Spherical Hecke algebra in the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit and N=2 instanton partition function
Aula Teorici, via Irnerio 46
by Dott. Jean Emile Bourgine (INFN - Bologna)
Evidence for feedback in action from the molecular gas content in a luminous, obscured QSO
Seminars' room, floor -1, via Ranzani 1
by Marcella Brusa
PEDOT:PSS thin films for controlling cell growth
Sala riunioni, I piano, viale Berti Pichat 6/2
by Dott. Marco Marzocchi
Towards a Future Circular Collider
Sala Asinelli, via Ranzani 13/2
by Johannes Gutleber (CERN)
ALMA Presents a Transformational View of the Universe
IRA meeting room (4th floor, CNR research area, via Gobetti 101)
by Dr. Al Wooten (NRAO)
The NuSTAR AGN Physics Program
Sala riunioni IASF-Bo (II piano), via Gobetti 101
by Prof. Giorgio Matt (Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre)
The cosmic growth of the active black hole population out to z=2
Seminars' room, floor -1, via Ranzani 1
by Andreas Schulze (Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, The University of Tokyo, JP)
Annual seminars of the PhD students (XXIX Cycle) (II part)
Aula seminari, piano -1, via Ranzani 1
Sotto lo stesso cielo? Le leggi razziali e gli astronomi in Italia
Aula della Specola, via Zamboni 33
Relativistic jet and accretion flow of M 87 probed by VLBI and SMA observations
IRA meeting room (4th floor, CNR research area, via Gobetti 101)
by Dr. Keiichi Asada (ASIAA)
First results from Dark-Side 50 at Gran Sasso on searching dark matter with liquid argon
Sala riunioni, II piano, viale Berti Pichat 6/2
by Dr. Aldo Ianni (LNGS)
Compact Obscured Nuclei in the ALMA era
Seminars' room, floor -1, via Ranzani 1
by Francesco Costagliola (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada, Spain - Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden)