Scientific publications
Calicchio, M.; Case, G.; Demarzo, C.; Erriquez, O.; Favuzzi, C.; Giglietto, N.; Nappi, E.; Posa, F.; Spinelli, P.; Baldetti, F.; Cecchini, S.; Giacomelli, G.; Grianti, F.; Mandrioli, G.; Margiotta, A.; Patrizii, L.; Sanzani, G.; Serra, P.; Spurio, M.; Ahlen, S.; Ciocio, A.; Felcini, M.; Ficenec, D.; Incandela, J.; Marin, A.; Stone, J.; Sulak, L.; Worstell, W.; Barish, B.; Lane, C.; Liu, G.; Peck, C.; Poulard, G.; Sletten, H.; Cohen, S.; Ide, N.; Manka, A.; Steinberg, R.; Battistoni, G.; Bilokon, H.; Bloise, C.; Campana, P.; Chiarella, V.; Grillo, A.; Iarocci, E.; Marini, A.; Reynoldson, J.; Rindi, A.; Ronga, F.; Satta, L.; Spinetti, M.; Valente, V.; Heinz, R.; Mufson, S.; Petrakis, J.; Monacelli, P.; Reale, A.; Longo, M.; Musser, J.; Smith, C.; Tarle, G.; Ambrosio, M.; Barbarino, B. C.; Grancagnolo, F.; Onnembo, A.; Palladino, V.; Angelini, C.; Baldini, A.; Bemporad, C.; Flaminio, V.; Giannini, G.; Pazzi, R.; Auriemma, G.; De Vincenzi, M.; Lamanna, E.; Martellotti, G.; Palamara, O.; P, The macro detector at the Gran Sasso Laboratory, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 1988, 264, pp. 18 - 23 [Scientific article]
Ordonez C.R.; Rubin M.A.; Zucchini R., Polyakov path integrals with ghosts: Closed strings and one-loop a,plitudes, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1988, 215, pp. 103 - 110 [Scientific article]
Zucchini R., On the Polyakov theory of open string off-shell green functions, «NUCLEAR PHYSICS. B», 1988, 311, pp. 450 - 464 [Scientific article]
Balbinot, R.; Barletta, A.; Venturi, G., Improved model of bosonic string, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D», 1987, 36, pp. 2589 - 2590 [Scientific article]
Ravanini F.; Yang S.-K., Modular invariance in N=2 superconformal field theories, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1987, 195, pp. 202 - 208 [Scientific article]
Magnoli N.; Ravanini F., Phase transitions in lattice 2 D O(N)σ-model with mixed action in the large N limit, «ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PHYSIK. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS», 1987, 34, pp. 43 - 48 [Scientific article]
Zucchini R., Tomonaga-Dirac-Schwinger formulation of the fermionic string, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1987, 192, pp. 346 - 350 [Scientific article]
Balbinot, R.; Barletta, A., Five-dimensional quantum gravity and the residual length, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D», 1986, 34, pp. 3666 - 3669 [Scientific article]
Magnoli N.; Ravanini F., Two-loop coupling constant renormalization in lattice SU(N)×SU(N) 2 D chiral models, «ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PHYSIK. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS», 1986, 31, pp. 567 - 575 [Scientific article]
Sirlin A.; Zucchini R., Dependence of the Higgs coupling hMS(M) on mH and the possible onset of new physics, «NUCLEAR PHYSICS. B», 1986, 266, pp. 389 - 409 [Scientific article]
A. Sirlin; R. Zucchini, Accurate Verification of the Conserved-Vector-Current and Standard-Model Predictions, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 1986, 57, pp. 1994 - 1997 [Scientific article]
Zucchini R., Asymptotic h z.shtsls; 1 2-expansions in classic particle limit of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, «ANNALS OF PHYSICS», 1985, 159, pp. 199 - 219 [Scientific article]
Piccinini F.; Venturi G.; Zucchini R., Acausality and violation of S-matrix unitarity for Rarita-Schwinger particles in an external electromagnetic potential, «LETTERE AL NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA», 1984, 41, pp. 536 - 540 [Scientific article]
Caselle M.; Gliozzi F.; Megna R.; Ravanini F.; Sciuto S., Improved lattice actions for SU(N) × SU(N) chiral models, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1983, 130, pp. 81 - 86 [Scientific article]
Gliozzi F.; Ravanini F.; Sciuto S., Precocious scaling in lattice gauge theories, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1982, 118, pp. 402 - 406 [Scientific article]
Ravanini F., Some considerations about local conservation laws in two-dimensional field theories, «LETTERE AL NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA», 1982, 33, pp. 493 - 498 [Scientific article]