Request for material

How to request communication materials and activities.

It is possible to ask to produce communication materials and/or do activities to support the dissemination of an event.

The service will evaluate together with the requesting person the possibility of engaging University offices and of using all available University tools (e.g. Events Agenda, UniBO Culture Newsletter, etc.).

To facilitate the organization, request forms have been created (in italian).

1. Those who need to request a remuneration or a reimbursement for the speaker(s) (for occasional collaborations ex art. 53 D.Lgs 165/2001) can use the DIFA SEMINAR REQUEST form

2. Those who need to request materials and activities to support communication can fill out the form COMMUNICATION REQUEST

Lastly, just to report the organisation of an event for which no support and/or assistance is needed or which has already been held, please fill in the simplified form, which is intended to keep an up-to-date report (and to create a database of DIFA events).

3. Go to the form EVENTS' REGISTER