Physics of condensed matter, atoms and molecules

The research activity carried out by the members of the Physics of Condensed Matter, Atoms and Molecules group deals with fundamental issues related to physical properties of condensed matter and of advanced knowledge-based materials. The research is fully integrated in the national and international scenario and is funded by national and international projects.

The focus is mainly on physical properties of materials and devices with high technological potential and social relevance (e.g. nano-materials and quantum materials for electronic, biosensing and energy applications,) and on the development of advanced methods in the field of synchrotron radiation and laser spectroscopy.

Many research activities are carried out in collaboration with the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and with renowned Universities and research centres at national and international level and large scale facilities.

Some members of the group are active in the Technology Transfer and are affiliated to the CIRI-MAM center through consultancy and contract collaboration with Italian SMEs. Several patents have been produced as a result of this activity.


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    Antonio Barile

    Research fellow

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    Filippo Bonafè

    Research fellow

    Teaching tutor

    keywords: Bioelectronics, PEDOT:PSS, organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs), flexible and implantable electronics, Atomic
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    Federico Boscherini

    Full Professor

    keywords: X-ray spectroscopy, nanostructures, nanostructures, X-ray spectroscopy, synchrotron radiation, metalloproteins,
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    Tommaso Calarco

    Full Professor

    keywords: quantum control theory, quantum technologies, quantum information
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    Enrico Gianfranco Campari

    Associate Professor

    keywords: Thin films, sensors, nanomaterials, energy, 3D printing, mechanical properties
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    Daniela Cavalcoli

    Associate Professor

    keywords: semiconductors, silicon, GaN, InN, AlN, III-Nitrides alloys, photovoltaic applications, semiconductor nanostructures
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    Margherita Cioni

    PhD Student

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    Tobias Cramer

    Associate Professor

    keywords: Charge Transfer, Thin Film Transistors, Flexible Electronics, Bioelectronics, Sensors, Atomic Force Microscopy
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    Luca Fabbri

    PhD Student

    keywords: atomic force microscopy, thin film transistors, charge transport in semiconductors
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    Beatrice Fraboni

    Full Professor

    keywords: electronic transport in semiconductors, ionizing radiation detectors, organic semiconductors and perovskites,
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    Cesare Franchini

    Full Professor

    keywords: Computational Quantum Materials
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    Raffaello Mazzaro

    Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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    Francesco Minardi

    Associate Professor

    keywords: Physics of matter, Atomic and optical physics, Quantum gases
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    Luca Pasquini

    Full Professor

    keywords: Nanostructured materials, Hydrogen in solids, Photoelectrochemistry, Energy conversion, Nanoparticles, Physical Vapour
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    Evans Pericoli

    Research fellow

    keywords: NoMaH project, Hydrogen storage, Intermetallic hydrides, Arc Melting, XRD/SEM analysis
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    Marco Prevedelli

    Associate Professor

    keywords: optical metrology, atomic interferometry, fundametal constants, laser cooling
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    Usman Qumar

    PhD Student

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    Paolo Restuccia

    Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

    keywords: Computational material science, Atomistic simulations, Tribology, Density functional theory, Molecular dynamics, High
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    Maria Clelia Righi

    Full Professor

    keywords: Computational Material Science, Atomistic and multi-scale simulations, Surfaces and Interfaces, Tribology, High
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    Samuele Sanna

    Associate Professor

    keywords: Quantum Materials, Superconductivity, Magnetism, Spin-Orbit entanglement, Strongly electron-correlated systems, Muon
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    Matteo Vezzelli

    PhD Student

    keywords: Tribology, Lubrificanti solidi, Mechanochemistry, Density Funcional Theory