
4 Feb 2015

Spherical Hecke algebra in the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit and N=2 instanton partition function

Aula Teorici, via Irnerio 46

by Dott. Jean Emile Bourgine (INFN - Bologna)

3 Feb 2015

Evidence for feedback in action from the molecular gas content in a luminous, obscured QSO

Seminars' room, floor -1, via Ranzani 1

by Marcella Brusa

30 Jan 2015

PEDOT:PSS thin films for controlling cell growth

Sala riunioni, I piano, viale Berti Pichat 6/2

by Dott. Marco Marzocchi

30 Jan 2015

Towards a Future Circular Collider

Sala Asinelli, via Ranzani 13/2

by Johannes Gutleber (CERN)

29 Jan 2015

ALMA Presents a Transformational View of the Universe

IRA meeting room (4th floor, CNR research area, via Gobetti 101)

by Dr. Al Wooten (NRAO)

28 Jan 2015

The NuSTAR AGN Physics Program

Sala riunioni IASF-Bo (II piano), via Gobetti 101

by Prof. Giorgio Matt (Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre)

28 Jan 2015

The cosmic growth of the active black hole population out to z=2

Seminars' room, floor -1, via Ranzani 1

by Andreas Schulze (Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo, JP)

27 Jan 2015

Annual seminars of the PhD students (XXIX Cycle) (II part)

Aula seminari, piano -1, via Ranzani 1

26 Jan 2015

Sotto lo stesso cielo? Le leggi razziali e gli astronomi in Italia

Aula della Specola, via Zamboni 33

26 Jan 2015

Relativistic jet and accretion flow of M 87 probed by VLBI and SMA observations

IRA meeting room (4th floor, CNR research area, via Gobetti 101)

by Dr. Keiichi Asada (ASIAA)

22 Jan 2015

First results from Dark-Side 50 at Gran Sasso on searching dark matter with liquid argon

Sala riunioni, II piano, viale Berti Pichat 6/2

by Dr. Aldo Ianni (LNGS)

22 Jan 2015

Compact Obscured Nuclei in the ALMA era

Seminars' room, floor -1, via Ranzani 1

by Francesco Costagliola (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada, Spain - Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden)