Scientific publications
L. Bussolari; M. Lenci, Hyperbolic billiards with nearly flat focusing boundaries, I, «PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA», 2008, 237, pp. 2272 - 2281 [Scientific article]
M. Lenci, Central Limit Theorem and recurrence for random walks in bistochastic random environments, «JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2008, 49, pp. 125213-1 - 125213-9 [Scientific article]
G. Currenti; A. Piombo; C. Del Negro; M. Dragoni, Piezomagnetic fields due to an inclined rectangular fault in a viscoelastic half-space: an application to the 2002–2003 Etna eruption, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 2008, 175, pp. 901 - 912 [Scientific article]
L. Galasso; S. Righi; P. Galletti; S. Verità; L. Bruzzi; C. Stramigioli; A. Tugnoli., Analisi del ciclo di vita (LCA) cradle to gate del liquido ionico [Bmim][BF4]., in: ECOMONDO 2008 - Europa del recupero: le ricerche, le tecnologie, gli strumenti e i casi di studio per una cultura della responsabilità ambientale. CONFERENZA LCA&ECOINNOVAZIONE in Italia, buone prassi e casi di successo, RIMINI, Maggioli Editore, 2008, 318-2, pp. 631 - 636 (atti di: ECOMONDO Industriarsi corretamente/Industrially correct 12th Interternational Trade Fair of Material & Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development., Rimini, Italy, 5-8 novembre 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
S. Cecchini; T. Chiarusi; G. Giacomelli; M. Giorgini; A. Kumar; G. Mandrioli; S. Manzoor; A. Margiotta; E. Medinaceli; L. Patrizii; V. Popa; I. E. Qureshi; G. Sirri; M. Spurio; V. Togo, Fragmentation cross sections of Fe26+, Si14+ and C6+ ions of 0.3 ÷ 10 A GeV on polyethylene, CR39 and aluminum targets, «NUCLEAR PHYSICS. A», 2008, 807, pp. 206 - 213 [Scientific article]
F. Bastianelli; O.Corradini; E. Latini, Spinning particles and higher spin fields on (A)dS backgrounds, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2008, 0811:054 [Scientific article]
F. Bastianelli; O. Corradini; P.A.G. Pisani; C. Schubert, Scalar heat kernel with boundary in the worldline formalism, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2008, 0810:095 [Scientific article]
Orienti M.; Dallacasa D., Constraining the nature of high frequency peakers. II. Polarization properties, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2008, 479, pp. 409 - 415 [Scientific article]
F. Bastianelli; U. Nucamendi; C. Schubert; V.M. Villanueva, Photon-graviton mixing in an electromagnetic field, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL», 2008, 41 (2008) 164048, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]
R. Cassano; G. Brunetti; T. Venturi; G. Setti; D. Dallacasa; S. Giacintucci; S. Bardelli, Revised statistics of radio halos and the reacceleration model, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2008, 480, pp. 687 - 697 [Scientific article]
T. Venturi; S. Giacintucci; D. Dallacasa; R. Cassano; G. Brunetti; S. Bardelli; G. Setti, GMRT radio halo survey in galaxy clusters at z = 0.2-0.4. II. The eBCS clusters and analysis of the complete sample, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2008, 484, pp. 327 - 340 [Scientific article]
S. Giacintucci;T. Venturi; G. Macario; D. Dallacasa; G. Brunetti; M. Markevitch; R. Cassano; S. Bardelli; R. Athreya, Shock acceleration as origin of the radio relic in A 521?, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2008, 486, pp. 347 - 358 [Scientific article]
A. Rossetti; D. Dallacasa; C. Fanti; R. Fanti; K.-H. Mack, The B3-VLA CSS sample. VII. WSRT polarisation observations and the ambient Faraday medium properties revisited, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2008, 487, pp. 865 - 883 [Scientific article]
M. Orienti; D. Dallacasa, Are young radio sources in equipartition?, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2008, 487, pp. 885 - 894 [Scientific article]
G. Brunetti; S. Giacintucci; R. Cassano; W. Lane; D. Dallacasa; T. Venturi; N. E. Kassim; G. Setti; W.D. Cotton; M. Markevitch, A low-frequency radio halo associated with a cluster of galaxies, «NATURE», 2008, 455, pp. 944 - 947 [Scientific article]
F. Bastianelli; O. Corradini; P.A.G. Pisani, Scalar Field with Robin Boundary Conditions in the Worldline Formalism, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL», 2008, 41 (2008) 164041, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]
A.O. Barvinsky; A.Yu. Kamenshchik; A.A. Starobinsky, Inflation scenario via the Standard Model Higgs boson and LHC., «JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS», 2008, 0811, pp. 021 - 021 [Scientific article]
R. Casadio; P. Nicolini, The decay-time of non-commutative micro-black holes, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2008, 11, pp. 072 - 072 [Scientific article]
F. Alessio; C. Barandela; L. Brarda; M. Frank; B. Franek; D. Galli; C. Gaspar; E. van Herwijnen; R. Jacobsson; B. Jost; S. Köstner; G. Moine; N. Neufeld; P. Somogyi; R. Stoica; S. Suman, LHCb Online event processing and filtering, in: null, 2008, 119, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: International Conference On Computing In High Energy And Nuclear Physics (CHEP 07), Victoria, BC, Canada, 2-7 settembre 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G.Ciatto; P.L.Solari; S. De Panfilis; A.L. Fiorini; S.Amadori; L.Pasquini ; E. Bonetti, Atomic ordering in CuZnAl shape memory alloys investigated via X-ray absorption and diffraction, «APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS», 2008, 92, pp. 249103-1 - 249103-3 [Scientific article]