Scientific publications

  • Carrassi A.; Vannitsem S.; Zupanski D.; Zupanski M., The maximum likelihood ensemble filter performances in chaotic systems, «TELLUS. SERIES A, DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY», 2009, 61, pp. 587 - 600 [Scientific article]

  • Yang S.-C.; Corazza M.; Carrassi A.; Kalnay E.; Miyoshi T., Comparison of local ensemble transform Kalman filter, 3DVAR, and 4DVAR in a quasigeostrophic model, «MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW», 2009, 137, pp. 693 - 709 [Scientific article]

  • Milazzo, P. M.; Tagliente, G.; Abbondanno, U.; Aerts, G.; Alvarez, H.; Alvarez-Velarde, F.; Andriamonje, S.; Andrzejewski, J.; Assimakopolous, P.; Audouin, L.; Badurek, G.; Baumann, P.; Becvar, F.; Belloni, F.; Berthoumieux, E.; Bisterzo, S.; Calvino, F.; Calviani, M.; Cano-Ott, D.; Capote, R.; Carrapico, C.; Cennini, P.; Chepel, V.; Chiaveri, E.; Colonna, N.; Cortes, G.; Couture, A.; Cox, J.; Dahlfors, M.; David, S.; Dillman, I.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Dridi, W.; Duran, I.; Eleftheriadis, C.; Embid-Segura, M.; Ferrant, L.; Ferrari, A.; Ferreira-Marques, R.; Fujii, K.; Furman, W.; Gallino, R.; Goncalves, I.; Gonzalez-Romero, E.; Gramegna, F.; Guerrero, C.; Gunsing, F.; Haas, B.; Haight, R.; Heil, M.; Herrera-Martinez, A.; Igashira, M.; Jericha, E.; Kappeler, F.; Kadi, Y.; Karadimos, D.; Karamanis, D.; Kerveno, M.; Koehler, P.; Kossionides, E.; Krtica, M.; Lamboudis, C.; Leeb, H.; Lindote, A.; Lopes, I.; Lozano, M.; Lukic, S.; Marganiec, J.; Marrone, S.; Martinez, T.; Massimi, C.; Mastinu,, Measurements of the 90,91,92,93,94,96Zr (n, γ) cross-sections at n-TOF, in: 2nd International Conference on Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, NPAE 2008 - Proceedings, Kiev Institute for Nuclear Research,KINR, 2009, pp. 500 - 503 (atti di: 2nd International Conference on Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, NPAE 2008, Kyiv, ukr, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Calviani, M; Colonna, N; Abbondanno, U; Aerts, G; Alvarez, H; Alvarez-Velarde, F; Andriamonje, S; Andrzejewski, J; Assimakopoulos, P; Audouin, L; Badurek, G; Baumann, P; Becvar, F; Belloni, F; Berthoumieux, E; Calvino, F; Cano-Ott, D; Capote, R; Carrapico, C; Cennini, P; Chepel, V; Chiaveri, E; Cortes, G; Couture, A; Cox, J; Dahlfors, M; David, S; Dillmann, I; Domingo-Pardo, C; Dridi, W; Duran, I; Eleftheriadis, C; Embid-Segura, M; Ferrant, L; Ferrari, A; Ferreira-Marques, R; Fujii, K; Furman, W; Goncalves, I; Gonzalez-Romero, E; Goverdovski, A; Gramegna, F; Guerrero, C; Gunsing, F; Haas, B; Haight, R; Heil, M; Herrera-Martinez, A; Igashira, M; Jericha, E; Kappeler, F; Kadi, Y; Karadimos, D; Karamanis, D; Ketlerov, V; Kerveno, M; Koehler, P; Konovalov, V; Kossionides, E; Krticka, M; Lampoudis, C; Leeb, H; Lindote, A; Lopes, I; Lozano, M; Lukic, S; Marganiec, J; Marrone, S; Martinez, T; Massimi, C; Mastinu, P; Mengoni, A; Milazzo, Pm; Moreau, C; Mosconi, M; Neves, F; Oberhummer, H; O'B, Fission Cross-Section Measurements On U-233 And Minor Actinides At The CERN n_TOF Facility, in: PHYSOR, 2 HUNTINGTON QUADRANGLE, STE 1NO1, MELVILLE, NY 11747-4501 USA, AMER INST PHYSICS, 2009, 1175, pp. 211 - 216 (atti di: PHYSOR, USA, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Milazzo P.M.; Abbondanno U.; Aerts G.; Alvarez H.; Alvarez-Velarde F.; Andriamonje S.; Andrzejewski J.; Assimakopoulos P.; Audouin L.; Badurek G.; Baumann P.; Becvar F.; Berthoumieux E.; Calvino F.; Calviani M.; Cano-Ott D.; Capote R.; Carrapi C.; Cennini P.; Chepel V.; Colonna N.; Cortes G.; Couture A.; Cox J.; Dahlfors M.; David S.; Dillman I.; Domingo-Pardo C.; Dridi W.; Duran I.; Eleftheriadis C.; Embid-Segura M.; Ferrant L.; Ferrari A.; Ferreira-Marques R.; Fujii K.; Furman W.; Goncalves I.; Gonzalez-Romero E.; Gramegna F.; Guerrero C.; Gunsing F.; Heil M.; Herrera-Martinez A.; Jericha E.; Kappeler F.; Kadi Y.; Karadimos D.; Karamanis D.; Kerveno M.; Koehler P.; Kossionides E.; Krticka M.; Lamboudis C.; Leeb H.; Lindote A.; Lopes I.; Lozano M.; Lukic S.; Marganiec J.; Marrone S.; Martinez T.; Massimi C.; Mastinu P.; Mengoni A.; Mosconi M.; Neves F.; Oberhummer H.; O'Brien S.; Pancin J.; Papachristodoulou C.; Paradela C.; Patronis N.; Pavlik A.; Pavlopoulos P.; Perrot L.; Plag R.;, Neutron capture measurements at the n-TOF Facility, in: AIP Conference Proceedings, ;2 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite N101, American Institute of Physics, 2009, 1109, pp. 84 - 89 (atti di: 1st International Ulaanbaatar Conference on Nuclear Physics and Applications, UBC08, Ulaanbaatar, mng, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Glowacki D.R.; Paci E.; Shalashilin D.V., Boxed molecular dynamics: A simple and general technique for accelerating rare event kinetics and mapping free energy in large molecular systems, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL», 2009, 113, pp. 16603 - 16611 [Scientific article]

  • Periole X.; Allen L.R.; Tamiola K.; Mark A.E.; Paci E., Probing the free energy landscape of the FBP28 WW domain using multiple techniques, «JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY», 2009, 30, pp. 1059 - 1068 [Scientific article]

  • Forman J.R.; Yew Z.T.; Qamar S.; Sandford R.N.; Paci E.; Clarke J., Non-Native Interactions Are Critical for Mechanical Strength in PKD Domains, «STRUCTURE», 2009, 17, pp. 1582 - 1590 [Scientific article]

  • Allen L.R.; Krivov S.V.; Paci E., Analysis of the free-energy surface of proteins from reversible folding simulations, «PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY», 2009, 5, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]

  • Noronha M.; Santos R.; Paci E.; Santos H.; Macanita A.L., Fluorescence Lifetimes of Tyrosine Residues in Cytochrome c″ as Local Probes to Study Protein Unfolding, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL», 2009, 113, pp. 4466 - 4474 [Scientific article]

  • Allen L.R.; Paci E., Orientational averaging of dye molecules attached to proteins in Förster resonance energy transfer measurements: Insights from a simulation study, «THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2009, 131, pp. 065101 - 065111 [Scientific article]

  • Brooks B.R.; Brooks III C.L.; Mackerell Jr. A.D.; Nilsson L.; Petrella R.J.; Roux B.; Won Y.; Archontis G.; Bartels C.; Boresch S.; Caflisch A.; Caves L.; Cui Q.; Dinner A.R.; Feig M.; Fischer S.; Gao J.; Hodoscek M.; Im W.; Kuczera K.; Lazaridis T.; Ma J.; Ovchinnikov V.; Paci E.; Pastor R.W.; Post C.B.; Pu J.Z.; Schaefer M.; Tidor B.; Venable R.M.; Woodcock H.L.; Wu X.; Yang W.; York D.M.; Karplus M., CHARMM: The biomolecular simulation program, «JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY», 2009, 30, pp. 1545 - 1614 [Scientific article]

  • MARSILI, MARGHERITA; PULCI, OLIVIA; PALUMMO, MAURIZIA; Silvestrelli, P; DEL SOLE, RODOLFO, Electronic and optical properties of acetylene and ethylene on Si(001), in: SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES, 2009, 46, pp. 240 - 245 (atti di: 2nd International Conference on Nano-structures Self-Assembling (NanoSeA2008), Univ Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, ITALY, JUL 07-10, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • MOSCA CONTE, ADRIANO; Garbuio, V; MARSILI, MARGHERITA; Ippoliti, E; DEL SOLE, RODOLFO; Carloni, P; PULCI, OLIVIA, Excited-state properties calculations: Applications to biological systems, in: NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA C-COLLOQUIA ON PHYSICS, 2009, 32, pp. 73 - 76 (atti di: Conference on Scientific Computation in Physics, Rimini, ITALY, MAY 27-30, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Rikkert Frederix; Stefano Frixione; Fabio Maltoni; Tim Stelzer, Automation of next-to-leading order computations in QCD: the FKS subtraction, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2009, 2009, pp. 003 - 061 [Scientific article]

  • Campbell, J M; Frederix, R; Maltoni, F; Tramontano, F, Next-to-leading-order predictions for t-channel single-top production at hadron colliders, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2009, 102, pp. 182003 - 182003 [Scientific article]

  • Johan Alwall; Simon de Visscher; Fabio Maltoni, QCD radiation in the production of heavy colored particles at the LHC, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2009, 2009, pp. 017 - 017 [Scientific article]

  • Schuller F; Menten K; Contreras Y; Wyrowski F; Schilke P; Bronfman L; Henning T; Walmsley C; Beuther H; Bontemps S; Cesaroni R; Deharveng L; Garay G; Herpin F; Lefloch B; Linz H; Mardones D; Minier V; Molinari S; Motte F; Nyman L; Reveret V; Risacher C; Russeil D; Schneider N; Testi L; Troost T; Vasyunina T; Wienen M; Zavagno A; Kovacs A; Kreysa E; Siringo G; Weiß A, ATLASGAL - The APEX telescope large area survey of the galaxy at 870 μm, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2009, 504, pp. 415 - 427 [Scientific article]

  • Carey S; Noriega-Crespo A; Mizuno D; Shenoy S; Paladini R; Kraemer K; Price S; Flagey N; Ryan E; Ingalls J; Kuchar T; Pinheiro Gonç alves D; Indebetouw R; Billot N; Marleau F; Padgett D; Rebull L; Bressert E; Ali B; Molinari S; Martin P; Berriman G; Boulanger F; Latter W; Miville-Deschenes M; Shipman R; Testi L, MIPSGAL: A Survey of the Inner Galactic Plane at 24 and 70 μm, «PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC», 2009, 121, pp. 76 - 97 [Scientific article]

  • Alonso-Albi T; Fuente A; Bachiller R; Neri R; Planesas P; Testi L; Bern#232; O; Joblin C, Circumstellar disks around Herbig Be stars, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2009, 497, pp. 117 - 136 [Scientific article]