Scientific publications
Coulton, WR; Villaescusa-Navarro, F; Jamieson, D; Baldi, M; Jung, GB; Karagiannis, D; Liguori, M; Verde, L; Wandelt, BD, Quijote-PNG: Simulations of Primordial Non-Gaussianity and the Information Content of the Matter Field Power Spectrum and Bispectrum, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2023, 943, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
de Tomas, Carla; Alabidun, Sarat; Chater, Luke; Darby, Matthew T; Raffone, Federico; Restuccia, Paolo; Au, Heather; Titirici, Maria-Magdalena; Cucinotta, Clotilde S; Crespo Ribadeneyra, Maria, Doping carbon electrodes with sulfur achieves reversible sodium ion storage, «JPHYS ENERGY», 2023, 5, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bisigello, L; Conselice, CJ; Baes, M; Bolzonella, M; Brescia, M; Cavuoti, S; Cucciati, O; Humphrey, A; Hunt, LK; Maraston, C; Pozzetti, L; Tortora, C; van Mierlo, SE; Aghanim, N; Auricchio, N; Baldi, M; Bender, R; Bodendorf, C; Bonino, D; Branchini, E; Brinchmann, J; Camera, S; Capobianco, V; Carbone, C; Carretero, J; Castander, FJ; Castellano, M; Cimatti, A; Congedo, G; Conversi, L; Copin, Y; Corcione, L; Courbin, F; Cropper, M; Da Silva, A; Degaudenzi, H; Douspis, M; Dubath, F; Duncan, CAJ; Dupac, X; Dusini, S; Farrens, S; Ferriol, S; Frailis, M; Franceschi, E; Franzetti, P; Fumana, M; Garilli, B; Gillard, W; Gillis, B; Giocoli, C; Grazian, A; Grupp, F; Guzzo, L; Haugan, SVH; Holmes, W; Hormuth, F; Hornstrup, A; Jahnke, K; Kümmel, M; Kermiche, S; Kiessling, A; Kilbinger, M; Kohley, R; Kunz, M; Kurki-Suonio, H; Ligori, S; Lilje, PB; Lloro, I; Maiorano, E; Mansutti, O; Marggraf, O; Markovic, K; Marulli, F; Massey, R; Maurogordato, S; Medinaceli, E; Meneghetti, M; Merlin, E; Meylan, G, Euclid preparation - XXIII. Derivation of galaxy physical properties with deep machine learning using mock fluxes and H-band images, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2023, 520, pp. 3529 - 3548 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gallotti G.; Zaniboni F.; Arcangeli D.; Angeli C.; Armigliato A.; Cocchi L.; Muccini F.; Zanetti M.; Tinti S.; Ventura G., The tsunamigenic potential of landslide-generated tsunamis on the Vavilov seamount, «JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH», 2023, 434, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Curti, Nico; Merli, Yuri; Zengarini, Corrado; Giampieri, Enrico; Merlotti, Alessandra; Dall'Olio, Daniele; Marcelli, Emanuela; Bianchi, Tommaso; Castellani, Gastone, Effectiveness of Semi-Supervised Active Learning in Automated Wound Image Segmentation, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES», 2023, 24, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gehrmann T.; Peraro T.; Tancredi L., Two-loop QCD corrections to the V → qq¯ g helicity amplitudes with axial-vector couplings, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2023, 2023, pp. 1 - 29 [Scientific article] Open Access
Dario Nicol??; Alessio Bellucci; Paolo Ruggieri; Panos J. Athanasiadis; Stefano Materia; Daniele Peano; Giusy Fedele; Riccardo H??nin; Silvio Gualdi, The Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) decadal prediction system, «GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT», 2023, 16, pp. 179 - 197 [Scientific article] Open Access
Kraan A.C.; Battistoni G.; Belcari N.; Bisogni M.G.; Carra P.; Ciarrocchi E.; De Gregorio A.; Francesconi M.; Franciosini G.; Galli L.; Marafini M.; Marini L.; Massa M.; Moggi A.; Montefiori M.; Muraro S.; Pullia M.; Rosso V.; Sportelli G.; Traini G.; Zarrella R.; Morrocchi M., Calibration and performance assessment of the TOF-Wall detector of the FOOT experiment, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 2023, 1045, pp. 1 - 3 [Scientific article] Open Access
Biondi R.; Renzulli M.; Golfieri R.; Curti N.; Carlini G.; Sala C.; Giampieri E.; Remondini D.; Vara G.; Cattabriga A.; Cocozza M.A.; Pastore L.V.; Brandi N.; Palmeri A.; Scarpetti L.; Tanzarella G.; Cescon M.; Ravaioli M.; Castellani G.; Coppola F., Machine Learning Pipeline for the Automated Prediction of MicrovascularInvasion in HepatocellularCarcinomas, «APPLIED SCIENCES», 2023, 13, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Faranda, Davide; Pascale, Salvatore; Bulut, Burak, Persistent anticyclonic conditions and climate change exacerbated the exceptional 2022 European-Mediterranean drought, «ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2023, 18, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Galli L.; Bartosik N.; Bisogni M.G.; Bon M.; Cerello P.; Ciarrocchi E.; Colombi S.; De Gregorio A.; Kraan A.C.; Francesconi M.; Franciosini G.; Marafini M.; Marini L.; Morrocchi M.; Patera V.; Ridolfi R.; Sarti A.; Toppi M.; Traini G.; Villa M.; Zarrella R., The fragmentation trigger of the FOOT experiment, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 2023, 1046, pp. 1 - 2 [Scientific article] Open Access
Alessandro Peca; Nico Cappelluti; C. Megan Urry; Stephanie LaMassa; Stefano Marchesi; Tonima Tasnim Ananna; Mislav Balokovi??; David Sanders; Connor Auge; Ezequiel Treister; Meredith Powell; Tracey Jane Turner; Allison Kirkpatrick; Chuan Tian, On the Cosmic Evolution of AGN Obscuration and the X-Ray Luminosity Function: XMM-Newton and Chandra Spectral Analysis of the 31.3 deg 2 Stripe 82X, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2023, 943, pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article] Open Access
Laherto, Antti; Levrini, Olivia; Erduran, Sibel, Editorial: Future-oriented science education for agency and sustainable development, «FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION», 2023, 8, pp. 1 - 2 [Scientific article] Open Access
Carlini, Gianluca; Gaudiano, Caterina; Golfieri, Rita; Curti, Nico; Biondi, Riccardo; Bianchi, Lorenzo; Schiavina, Riccardo; Giunchi, Francesca; Faggioni, Lorenzo; Giampieri, Enrico; Merlotti, Alessandra; Dall’Olio, Daniele; Sala, Claudia; Pandolfi, Sara; Remondini, Daniel; Rustici, Arianna; Pastore, Luigi Vincenzo; Scarpetti, Leonardo; Bortolani, Barbara; Cercenelli, Laura; Brunocilla, Eugenio; Marcelli, Emanuela; Coppola, Francesca; Castellani, Gastone, Effectiveness of Radiomic ZOT Features in the Automated Discrimination of Oncocytoma from Clear Cell Renal Cancer, «JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE», 2023, 13, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cannarozzo, Carlo; Leauthaud, Alexie; Oyarzún, Grecco A; Nipoti, Carlo; Diemer, Benedikt; Huang, Song; Rodriguez-Gomez, Vicente; Sonnenfeld, Alessandro; Bundy, Kevin, The contribution of in situ and ex situ star formation in early-type galaxies: MaNGA versus IllustrisTNG, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2023, 520, pp. 5651 - 5670 [Scientific article] Open Access
R Casadio; R da Rocha; P Meert; L Tabarroni; W Barreto, Configurational entropy of black hole quantum cores, «CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY», 2023, 40, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article] Open Access
Arina, Chiara; Heisig, Jan; Maltoni, Fabio; Massaro, Daniele; Mattelaer, Olivier, Indirect dark-matter detection with MadDM v3.2 – Lines and Loops, «EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS», 2023, 83, pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article] Open Access
Zhang, X.; Simionescu, A.; Gastaldello, F.; Eckert, D.; Camillini, L.; Natale, R.; Rossetti, M.; Brunetti, G.; Akamatsu, H.; Botteon, A.; Cassano, R.; Cuciti, V.; Bruno, L.; Shimwell, T. W.; Jones, A.; Kaastra, J. S.; Ettori, S.; Brüggen, M.; de Gasperin, F.; Drabent, A.; van Weeren, R. J.; Röttgering, H. J. A., The Planck clusters in the LOFAR sky. III. LoTSS-DR2: Dynamic states and density fluctuations of the intracluster medium, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2023, 672, pp. 42 - 60 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cassano, R.; Cuciti, V.; Brunetti, G.; Botteon, A.; Rossetti, M.; Bruno, L.; Simionescu, A.; Gastaldello, F.; van Weeren, R. J.; Brueggen, M.; Dallacasa, D.; Zhang, X.; Akamatsu, H.; Bonafede, A.; Di Gennaro, G.; Shimwell, T. W.; de Gasperin, F.; Roettgering, H. J. A.; Jones, A., The Planck clusters in the LOFAR sky. IV. LoTSS-DR2: statistics of radio halos and re-acceleration models, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2023, 672, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Farina, Sofia; Marchio, Mattia; Barbano, Francesco; Di Sabatino, Silvana; Zardi, Dino, Characterization of the Morning Transition over the Gentle Slope of a Semi-Isolated Massif, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY», 2023, 62, pp. 449 - 466 [Scientific article] Open Access