Quantum Materials Lab



Short description

The research is focused on the study of magnetism, unconventional superconductivity and related electronic phenomena of new Quantum Materials. In this lab we perform measurements of electrical conductivity as a function of temperature and uniaxial mechanical strain. 

Research themes

  • non conventional superconducting materials, especially iron based and cuprates 
  • magnetic materials with strong electron correlations and/or strong spin orbit coupling displaying exotic magnetism 


  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer Apollo 400 MHz
  • 4-probe apparatus with ac mode and equipped with a lock-in amplifier 
  • closed cycle cryo-cooler (T=10-300 K) with vacuum system 
  • piezoelecric device for uniaxial strain measurements 

Teaching and training

The Quantum Materials Lab is available to support: 

  • Master thesis students 
  • research project for PhD students and post-docs


Samuele Sanna

Associate Professor