?, in: The X-ray Universe 2005, s.l, ESA publications division, 2006(atti di: ESA Symposium, Madrid, September 26-30, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. Brancaccio; M. Bettuzzi; F. Casali; S. Cornacchia; M.P. Morigi; A. Pasini; C. Ronsivalle; A. Tata, Study and development of an innovative electron beam imaging system for dosimetry in IORT (Intra Operative Radiation Therapy), «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 2006, 562(2), pp. 1020 - 1023 [Scientific article]
Marcolini A.; D'Ercole A.; Brighenti F.; Recchi S., Star formation feedback and metal enrichment by Types Ia and II supernovae in dwarf spheroidal galaxies: the case of Draco, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2006, 371, pp. 643 - 658 [Scientific article]
Righi S.; Bruzzi L., Natural radioactivity and radon exhalation in building materials used in Italian dwellings, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY», 2006, 88, pp. 158 - 170 [Scientific article]
Righi S.; Verità S.; Bruzzi L.; Albertazzi A., Natural radioactivity and radon specific exhalation rate of zircon sands, in: Proceeding of full papers of the Second European IRPA Congress Radiation Protection, PARIS, IRPA Congress Office, 2006(atti di: Second European IRPA Congress Radiation Protection, Paris, 15-19 maggio 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Righi S.; Coatti F.; Bargossi G.M.; Verita S.; Bruzzi L., Emanazione di radon da materiali lapidei naturali, in: Atti del Terzo Convegno Nazionale Controllo ambientale degli agenti fisici: dal monitoraggio alle azioni di risanamento e bonifica, TORINO, Gamma Servizi, 2006(atti di: Terzo Convegno Nazionale Controllo ambientale degli agenti fisici: dal monitoraggio alle azioni di risanamento e bonifica, Biella, 7-9 giugno 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Andretta M.; Leonzio B.; Lucialli P.; Righi S., Application of the ISCST3 model to an industrial area: comparison of predicted and observed concentrations, in: Risk Analysis V Simulation and Hazard Mitigation, BOSTON, WIT Press, 2006, pp. 187 - 195 (atti di: Fifth International Conference on Computer Simulation in Risk Analysis and Hazard Mitigation, Malta, 19-21 giugno 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
S. Di Sabatino; R. Buccolieri; B. Pulvirenti; R. Britter, Application and validation of Fluent flow and dispersion modelling within complex geometries, in: International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications, LEIPZIG, TROPOS, 2006, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: ITM International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications, Leipzig, Germany, 15-19 May, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Patent BO2006A000410, Bicicletta con dispositivo di segnalazione di tipo perfezionato.
M. Lenci, Typicality of recurrence for Lorentz gases, «ERGODIC THEORY & DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS», 2006, 26, pp. 799 - 820 [Scientific article]
R. Rizzoli; R. Angelucci; S. Guerri; F. Corticelli; M. Cuffiani; G.P. Veronese., Influence of the substrate types and treatments on carbon nanotube growth by chemical vapor deposition with nickel catalyst., in: "Carbon nanotubes: from basic research to nanotechnology". NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry., DORDRECHT, Springer, 2006, 222, pp. 61 - 62 (atti di: NATO Advanced Study Institute on carbon nanotubes: from basic research to nanotechnology., Sozopol (Bulgaria), 21 - 31 Maggio 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
S. Rivetti; N. Lanconelli; R. Campanini; M. Bertolini; G. Borasi; A. Nitrosi; C. Danielli; L. Angelini; S. Maggi, Comparison of different commercial FFDM units by means of physical characterization and contrast-detail analysis, «MEDICAL PHYSICS», 2006, 33, pp. 4198 - 4209 [Scientific article]
F. Baruffaldi; M. Bettuzzi; D. Bianconi; R. Brancaccio; S. Cornacchia; N. Lanconelli; L. Mancini; M.P. Morigi; A. Pasini; E. Perilli; D. Romani; A. Rossi; F. Casali, An Innovative CCD-Based High-Resolution CT System for Analysis of Trabecular Bone Tissue, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE», 2006, 53, pp. 2584 - 2590 [Scientific article]
M. Sioli, Search for exotic contributions to atmospheric neutrino oscillations, in: null, 2006, 69, pp. 1842 - 1846 (atti di: V International Conference on Non-Accelerator New Physics, Dubna, Russia, 20-25/06/2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Patent Domanda di Brevetto Europeo 06120604.1-1258 del 13.09.2006, Method for producing a coffee-based beverage and a coffee machine for implementing the method thereof.
L. Arrabito; E. Barbuto; C. Bozza; S. Buontempo; L. Consiglio; D. Coppola; M. Cozzi; J. Damet; N. D’Ambrosio; G. De Lellis; M. De Serio; F. Di Capua; D. Di Ferdinando; D. Di Marco; L.S. Esposito; G. Giacomelli; G. Grella; M. Hauger; F. Juget; I. Kreslo; M. Giorgini; M. Ieva; I. Laktineh; K. Manai; G. Mandrioli; A. Marotta; S. Manzoor; P. Migliozzi; P. Monacelli; M.T. Muciaccia; A. Pastore; L. Patrizii; C. Pistillo; M. Pozzato; P. Royole-Degieux; G. Romano; G. Rosa; N. Savvinov; A. Schembri; L. Scotto Lavina; S. Simone; M. Sioli; C. Sirignano; G. Sirri; G. Sorrentino; P. Strolin; V. Tioukov; T. Waelchli, Hardware performance of a scanning system for high speed analysis of nuclear emulsions, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 2006, 568, pp. 578 - 587 [Scientific article]
G.Turchetti; G.Bassi; A. Bazzani; B.Giorgini; H.Mars, Hamiltonian dynamics with a weak noise and the echo effect for the rotator model, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL», 2006, 39, pp. 11417 - 11440 [Scientific article]