Short description
It is a laboratory where research and teaching activities are carried out about organic materials properties and their functionalization to create a novel generation of bioelectronic interfaces. We fabricate OECT sensors as soft biocompatible scaffold and investigate in detail properties of conducting polymers as promising materials for tissue engineering applications.
Research themes
- 3D printer
- Water distiller
- optical microscope
- high precision analytical balance
- Keithley 2400
- setup for electrodeposition and electrochemical measurements
Advisory services
SSL carries out activities ‘Conto terzi’ for industrial innovation needs; a scientific collaboration is ongoing with the company ‘Polynt’ (Italia) on the topic: ‘Characterization of microparticle surface adhesion and electrostatic properties using Atomic Force Microscopy’.
Teaching and training
The PF laboratory offers its resources to support:
- Thesis development (LT/LM in Physics, MANO curriculum)
- Development of research projects for PhD students and postdoctoral students