Scientific publications
Lodi R.; Pierangeli G.; Tonon C.; Cevoli S.; Testa C.; Bivona G.; Magnifico F.; Cortelli P.; Montagna P.; Barbiroli B., Study of hypothalamic metabolism in cluster headache by proton MR spectroscopy., «NEUROLOGY», 2006, 66, pp. 1264 - 1266 [Scientific article]
Lupke M; Frahm J; Lantow M; Maercker C; Remondini D; Bersani F; Simkó M, Gene expression analysis of ELF-MF exposed human monocytes indicating the involvement of the alternative activation pathway, «BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH», 2006, 1763, pp. 402 - 412 [Scientific article]
Cimatti A., Observing galaxy formation and evolution, «IL NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA. B, GENERAL PHYSICS, RELATIVITY, ASTRONOMY AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS AND METHODS», 2006, 121, pp. 1383 - 1394 [Scientific article]
Francia F.; Giachini L.; Capitanio G.; Martino L.; Papa S.; Boscherini F.; Venturoli G., The local structure of Zn binding sites in the bovine cytochrome c oxidase: An X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy study, in: 14th European Bioenergetics Conference – 2006 Short Reports, Elsevier, «BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS», 2006, 1757, pp. 163 - 164 (atti di: 14th European Bioenergetic Conference, Moscow, RUSSIA, JUL 22-27, 2006) [Abstract]
Giachini L.; Francia F.; Lee D-W.; Daldal F.; Huang L-S.; Berry EA.; Cocco T.; Papa S.; Boscherini F.; Venturoli G., X-ray absorption studies of Zn2+ binding sites in bacterial, avian and bovine cytochrome bc(1) complexes, in: 14th European Bioenergetics Conference – 2006 Short Reports, Elsevier, «BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS», 2006, 1757, pp. 169 - 170 (atti di: 14th European Bioenergetic Conference, Moscow, RUSSIA, JUL 22-27, 2006) [Abstract]
Venturoli G.; Francia F.; Cordone L.; Giachini L.; Boscherini F., Probing the local structure and dynamics of Fe site in cytochrome c embedded in a dry trehalose matrix: An x-ray absorption spectroscopy study, in: 14th European Bioenergetics Conference – 2006 Short Reports, Elsevier, «BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS», 2006, 1757, pp. 246 - 247 (atti di: 14th European Bioenergetics Conference, Moscow, RUSSIA, JUL 22-27, 2006) [Abstract]
Cimatti A., Distant early-type galaxies: tracers of the galaxy mass assembly evolution, in: AGN and galaxy evolution, FIRENZE, Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana, 2006, pp. 703 - 710 [Chapter or essay]
Mulargia F.; Castellaro S., The H+V+H/V single station tremor analysis as a passive stratigraphic tool, in: EGS2000: European Geophysical Society. XXXI General Assembly, WIEN, s.n, 2006, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: EGS2000: European Geophysical Society. XXXI General Assembly, Wien, 2-7 aprile 2006) [Abstract]
Castellaro S.; Mulargia F.; Bormann P., Regression problems for magnitudes, in: EGS2000: European Geophysical Society. XXXI General Assembly, WIEN, s.n, 2006, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: EGS2000: European Geophysical Society. XXXI General Assembly, Wien, 2-7 aprile 2006) [Abstract]
Orsi M.; Castellaro S., Determinazione dello spessore di un corpo sabbioso di spiaggia emersa con metodi di sismica passiva, in: CONISMA, VIAREGGIO, s.n, 2006, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: CONISMA, Viareggio, 14-16 novembre 2006) [Abstract]
Castellaro S.; Imposa S.; Barone F.; Gresta S.; Mulargia F, Indagini georadar e di sismica passiva nell’area dell’anfiteatro romano di Catania, in: Riassunti estesi delle comunicazioni, TRIESTE, s.n, 2006, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: GNGTS, Roma, 28 novembre-1 dicembre 2006) [Abstract]
Castellaro S.; Finotti F.; Tonelli A.; Zandonai F., Rassegna di alcune correnti metodologie per lo studio dell'estensione e spessore di ghiacciai e proposta di applicazione della sismica passiva a stazione singola, in: Atti del Workshop in Geofisica, ROVERETO (TN), Osiride, 2006, pp. 67 - 79 (atti di: Geofisica e tecniche di indagine non invasiva applicate agli ambienti estremi, Rovereto (Trento), 1 dicembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D. Remondini; N. Neretti; L. Milanesi; M. Tatar; J.M. Sedivy; D. Mazzatti; J. Powell ;C. Franceschi; G. Castellani, Gene expression dynamics following a cell perturbation in different datasets: emergence of scale free patterns by correlation analysis, in: Conference Proceedings of Bioinformatics ITalian Society meeting: BITS 2006, BOLOGNA, R Casadio, P Fariselli, PL Martelli, 2006, pp. x - x (atti di: Bioinformatics ITalian Society meeting: BITS 2006, Bologna, 28-29/04/2006) [Abstract]
Esposito F.; R. Restieri; C. Serio; V. Cuomo; G. Masiello; G. Pavese; G. Bianchini; L. Palchetti; M. Pellegrini; T. Maestri; R.Rizzi, REFIR measurements in the water vapour rotational band and comparison with a BOMEM AERI-type Fourier Transform spectrometer, in: IRS 2004: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation, HAMPTON, VA, A. Deepak Pu. Co., 2006, pp. 215 - 218 [Chapter or essay]
A. Margiotta, Status report of the NEMO (NEutrino Mediterranean Observatory) project, «PHYSICA SCRIPTA», 2006, 127, pp. 107 - 108 [Comment or similar]
M. Gitti;L. Feretti;S. Schindler, Multifrequency VLA radio observations of the X-ray cavity cluster of galaxies RBS797: evidence of differently oriented jets, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2006, 448, pp. 853 - 860 [Scientific article]
RATTI C; S. DI SABATINO; R. BRITTER, Urban Texture Analysis with image processing techniques: winds and dispersion, «THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY», 2006, 84, pp. 77 - 90 [Scientific article]
C. Caracciolo; F. Prodi; A. Battaglia; F. Porcù, Analysis of the moments and parameters of a gamma DSD to infer precipitation properties: a convective-stratiform discrimination algorithm., «ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH», 2006, 80, pp. 165 - 186 [Scientific article]
KOTRONI V; K. LAGOUVARDOS; E. DEFER; S. DIETRICH; PORCU' F.; C.M. MEDAGLIA; M. DEMIRTAS, The Antalya 5 December 2002 storm: observations and model simulations, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY», 2006, 45, pp. 576 - 590 [Scientific article]
Aubert, B; Barate, R; Bona, M; Boutigny, D; Couderc, F; Karyotakis, Y; Lees, Jp; Poireau, V; Tisserand, V; Zghiche, A; Grauges, E; Palano, A; Chen, Jc; Qi, Nd; Rong, G; Wang, P; Zhu, Ys; Eigen, G; Ofte, I; Stugu, B; Abrams, Gs; Battaglia, M; Brown, Dn; BUTTON-SHAFER, J; Cahn, Rn; Charles, E; Gill, Ms; Groysman, Y; Jacobsen, Rg; Kadyk, Ja; Kerth, Lt; Kolomensky, Yg; Kukartsev, G; Lynch, G; Mir, Lm; Orimoto, Tj; Pripstein, M; Roe, Na; Ronan, Mt; Wenzel, Wa; Sanchez, Pd; Barrett, M; Ford, Ke; Harrison, Tj; Hart, Aj; Hawkes, Cm; Morgan, Se; Watson, At; Held, T; Koch, H; Lewandowski, B; Pelizaeus, M; Peters, K; Schroeder, T; Steinke, M; Boyd, Jt; Burke, Jp; Cottingham, Wn; Walker, D; CUHADAR-DONSZELMANN, T; Fulsom, Bg; Hearty, C; Knecht, Ns; Mattison, Ts; Mckenna, Ja; Khan, A; Kyberd, P; Saleem, M; Sherwood, Dj; Teodorescu, L; Blinov, Ve; Bukin, Ad; Druzhinin, Vp; Golubev, Vb; Onuchin, Ap; Serednyakov, Si; Skovpen, Yi; Solodov, Ep; Todyshev, Ky; Best, Ds; Bondioli, M; Bruinsma, M; Chao, M;, Measurements of branching fractions, polarizations, and direct CP-violation asymmetries in B ->rho K-* and b -> f(0)(980)K-* decays, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2006, 97, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]