Scientific publications
Thalhammer G.; Barontini G.; De Sarlo L.; Catani J.; Minardi F.; Inguscio M., Double species Bose-Einstein condensate with tunable interspecies interactions, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2008, 100, pp. 210402-1 - 210402-4 [Scientific article]
PERALI, Andrea; PIERI, Pierbiagio; STRINATI CALVANESE, Giancarlo, Competition between final-state and pairing-gap effects in the radio-frequency spectra of ultracold Fermi atoms, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2008, 100, pp. 010402-1 - 010042-4 [Scientific article]
D. MELINI; V. CANNELLI; A. PIERSANTI; SPADA, GIORGIO, Post-seismic rebound of a spherical Earth: new insights from the application of the Post–Widder inversion formula, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 2008, 174, pp. 672 - 695 [Scientific article]
SPADA, GIORGIO, ALMA: a program for computing tidal and loading Love numbers of a spherically symmetric planet, «COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES», 2008, 34, pp. 667 - 687 [Scientific article]
Rivalta, Eleonora; Segall, Paul, Magma compressibility and the missing source for some dike intrusions, «GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2008, 35, pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article]
Lorusso A.; Nassisi V.; Buccolieri A.; Buccolieri G.; Castellano A.; Leo L.S.; Di Giulio M.; Torrisi L.; Caridi F.; Borrielli A., Laser ablation threshold of cultural heritage metals, «RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS», 2008, 163, pp. 325 - 329 [Scientific article]
Scuflaire R.; Theado S.; Montalban J.; Miglio A.; Bourge P.-O.; Godart M.; Thoul A.; Noels A., CLÉS, Code Liégeois d'Évolution Stellaire, «ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE», 2008, 316, pp. 83 - 91 [Scientific article]
Uytterhoeven K.; Poretti E.; Rainer M.; Mantegazza L.; Zima W.; Aerts C.; Morel T.; Miglio A.; Lefever K.; Amado P.J.; Martin-Ruiz S.; Mathias P.; Valtier J.C.; Paparo J.M.; Benko J.M., Close-up of primary and secondary asteroseismic CoRoT targets and the ground-based follow-up observations, in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Institute of Physics Publishing, 2008, 118, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: HELAS II International Conference "Helioseismology, Asteroseismology and MHD Connections, -, -) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Montalban J.; Miglio A.; Noels A.; Scuflaire R., Grids of stellar models and frequencies with CLÉS + LOSC, «ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE», 2008, 316, pp. 179 - 185 [Scientific article]
Montalban J.; Lebreton Y.; Miglio A.; Scuflaire R.; Morel P.; Noels A., Thorough analysis of input physics in CESAM and CLÉS codes, «ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE», 2008, 316, pp. 219 - 229 [Scientific article]
Eggenberger P.; Miglio A.; Carrier F.; Fernandes J.; Santos C., Analysis of 70 Ophiuchi AB including seismic constraints, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2008, 482, pp. 631 - 638 [Scientific article]
Scuflaire R.; Montalban J.; Theado S.; Bourge P.-O.; Miglio A.; Godart M.; Thoul A.; Noels A., The Liège Oscillation code, «ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE», 2008, 316, pp. 149 - 154 [Scientific article]
Miglio A.; Montalban J.; Noels A.; Eggenberger P., Probing the properties of convective cores through g modes: High-order g modes in SPB and γ Doradus stars, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2008, 386, pp. 1487 - 1502 [Scientific article]
Hu H.; Dupret M.-A.; Aerts C.; Nelemans G.; Kawaler S.D.; Miglio A.; Montalban J.; Scuflaire R., A seismic approach to testing different formation channels of subdwarf B stars, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2008, 490, pp. 243 - 252 [Scientific article]
Montalban J.; Miglio A.; Eggenberger P.; Noels A., The effect of turbulent mixing on the g-mode spectrum of MS stars, «ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN», 2008, 329, pp. 535 - 540 [Scientific article]
Josefina Montalbán , Andrea Miglio, Input from opacity data in computation of pulsation instability, «COMMUNICATIONS IN ASTEROSEISMOLOGY», 2008, 157, pp. 160 - 167 [Scientific article]
Miglio A.; Montalban J.; Eggenberger P.; Noels A., Gravity modes and mixed modes as probes of stellar cores in main-sequence stars: From solar-like to β Cep stars, «ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN», 2008, 329, pp. 529 - 534 [Scientific article]
Carrassi A.; Ghil M.; Trevisan A.; Uboldi F., Data assimilation as a nonlinear dynamical systems problem: Stability and convergence of the prediction-assimilation system, «CHAOS», 2008, 18, pp. 023112 - N/A [Scientific article]
Carrassi A.; Trevisan A.; Descamps L.; Talagrand O.; Uboldi F., Controlling instabilities along a 3DVar analysis cycle by assimilating in the unstable subspace: A comparison with the EnKF, «NONLINEAR PROCESSES IN GEOPHYSICS», 2008, 15, pp. 503 - 521 [Scientific article]
Carrassi A.; Vannitsem S.; Nicolis C., Model error and sequential data assimilation: A deterministic formulation, «QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY», 2008, 134, pp. 1297 - 1313 [Scientific article]