Scientific publications
D'Ercole, A.; Ciotti, L., Decoupled and inhomogeneous gas flows in S0 galaxies, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 1998, 494, pp. 535 - 545 [Scientific article]
Zucchini R., The quaternionic geometry of four-dimensional conformal field theory, «JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS», 1998, 27, pp. 113 - 153 [Scientific article]
Marconi A; Testi L; Natta A; Walmsley C, Near infrared spectra of the Orion bar, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1998, 330, pp. 696 - 710 [Scientific article]
Testi L; Felli M; Persi P; Roth M, H II and hot dust emission around young massive stars in G9.62+0.19, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1998, 329, pp. 233 - 242 [Scientific article]
Vanzi L; Gennari S; Ciofini M; Testi L, Characterization of Narrow Band Filters for Infrared Astronomy The Brgamma and H_2 filters, «EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY», 1998, 8, pp. 177 - 186 [Scientific article]
Hunt L; Mannucci F; Testi L; Migliorini S; Stanga R; Baffa C; Lisi F; Vanzi L, Northern JHK Standard Stars for Array Detectors, «THE ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL», 1998, 115, pp. 2594 - 2603 [Scientific article]
Bally J; Testi L; Sargent A; Carlstrom J, Disk Mass Limits and Lifetimes of Externally Irradiated Young Stellar Objects Embedded in the Orion Nebula, «THE ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL», 1998, 116, pp. 854 - 859 [Scientific article]
Molinari S; Testi L; Brand J; Cesaroni R; Palla F, IRAS 23385+6053: A Prototype Massive Class 0 Object, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS», 1998, 505, pp. 39 - 42 [Scientific article]
TESTI L; SARGENT A.I, Star Formation in Clusters: A Survey of Compact Millimeter-Wave Sources in the Serpens Core, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 1998, 508, pp. 91 - 94 [Scientific article]
Testi L; Felli M; Persi P; Roth M, Near-infrared images of star forming regions containing masers. Las Campanas observations of 31 southern sources, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS SUPPLEMENT SERIES», 1998, 129, pp. 495 - 504 [Scientific article]
Tinti S.; Armigliato A., Single-force point-source static fields: An exact solution for two elastic half-spaces, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 1998, 135, pp. 607 - 626 [Scientific article]
Tinti S.; Armigliato A., Displacements and stresses induced by a point source across a plane interface separating two elastic semi-infinite spaces: An analytical solution, «JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: SOLID EARTH», 1998, 103, pp. 15109 - 15125 [Scientific article]
Beccaria M; Bernardini M; Braccini S; Bradaschia C; Bozzi A; Casciano C; Cella G; Ciampa A; Cuoco E; Curci G; D'Ambrosio E; Dattilo V; De Carolis G; De Salvo R; Di Virgilio A; Frasconi F; Gaddi A; Gennai A; Gennaro G; Giazotto A; La Penna P; Losurdo G; Maggiore M; Mancini S; Palla F; Pan HB; Paoletti F; Pasqualetti A; Passaquieti R; Passuello D; Poggiani R; Popolizio P; Raffaelli F; Rapisarda S; Vicere A; Zhang Z, Relevance of Newtonian seismic noise for the VIRGO interferometer sensitivity, «CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY», 1998, 15, pp. 3339 - 3362 [Scientific article]
Bernardini M; Braccini S; Bradaschia C; Cella G; Cuoco E; D'Ambrosio E; Dattilo V; De Salvo R; di Virgilio A; Fidecaro F; Gaddi A; Gennai A; Giassi A; Giazotto A; La Penna P; Lyablin M; Losurdo G; Maggiore M; Mancini S; Pan HB; Pasqualetti A; Passuello D; Poggiani R; Popolizio P; Shabalin D; Vicere A; Zhang Z, Plane parallel mirrors Fabry-Perot cavity to improve Virgo superattenuators, «PHYSICS LETTERS A», 1998, 243, pp. 187 - 194 [Scientific article]
Beccaria M; Bernardini M; Braccini S; Bradaschia C; Cagnoli G; Casciano C; Cella G; Cuoco E; Dattilo V; De Carolis G; De Salvo R; Di Virgilio A; Feng GT; Ferrante I; Fidecaro F; Frasconi F; Gaddi A; Gammaitoni L; Gennai A; Giazotto A; Holloway L; Kovalik J; La Penna P; Losurdo G; Malik S; Mancini S; Marchesoni F; Nicolas J; Palla F; Pan HB; Paoletti F; Pasqualetti A; Passuello D; Poggiani R; Popolizio P; Punturo M; Raffaelli F; Rubino V; Valentini R; Vicere A; Waharte F; Zhang Z, The creep problem in the VIRGO suspensions: a possible solution using Maraging steel, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 1998, 404, pp. 455 - 469 [Scientific article]
Babusci, D; Fang, H; Giordano, G; Iannarelli, M; Matone, G; Turri, E; Mazzoni, M; Stanga, R; Calloni, E; Cavaliere, S; Di Fiore, L; Evangelista, G; Garifi, F; Grado, A; Milano, L; Solimeno, S; Cagnoli, G; Cattuto, C; Kovalik, J; Marchesoni, F; Punturo, M; Bernardini, M; Bozzi, A; Braccini, S; Bradaschia, C; Casciano, C; Cella, G; Ciampa, A; Cuoco, E; Curci, G; D'Ambrosio, E; Dattilo, V; De Carolis, G; De Salvo, R; Di Virgilio, A; Enard, D; Errico, A; Feng, G; Ferrante, I; Fidecaro, F; Frasconi, F; Gaddi, A; Gennai, A; Gennaro, G; Giazotto, A; La Penna, P; Losurdo, G; Maggiore, M; Mancini, S; Palla, F; Pan, HB; Paoletti, F; Pasqualetti, A; Passaquieti, R; Passuello, D; Poggiani, R; Popolizio, P; Raffaelli, F; Rapisarda, S; Taddei, R; Vicere, A; Zhang, Z; Astone, P; Bronzini, F; Frasca, S; Majorana, E; Palomba, C; Perciballi, M; Puppo, P; Rapagnani, P; Ricci, F; Boccara, C; Daban, JB; Leliboux, M; Loriette, V; Nahoum, R; Roger, JP; Ganau, P; Lagrange, B; Mackowski, JM; Michel, C; Morgag, Status and noise limit of the VIRGO antenna, «AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS», 1998, 456, pp. 222 - 225 [Scientific article]
G. D'AGOSTINO; SPADA, GIORGIO; R. SABADINI, Postglacial rebound and lateral viscosity variations: a semi-analytical approach based on a spherical model with Maxwell rheology, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 1997, 129, pp. F19 - F23 [Scientific article]
M. A. RICHARDS; Y. RICARD; C. LITHGOW BERTELLONI; SPADA, GIORGIO; R. SABADINI, An explanation for Earth's long-term rotational stability, «SCIENCE», 1997, 275, pp. 372 - 375 [Scientific article]
C. PIROMALLO; SPADA, GIORGIO; R. SABADINI; Y. RICARD, Sea-level fluctuations due to subduction: the role of mantle rheology, «GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 1997, 24, pp. 1587 - 1590 [Scientific article]
L. Alfonsi; A. Piersanti; SPADA, GIORGIO, Did the 1977 Sumba earthquake excite the Chandler wobble?, «EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS», 1997, 153, pp. 287 - 292 [Scientific article]