A new Multi-Energy Computed Tomograph (MECT) for pre-clinical studies is operative in this laboratory. The system makes use of a set of quasi-monochromatic X-ray beams, produced with innovative techniques, with energy tunable in a range from 20 to 70 keV. This MECT is the foundation and the advanced research tool to allow the evolution of clinical tomography. It allows you to perform a semi-chemical analysis of biological tissues as well as to “delete” a tissue from the image as in RM Inversion Recovery techniques.
MECT is an experimental tool subject to the continuous improvements that research allows us to operate.
- New imaging techniques for medical diagnostics
- Development of new Multy Enargy Computed Tomography algorithms
- Measurement of linear attenuation coefficients of healthy and pathological tissues
- Development of new targets to produce quasi-monochromatic beams
- MECT experimental tomograph
- RX tube 150 kV, 800 mA
- Bragg monochromator with highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystals
The MECT Lab offers its resources to support:
- Esercitazioni di corsi triennali e magistrali nell'ambito dell’idraulica e delle costruzioni idrauliche
- Exercises for the Applied Physics Laboratory Course
- Development of degree thesis
- Development of research projects for PhD students and post-doc students