X-ray Imaging alpha and gamma Spectroscopy Laboratory





Short description

It is a laboratory located on the second floor of the Physics and Astronomy Department (headquarter in Viale Berti Pichat 6/2, room D020-D021), where research and teaching activities as well as advisory services are carried out also in collaboration with INFN and Centro Fermi. 

The laboratory carries out analysis and processing of images mainly obtained with X-rays, such as tomographic reconstructions and 3D rendering. We develop dedicated software for tomographic reconstruction and imaging with High Performance Computing (HPC) and Parallel Calculation techniques. Alpha and gamma spectroscopy experiments are also performed. 

Research themes

  • Reconstruction and processing of X-ray tomographic images in the medical, industrial and cultural heritage fields 
  • Gamma spectroscopy 
  • Alfa spectroscopy 


  • In-house software for reconstruction and analysis of tomographic images 
  • X-123 CdTe X-ray and Gamma ray spectrometer by Amptek, Inc. (Bedford, MA) 
  • Acquisition chain for alfa spectroscopy 
  • 3D printer. 

Advisory services

Consulting and feasibility tests are carried out for companies that develop similar technologies, for example for medical applications. 

Teaching and training

The laboratory offers its resources to support: 

  • Laboratory activities for students enrolled in the following courses of the University of Bologna: 2nd Cycle Degree in Physics (Applied Physics curriculum) and 2nd Cycle Degree in Science for the Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage 
  • Development of degree thesis 
  • Development of research projects for PhD and postdoctoral students 



Rosa Brancaccio 


tel.: +39 051 2095134 

Matteo Bettuzzi 


tel.: +39 051 2095098  

Maria Pia Morigi 


tel.: +39 051 2095085  

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Matteo Bettuzzi

D cat. - technical, scientific and data processing area

Rosa Brancaccio

D cat. - technical, scientific and data processing area

Maria Pia Morigi

Associate Professor