Scientific publications
Capodici, Angelo; Montalti, Marco; Solda', Giorgia; Salussolia, Aurelia; La Fauci, Giusy; Di Valerio, Zeno; Scognamiglio, Francesca; Fantini, Maria Pia; Odone, Anna; Costantino, Claudio; Larson, Heidi J.; Leask, Julie; Lenzi, Jacopo; Gori, Davide; Conversano, Michele; Degli Esposti, Mirko; Grignolio, Andrea; Remondini, Daniel; Toth, Federico; Vitale, Francesco, Influenza vaccination landscape in Italy: A comprehensive study through the OBVIOUS project lens, «HUMAN VACCINES & IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS», 2023, 19, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article] Open Access
ROBERTO DONA', Entropia e situazione attuale (riflessioni di un fisico), in: L. Contadini, C. Corsi, R. Donà, F. Ferrari, G. Gherardi, F. Pinotti, A. Roli, L. Sammicheli, L. Stancampiano, E. Wiesmann, Complessità pandemica. Una critica interdisciplinare, Lucca, La Vela, 2023, pp. 113 - 147 [Chapter or essay]
Nespoli, Massimo; Tramelli, Anna; Belardinelli, Maria Elina; Bonafede, Maurizio, The effects of hot and pressurized fluid flow across a brittle layer on the recent seismicity and deformation in the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy), «JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH», 2023, 443, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article] Open Access
Domenis, Nicola; Grobas Illobre, Pablo; Marsili, Margherita; Stener, Mauro; Toffoli, Daniele; Coccia, Emanuele, Time Evolution of Plasmonic Features in Pentagonal Ag Clusters, «MOLECULES», 2023, 28, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access
Clissa, Luca; Lassnig, Mario; Rinaldi, Lorenzo, How big is Big Data? A comprehensive survey of data production, storage, and streaming in science and industry, «FRONTIERS IN BIG DATA», 2023, 6, pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article] Open Access
De Zuani Cassina, Francesco; D’Orto, Emma; Tasquier, Giulia; Fantini, Paola; Levrini, Olivia, Enhancing relevance and authenticity in school science: design of two prototypical activities within the FEDORA project, «FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION», 2023, 8, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Della Ciana, Michele; Kovtun, Alessandro; Summonte, Caterina; Candini, Andrea; Cavalcoli, Daniela; Gentili, Denis; Nipoti, Roberta; Albonetti, Cristiano, Native Silicon Oxide Properties Determined by Doping, «LANGMUIR», 2023, 39, pp. 12430 - 12451 [Scientific article]
Grossi, Marco; Alfonsi, Fabrizio; Prandini, Marco; Gabrielli, Alessandro, A Highly Configurable Packet Sniffer Based on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays for Network Security Applications, «ELECTRONICS», 2023, 12, pp. 4412 - 4433 [Scientific article] Open Access
Casadio, Roberto; Kamenshchik, Alexander; Petriakova, Polina; Mavrogiannis, Panagiotis, Bianchi cosmologies, magnetic fields, and singularities, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D», 2023, 108, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access
Roberta Guerra; Sara Giansiracusa; Leonardo Langone; Stefano Miserocchi; Federico Giglio, Sedimentary Archives Reveal the History of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Kongsfjorden (Svalbard), in: Svalbard Science Conference 2023 - Book of Abstracts, Norwegian Polar Institute, 2023, pp. 248 - 248 (atti di: Svalbard Science Conference 2023, Oslo, Norway, 31 October - 1 November) [Abstract]
L. Bruno; A. Botteon; T. Shimwell; V. Cuciti; F. de Gasperin; G. Brunetti; D. Dallacasa; F. Gastaldello; M. Rossetti; R. J. van Weeren; T. Venturi; S. A. Russo; G. Taffoni; R. Cassano; N. Biava; G. Lusetti; A. Bonafede; S. Ghizzardi; S. De Grandi, A three-component giant radio halo: The puzzling case of the galaxy cluster Abell 2142, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2023, 678, pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article] Open Access
Alice Somigliana; Leonardo Testi; Giovanni Rosotti; Claudia Toci; Giuseppe Lodato; Beno??t Tabone; Carlo F. Manara; Marco Tazzari, The Time Evolution of Md /M in Protoplanetary Disks as a Way to Disentangle between Viscosity and MHD Winds, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS», 2023, 954, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article] Open Access
P. Curone; L. Testi; E. Mac??as; M. Tazzari; S. Facchini; J.P. Williams; C.J. Clarke; A. Natta; G. Rosotti; C. Toci; G. Lodato, Radio multiwavelength analysis of the compact disk CX Tau: Presence of strong free-free variability or anomalous microwave emission, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2023, 677, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article] Open Access
Mininni, C; Beltrán, MT; Colzi, L; Rivilla, VM; Fontani, F; Lorenzani, A; López-Gallifa, A; Viti, S; Sánchez-Monge, A; Schilke, P; Testi, L, The GUAPOS project. III. Characterization of the O- and N-bearing complex organic molecules content and search for chemical differentiation, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2023, 677, pp. 1 - 25 [Scientific article] Open Access
E Maconi; J D Soler; S Reissl; P Girichidis; R S Klessen; P Hennebelle; S Molinari; L Testi; R J Smith; M C Sormani; J W Teh; A Traficante, Modelling Local Bubble analogs: synthetic dust polarization maps, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2023, 523, pp. 5995 - 6010 [Scientific article] Open Access
L. Cacciapuoti; E. Macias; A. J. Maury; C. J. Chandler; N. Sakai; ??. Tychoniec; S. Viti; A. Natta; M. De Simone; A. Miotello; C. Codella; C. Ceccarelli; L. Podio; D. Fedele; D. Johnstone; Y. Shirley; B. J. Liu; E. Bianchi; Z. E. Zhang; J. Pineda; L. Loinard; F. M??nard; U. Lebreuilly; R. S. Klessen; P. Hennebelle; S. Molinari; L. Testi; S. Yamamoto, FAUST. IX. Multiband, multiscale dust study of L1527 IRS. Evidence for variations in dust properties within the envelope of a class 0/I young stellar object, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2023, 676, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article] Open Access
J. D. Soler; C. Zucker; J. E. G. Peek; M. Heyer; P. F. Goldsmith; S. C. O. Glover; S. Molinari; R. S. Klessen; P. Hennebelle; L. Testi; T. Colman; M. Benedettini; D. Elia; C. Mininni; S. Pezzuto; E. Schisano; A. Traficante, A panoptic view of the Taurus molecular cloud. I. The cloud dynamics revealed by gas emission and 3D dust, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2023, 675, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article] Open Access
Da Eun Kang; Victor F. Ksoll; Dominika Itrich; Leonardo Testi; Ralf S. Klessen; Patrick Hennebelle; Sergio Molinari, Spectral classification of young stars using conditional invertible neural networks. I. Introducing and validating the method, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2023, 674, pp. 1 - 26 [Scientific article] Open Access
A. F. Izquierdo; L. Testi; S. Facchini; G. P. Rosotti; E. F. van Dishoeck; L. W??lfer; T. Paneque-Carre??o, The Disc Miner. II. Revealing gas substructures and kinematic signatures from planet-disc interaction through line profile analysis, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2023, 674, pp. 1 - 50 [Scientific article] Open Access
R. Cesaroni; F. Faustini; D. Galli; A. Lorenzani; S. Molinari; L. Testi, A Herschel study of the high-mass protostar IRAS 20126+4104, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2023, 671, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access