Physics of radiation

Study and development of Equipment, Detection Systems and innovative algorithms for imaging and dosimetry of ionizing radiation, with applications in biomedical and fundamental Physics

Research topics

  • MECT (Multi-Energy CT): development of a quasi-monochromatic multi-energy tomograph for the study of tumor growth and metastases. Multi-Energy techniques employ two or more quasi-monochromatic beams. With MECT it will be possible to highlight structures of interest (lesions, pathological tissues etc.) and isolate them from the background. Such a tomograph was developed at the DIFA.
  • REDSOX2 Experiment (INFN): study of innovative Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD) for applications in Diagnostic Medicine, Synchrotron light and Space and for the study of SDD coupling with advanced scintillators. The project allowed the development of SDD with very different designs, aimed at specific applications.
  • FAMU Experiment (INFN): development of an experimental apparatus for the high-precision measurement of the charge radius of the proton by spectrometry of muonic atoms. This measure has recently become important because proton beam radius measurements, performed with different techniques, seem to provide results in disagreement (proton radius puzzle). In particular, the Bologna's group is responsible for the main detection system. The experiment is taking place at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in the UK. The detection system presents important innovations. These detectors could have important applications also in diagnostic radiology and in Nuclear Medicine; a translational study in this sense is in progress (Experiment INFN REDSOX2).
  • THESEUS (High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor): project for a “medium” satellite selected by ESA for the assessment phase within the scope of the Cosmic Vision Science Program. The Bologna's group is responsible for the WP which concerns the design and electronic development of the X and g detector called XGIS. This detector has the potential to be used also for "3D" Medical Imaging. In this assessment phase (ESA phase A), the development of two prototype modules to be presented to ESA is scheduled, and these modules will also be tested in Medical Diagnostic applications as a translational fallout of space technology.



Pier Luca Rossi

Area delle Elevate Professionalità - Settore tecnico - informatico

Adjunct professor