Scientific publications

  • Daddi E.; Dickinson M.; Morrison G.; Chary R.; Cimatti A.; Elbaz D.; Frayer D.; Renzini A.; Pope A.; Alexander D. M.; Bauer F. E.; Giavalisco M.; Huynh M.; Kurk J.; Mignoli M., Multiwavelength Study of Massive Galaxies at z~2. I. Star Formation and Galaxy Growth, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2007, 670, pp. 156 - 172 [Scientific article]

  • Scarlata C.; Carollo C. M.; Lilly S. J.; Feldmann R.; Kampczyk P.; Renzini A.; Cimatti A.; Halliday C.; Daddi E.; Sargent M. T.; Koekemoer A.; Scoville N.; Kneib J.-P.; Leauthaud A.; Massey R.; Rhodes J.; Tasca L.; Capak P.; McCracken H. J.; Mobasher B.; Taniguchi Y.; Thompson D.; Ajiki M.; Aussel H.; Murayama T.; Sanders D. B.; Sasaki S.; Shioya Y.; Takahashi M., The Redshift Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in COSMOS: Do Massive Early-Type Galaxies Form by Dry Mergers?, «ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES», 2007, 172, pp. 494 - 510 [Scientific article]

  • Lilly S. J.; Le Fèvre O.; Renzini A.; Zamorani G.; Scodeggio M.; Contini T.; Carollo C. M.; Hasinger G.; Kneib J.-P.; Iovino A.; Le Brun V.; Maier C.; Mainieri V.; Mignoli M.; Silverman J.; Tasca L. A. M.; Bolzonella M.; Bongiorno A.; Bottini D.; Capak P.; Caputi K.; Cimatti A.; Cucciati O.; Daddi E.; Feldmann R.; Franzetti P.; Garilli B.; Guzzo L.; Ilbert O.; Kampczyk P.; Kovac K.,; Lamareille F.; Leauthaud A.; Borgne J.-F. Le; McCracken H. J.; Marinoni C.; Pello R.; Ricciardelli E.; Scarlata C.; Vergani D.; Sanders D. B.; Schinnerer E.; Scoville N.; Taniguchi Y.; Arnouts S.; Aussel H.; Bardelli S.; Brusa M.; Cappi A.; Ciliegi P.; Finoguenov A.; Foucaud S.; Franceschini R.; Halliday C.; Impey C.; Knobel C.; Koekemoer A.; Kurk J.; Maccagni D.; Maddox S.; Marano B.; Marconi G.; Meneux B.; Mobasher B.; Moreau C.; Peacock J. A.; Porciani C.; Pozzetti L.; Scaramella R.; Schiminovich D.; Shopbell P.; Smail I.; Thompson D.; Tresse L.; Vettolani G.; Zanichelli A.; Zucca E., zCOSMOS: A Large VLT/VIMOS Redshift Survey Covering 0 < z < 3 in the COSMOS Field, «ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES», 2007, 172, pp. 70 - 85 [Scientific article]

  • Rodighiero G.; Cimatti A.; Franceschini A.; Brusa M.; Fritz J.; Bolzonella M., Unveiling the oldest and most massive galaxies at very high redshift, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2007, 470, pp. 21 - 37 [Scientific article]

  • Ravikumar C. D.; Puech M.; Flores H.; Proust D.; Hammer F.; Lehnert M.; Rawat A.; Amram P.; Balkowski C.; Burgarella D.; Cassata P.; Cesarsky C.; Cimatti A.; Combes F.; Daddi E.; Dannerbauer H.; di Serego Alighieri S.; Elbaz D.; Guiderdoni B.; Kembhavi A.; Liang Y. C.; Pozzetti L.; Vergani D.; Vernet J.; Wozniak H.; Zheng X. Z., New spectroscopic redshifts from the CDFS and a test of the cosmological relevance of the GOODS-South field, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2007, 465, pp. 1099 - 1108 [Scientific article]

  • Cimatti A., The Cosmic Evolution of Early-type Galaxies, in: F. COMBES, J. PALOUS, Galaxy Evolution Across the Hubble Time. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 2, IAU Symposium #235, held 14-17 August, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic, CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. 350 - 354 (atti di: IAU Symposium #235, Praga, 14-17 Agosto 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Brusa G; Zuffa E; Hattinger CM; Serra M; Remondini D; Castellani G; Righi S; Campidelli C; Pileri S; Zinzani PL; Gabriele A; Mancini M; Corrado P; Barbieri E; Santucci MA., Genomic imbalances associated with secondary acute leukemias in Hodgkin lymphoma., «ONCOLOGY REPORTS», 2007, 18(6), pp. 1427 - 1434 [Scientific article]

  • Rodighiero G.; Gruppioni C.; Civano F.; Comastri A.; Franceschini A.; Mignoli M.; Fritz J.; Vignali C.; Treu T., Hidden activity in high-redshift spheroidal galaxies from mid-infrared and X-ray observations in the GOODS-North field, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2007, 376, pp. 416 - 434 [Scientific article]

  • Cocchia F.; Fiore F.; Vignali C.; Mignoli M.; Brusa M.; Comastri A.; Feruglio C.; Baldi A.; Carangelo N.; Ciliegi P.; D'Elia V.; La Franca F.; Maiolino R.; Matt G.; Molendi S.; Perola G. C.; Puccetti S., The HELLAS2XMM survey. VIII. Optical identifications of the extended sample, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2007, 466, pp. 31 - 40 [Scientific article]

  • Pozzi F.; Vignali C.; Comastri A.; Pozzetti L.; Mignoli M.; Gruppioni C.; Zamorani G.; Lari C.; Civano F.; Brusa M.; Fiore F.; Maiolino R.; La Franca F., The HELLAS2XMM survey. X. The bolometric output of luminous obscured quasars: The Spitzer perspective, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2007, 468, pp. 603 - 612 [Scientific article]

  • Brusa M.; Zamorani G.; Comastri A.; Hasinger G.; Cappelluti N.; Civano F.; Finoguenov A.; Mainieri V.; Salvato M.; Vignali C.; Elvis M.; Fiore F.; Gilli R.; Impey C.D.; Lilly S.J.; Mignoli M.; Silverman J.; Trump J.; Urry C.M.; Bender R.; Capak P.; Huchra J.P.; Kneib J.P.; Koekemoer A.; Leauthaud A.; Lehmann I.; Massey R.; Matute I.; McCarthy P.J.; McCracken H.J.; Rhodes J.; Scoville N.Z.; Taniguchi Y.; Thompson D., The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the COSMOS Field. III. Optical Identification and Multiwavelength Properties of a Large Sample of X-Ray-Selected Sources, «ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES», 2007, 172, pp. 353 - 367 [Scientific article]

  • Mainieri V.; Hasinger G.; Cappelluti N.; Brusa M.; Brunner H.; Civano F.; Comastri A.; Elvis M.; Finoguenov A.; Fiore F.; Gilli R.; Lehmann I.; Silverman J.; Tasca L.; Vignali C.; Zamorani G.; Schinnerer E.; Impey C.; Trump J.; Lilly S.; Maier C.; Griffiths R.E.; Miyaji T.; Capak P.; Koekemoer A.; Scoville N.; Shopbell P.; Taniguchi Y., The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the COSMOS Field. IV. X-Ray Spectral Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei, «ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES», 2007, 172, pp. 368 - 382 [Scientific article]

  • Civano F.; Mignoli M.; Comastri A.; Vignali C.; Fiore F.; Pozzetti L.; Brusa M.; La Franca F.; Matt G.; Puccetti S.; Cocchia F., The HELLAS2XMM Survey: XI. Unveiling the nature of XBONGs, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2007, 476, pp. 1223 - 1233 [Scientific article]

  • Vignali C.; Pozzi F.; Comastri A.; Pozzetti L.; Mignoli M.; Gruppioni C.; Zamorani G.; Lari C.; Civano F.; Brusa M.; Fiore F.; Maiolino R., The obscured X-ray source population in the HELLAS2XMM survey: the Spitzer view, in: The multicoloured landscape of compact objects and their explosive origin, NEW YORK, American Institute of Physics, 2007, 924, pp. 864 - 869 (atti di: The multicoloured landscape of compact objects and their explosive origin, Cefalu, 11-24 giugno 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Vignali C.; Brandt W.N.; Shemmer O.; Steffen A.; Schneider D.P.; Kaspi S., The Realm of the First Quasars in the Universe: the X-ray View, in: The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei, SAN FRANCISCO, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007, 373, pp. 724 - 725 (atti di: The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei, Xian (Cina), 16-21 ottobre (2006)) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Vignali C.; Comastri A.; Alexander D.M., The obscured quasar population from optical, mid-infrared, and X-ray surveys, in: At the Edge of the Universe. Latest results from the deepest astronomical surveys, s.l, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007, 380, pp. 113 - 118 (atti di: At the Edge of the Universe. Latest results from the deepest astronomical surveys, Sintra (Portogallo), 9-13 ottobre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Comastri A.; Gilli R.; Vignali C.; Matt G.; Fiore F.; Iwasawa K., Compton-thick AGN in the Suzaku era, in: HAYASHIDA K, TSURU T.G., KOYAMA K., The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era, KYOTO, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 2007, 169, pp. 274 - 277 (atti di: The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era, Kyoto, 4-8 dicembre (2006)) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • A. Cavallini; D. Cavalcoli; M. Rossi; A. Tomasi; S. Pizzini; D. Chrastina; G. Isella, Defect analysis of hydrogenated nanocrystalline Si thin films, «PHYSICA. B, CONDENSED MATTER», 2007, 401-402, pp. 519 - 522 [Scientific article]

  • D. Cavalcoli; A. Cavallini, Electronic states related to dislocations in silicon, «PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI. C», 2007, 4, pp. 2871 - 2877 [Scientific article]

  • A. Cavallini; A. Castaldini; D. Cavalcoli; B. Fraboni, Photocurrent and Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy Investigations of CdTe-Based Compounds, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE», 2007, 54, pp. 1719 - 1722 [Scientific article]