Scientific publications
Scardigli, Fabio; Casadio, Roberto, Uncertainty relations and precession of perihelion, in: Proceedings of EmQM15, 2016, 701, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 3rd International Symposium about Quantum Mechanics based on a 'Deeper Level Theory' (EmQM15), Vienna, Austria, 23-25/10/2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Pietrodangelo, Adriana; Becagli, Silvia; Bove, Maria Chiara; Brattich, Erika; Cappelletti, David; Castellini, Silvia; Cesari, Daniela; Colombi, Cristina; Contini, Daniele; Gianelle, Vorne; Iacobellis, Silvana; Ielpo, Piera; Lucarelli, Franco; Masiol, Mauro; Perrino, Cinzia; Prati, Paolo; Riccio, Angelo; Tositti, Laura; Udisti, Roberto; Venturini, Elisa; Vecchi, Roberta, Profili chimici al recettore e contributi di sorgente: variabilità del PM urbano lungo l’Italia, in: PM2016. VII Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico. Contributi, 2016, pp. P52 - P52 (atti di: PM2016, Roma, 17-20 Maggio 2016) [Abstract]
Bernardi, G.; Venturi, T.; Cassano, R.; Dallacasa, D.; Brunetti, G.; Cuciti, V.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Oozeer, N.; Smirnov, O. M., A KAT-7 view of a low-mass sample of galaxy clusters, in: The many facets of extragalactic radio surveys: towards new scientific challenges, 2016, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: The many facets of extragalactic radio surveys: towards new scientific challenges, Bologna, Italia, 20-23 Ottobre 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ajtić, Jelena; Djurdjevic, Vladimir; Sarvan, Darko; Brattich, Erika; Hernández Ceballos, Miguel A., BERYLLIUM-7 SPECIFIC ACTIVITY IN SURFACE AIR AND ITS CORRELATION WITH METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLES, SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE, AND NUMBER OF SUNSPOTS, in: RAD Conference Proceedings, Niš, Serbia, Prof. Goran Ristić, 2016, 1, pp. 79 - 83 (atti di: RAD 2016, Niš (Serbia), 23-27 Maggio 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Corni, Elena; Morganti, Lucia; Morigi, Maria Pia; Brancaccio, Rosa; Bettuzzi, Matteo; Levi, Giuseppe; Peccenini, Eva; Cesini, Daniele; Ferraro, Andrea, X-Ray Computed Tomography Applied to Objects of Cultural Heritage: Porting and Testing the Filtered Back-Projection Reconstruction Algorithm on Low Power Systems-on-Chip, in: Proceedings - 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2016, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016, pp. 369 - 372 (atti di: 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2016, Grecia, 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Spurio, M., Results from the ANTARES neutrino telescope, in: EPJ Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences, 2016, 116, pp. 11006 - 11006-p.7 (atti di: 7th Biannual Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope Workshop, VLVnT 2015, Physics Department of University "La Sapienza", ita, 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A.Ciavatti; A. Fraleoni-Morgera; P.J. Sellin; P. Cosseddu; A. Bonfiglio; B. Fraboni, Toward Low-Voltage and Bendable Radiation Direct Detectors Based on Organic Semiconducting Single Crystals, in: 9th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics - ISFOE 2016 - Book of Abstract, 2016, pp. 26 - 26 (atti di: 9th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics - ISFOE 2016, Salonicco (Grecia), 04/07/2016 - 07/07/2016) [Abstract]
Lenci, Marco, Uniformly expanding Markov maps of the real line: exactness and infinite mixing, in: International Conference on Statistical Properties of Nonequilibrium Dynamical Systems, SUSTC, Shenzhen, July 27 - August 2, 2016. Conference booklet., Shenzhen, s.n, 2016, pp. 10 - 10 (atti di: International Conference on Statistical Properties of Nonequilibrium Dynamical Systems, South University of Science and Technology of China, Shenzhen, China, 27/7 - 2/8/2016) [Abstract]
Tatiane Combi; Leonardo Langone; Stefano Miserocchi; Pablo A. Lara-Martin; Marina G. Pintado-Herrera; Roberta Guerra, Spatial distribution of legacy and emerging contaminants in sediments from the Western Adriatic Sea (Italy), in: SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Brussels, SETAC Europe Office, 2016, pp. 268 - 269 (atti di: SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting. Environmental contaminants from land to sea: continuities and interface in environmental toxicology and chemistry, Nantes, France, 22-26 May 2016) [Abstract]
T., Combi; R., Guerra; M., Lopes da Rocha; L., Langone; S., Miserocchi, Spatial patterns of target metals (Cu, Pb, Zn) in recent sediments from the Adriatic Sea, in: ABSTRACT BOOK SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting, brussels, SETAC Europe, 2016, pp. 269 - 269 (atti di: SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting. Environmental contaminants from land to sea: continuities and interface in environmental toxicology and chemistry, Nantes, France, 22-26 May 2016,) [Abstract]
V. Fantin; S. Righi; A. Buscaroli; G. Garavini; A. Zamagni; T. Dijkman; A. Bonoli, Application of PestLCI model to site-specific soil and climate conditions: the case of maize production in Northern Italy, in: ATTI X Convegno dell’Associazione Rete Italiana LCA 2016, ENEA – Servizio Promozione e Comunicazione, 2016, pp. 202 - 210 (atti di: Life Cycle Thinking, sostenibilità ed economia circolare, Ravenna, 23 - 24 giugno 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Brattich, Erika; Tositti, Laura; Orza, José Antonio Garcia; Liu, Hongyu; Hernandez Ceballos, Miguel Angel; Cinelli, Giorgia, Applications of environmental radionuclides to atmospheric studies at the WMO-GAW station of Mt. Cimone, in: International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity ENVIRA2015: New Challenges with New Analytical Technologies, Salonicco, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2016, pp. 83 - 86 (atti di: International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity ENVIRA2015, Thessaloniki, Greece, 21-25 settembre 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
V. Fantin; S. Righi; A. Buscaroli; G. Garavini; A. Zamagni; T. Dijkman; A. Bonoli, Calculation of on-field pesticide emissions for maize production in Northern Italy: how much do different soil typologies affect the results of PestLCI 2.0 model?, in: SETAC Europe 22nd LCA Case Study Symposium, Bruxelles, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - Europe, 2016, pp. 87 - 87 (atti di: Life cycle innovation for the transition to a sustainable society, Montpellier, 20-22 September 2016) [Abstract]
Intile, Alessandro; Porta, Pier Luigi; Tomasello, Bruno; Righi, Serena; Quaranta, Marta; Marazza, Diego, Applicazione pilota dell’OEF alla società di gestione dell’Aeroporto Internazionale “Falcone e Borsellino” di Palermo, in: Atti X Convegno dell'Associazione Rete Italiana LCA, Roma, ENEA – Servizio Promozione e Comunicazione, 2016, pp. 423 - 430 (atti di: Life Cycle Thinking, sostenibilità ed economia circolare, Ravenna, 23-24 giugno 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Righi, Serena; Filippo, Baioli; Samori', Chiara; Galletti, Paola; Stramigioli, Carlo; Tugnoli, Alessandro; Peter, Fantke, A life-cycle assessment of poly-hydroxybutyrate extraction from microbial biomass using dimethylcarbonate, in: Atti X Covegno dell'Associazione Rete Italiana LCA, Roma, ENEA – Servizio Promozione e Comunicazione, 2016, pp. 307 - 317 (atti di: Life Cycle Thinking, sostenibilità ed economia circolare, Ravenna, 23-24 giugno 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Guerra, Roberta, A new approach to process planktonic foraminifera for radiocarbon measurements, in: II INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RADIOECOLOGICAL CONCENTRATION PROCESSES (50 Years later). BOOK OF ABSTRACTS AND PROGRAM, Seville, Universidad de Sevilla, 2016, pp. 131 - 131 (atti di: II INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RADIOECOLOGICAL CONCENTRATION PROCESSES (50 Years later), SEVILLA, SPAIN, 6-9 NOVEMBER 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Brattich, Erika; SERRANO CASTILLO, Encarnacion; Giulietti, Fabrizio; Renard, Jean Baptiste; Tripathi, Sachi; Gosh, Kunal; Tositti, Laura, Detection of charged aerosols during the BEXUS18 stratospheric flight: main results and open questions., in: DIGITAL HANDBOOK European Aerosol Conference “EAC 2016", 2016(atti di: EAC2016, Tours, Francia, 4-9 settembre 2016) [Poster]
Diakaki, M.; Audouin, L.; Berthoumieux, E.; Calviani, M.; Colonna, N.; Dupont, E.; Duran, I.; Gunsing, F.; Leal Cidoncha, E.; Le Naour, C.; Leong, L. S.; Mastromarco, M.; Paradela, C.; Tarrio, D.; Tassan Got, L.; Aerts, G.; Altstadt, S.; Alvarez, H.; Alvarez Velarde, F.; Andriamonje, S.; Andrzejewski, J.; Badurek, G.; Barbagallo, M.; Baumann, P.; Becares, V.; Becvar, F.; Belloni, F.; Berthier, B.; Billowes, J.; Boccone, V.; Bosnar, D.; Brugger, M.; Calvino, F.; Cano Ott, D.; Capote, R.; Carrapiço, C.; Cennini, P.; Cerutti, F.; Chiaveri, E.; Chin, M.; Cortes, G.; Cortes Giraldo, M. A.; Cosentino, L.; Couture, A.; Cox, J.; David, S.; Dillmann, I.; Domingo Pardo, C.; Dressler, R.; Dridi, W.; Eleftheriadis, C.; Embid Segura, M.; Ferrant, L.; Ferrari, A.; Finocchiaro, P.; Fraval, K.; Fujii, K.; Furman, W.; Ganesan, S.; Garcia, A. R.; Giubrone, G.; Gomez Hornillos, M. B.; Goncalves, I. F.; Gonzalez Romero, E.; Goverdovski, A.; Gramegna, F.; Griesmayer, E.; Guerrero, C.; Gurusamy, P.; Haigh, Towards the high-accuracy determination of the238U fission cross section at the threshold region at CERN – n_TOF, in: EPJ Web of Conferences, 2016, 111, pp. 02002 - 02005 (atti di: 4th International Workshop On Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor Applications(WONDER), Aix en Provence, FRANCE, OCT 05-08, 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Leal Cidoncha, E.; Durán, I.; Paradela, C.; Tarrío, D.; Leong, L. S.; Tassan Got, L.; Audouin, L.; Altstadt, S.; Andrzejewski, J.; Barbagallo, M.; Bécares, V.; Bečvář, F.; Belloni, F.; Berthoumieux, E.; Billowes, J.; Boccone, V.; Bosnar, D.; Brugger, M.; Calviani, M.; Calviño, F.; Cano Ott, D.; Carrapiço, C.; Cerutti, F.; Chiaveri, E.; Chin, M.; Colonna, N.; Cortés, G.; Cortés Giraldo, M. A.; Diakaki, M.; Domingo Pardo, C.; Dressler, R.; Dzysiuk, N.; Eleftheriadis, C.; Ferrari, A.; Fraval, K.; Ganesan, S.; García, A. R.; Giubrone, G.; Gómez Hornillos, M. B.; Gonçalves, I. F.; González Romero, E.; Griesmayer, E.; Guerrero, C.; Gunsing, F.; Gurusamy, P.; Hernández Prieto, A.; Jenkins, D. G.; Jericha, E.; Kadi, Y.; Käppeler, F.; Karadimos, D.; Kivel, N.; Koehler, P.; Kokkoris, M.; Krtička, M.; Kroll, J.; Lampoudis, C.; Langer, C.; Lederer, C.; Leeb, H.; LO MEO, Sergio; Losito, R.; Mallick, A.; Manousos, A.; Marganiec, J.; Martínez, T.; Massimi, Cristian; Mastinu, P. F.;, Fission Fragment Angular Distribution measurements of235U and238U at CERN n_TOF facility, in: EPJ Web of Conferences, 2016, 111, pp. 10002 - 10006 (atti di: 4th International Workshop On Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor Applications(WONDER), Aix en Provence, FRANCE, OCT 05-08, 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Paradela, C.; Duran, I.; Tassan-Got, L.; Audouin, L.; Berthier, B.; Isaev, S.; Le Naour, C.; Stephan, C.; Tarrío, D.; Abbondanno, U.; Aerts, G.; Álvarez-Pol, H.; Álvarez-Velarde, F.; Andriamonje, S.; Andrzejewski, J.; Badurek, G.; Baumann, P.; Becvar, F.; Berthoumieux, E.; Calviño, F.; Calviani, M.; Cano-Ott, D.; Capote, R.; Carrapiço, C.; Cennini, P.; Chepel, V.; Chiaveri, E.; Colonna, N.; Cortes, G.; Couture, A.; Cox, J.; Dahlfors, M.; David, S.; Dillmann, I.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Dridi, W.; Eleftheriadis, C.; Embid-Segura, M.; Ferrant, L.; Ferrari, A.; Ferreira-Marques, R.; Fujii, K.; Furman, W.; Gonçalves, I.F.; Gonzalez-Romero, E.; Goverdovski, A.; Gramegna, F.; Guerrero, C.; Gunsing, F.; Haight, R.; Heil, M.; Igashira, M.; Jericha, E.; Kadi, Y.; Kaeppeler, F.; Karadimos, D.; Kerveno, M.; Ketlerov, V.; Koehler, P.; Konovalov, V.; Krticka, M.; Lampoudis, C.; Lederer, C.; Leeb, H.; Lindote, A.; Lukic, S.; Marganiec, J.; Martinez, T.; Marrone, S.; Massimi, C.; Mastinu, P.; Mengo, High accuracy235U(n,f) data in the resonance energy region, in: EPJ Web of Conferences, 2016, 111, pp. 02003 - 02007 (atti di: 4th International Workshop On Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor Applications(WONDER), Aix en Provence, FRANCE, OCT 05-08, 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]