Scientific publications
Liu P.; Franchini C., Advanced first-principle modeling of relativistic ruddlesden—popper strontium iridates, «APPLIED SCIENCES», 2021, 11, pp. 1 - 26 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fiore Mosca D.; Pourovskii L.V.; Kim B.H.; Liu P.; Sanna S.; Boscherini F.; Khmelevskyi S.; Franchini C., Interplay between multipolar spin interactions, Jahn-Teller effect, and electronic correlation in a Jeff= 32 insulator, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B», 2021, 103, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ellinger F.; Franchini C.; Bellini V., Magnetic 3d adatoms on free-standing and Ni(111)-supported graphene, «PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS», 2021, 5, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article] Open Access
Hulva J.; Meier M.; Bliem R.; Jakub Z.; Kraushofer F.; Schmid M.; Diebold U.; Franchini C.; Parkinson G.S., Unraveling CO adsorption on model single-atom catalysts, «SCIENCE», 2021, 371, pp. 375 - 379 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bose B.; Wright B.S.; Cataneo M.; Pourtsidou A.; Giocoli C.; Lombriser L.; Mccarthy I.G.; Baldi M.; Pfeifer S.; Xia. Q., On the road to per cent accuracy - V. The non-linear power spectrum beyond ΛCDM with massive neutrinos and baryonic feedback, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2021, 508, pp. 2479 - 2491 [Scientific article] Open Access
Pocino A.; Tutusaus I.; Castander F.J.; Fosalba P.; Crocce M.; Porredon A.; Camera S.; Cardone V.; Casas S.; Kitching T.; Lacasa F.; Martinelli M.; Pourtsidou A.; Sakr Z.; Andreon S.; Auricchio N.; Baccigalupi C.; Balaguera-Antolinez A.; Baldi M.; Balestra A.; Bardelli S.; Bender R.; Biviano A.; Bodendorf C.; Bonino D.; Boucaud A.; Bozzo E.; Branchini E.; Brescia M.; Brinchmann J.; Burigana C.; Cabanac R.; Capobianco V.; Cappi A.; Carvalho C.S.; Castellano M.; Castignani G.; Cavuoti S.; Cimatti A.; Cledassou R.; Colodro-Conde C.; Congedo G.; Conselice C.J.; Conversi L.; Copin Y.; Corcione L.; Costille A.; Coupon J.; Courtois H.M.; Cropper M.; Cuby J.-G.; Da Silva A.; De La Torre S.; Di Ferdinando D.; Dubath F.; Duncan C.; Dupac X.; Dusini S.; Farrens S.; Ferreira P.G.; Ferrero I.; Finelli F.; Fotopoulou S.; Frailis M.; Franceschi E.; Galeotta S.; Garilli B.; Gillard W.; Gillis B.; Giocoli C.; Gozaliasl G.; Gracia-Carpio J.; Grupp F.; Guzzo L.; Holmes W.; Hormuth F.; Jahnke K.; Keihane, Euclid preparation: XII. Optimizing the photometric sample of the Euclid survey for galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing analyses, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2021, 655, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article] Open Access
Stanford, S. A.; Masters, D.; Darvish, B.; Stern, D.; Cohen, J. G.; Capak, P.; Hernitschek, N.; Davidzon, I.; Rhodes, J.; Sanders, D. B.; Mobasher, B.; Castander, F. J.; Paltani, S.; Aghanim, N.; Amara, A.; Auricchio, N.; Balestra, A.; Bender, R.; Bodendorf, C.; Bonino, D.; Branchini, E.; Brinchmann, J.; Capobianco, V.; Carbone, C.; Carretero, J.; Casas, R.; Castellano, M.; Cavuoti, S.; Cimatti, A.; Cledassou, R.; Conselice, C. J.; Corcione, L.; Costille, A.; Cropper, M.; Degaudenzi, H.; Douspis, M.; Dubath, F.; Dusini, S.; Fosalba, P.; Frailis, M.; Franceschi, E.; Franzetti, P.; Fumana, M.; Garilli, B.; Giocoli, C.; Grupp, F.; Haugan, S. V. H.; Hoekstra, H.; Holmes, W.; Hormuth, F.; Hudelot, P.; Jahnke, K.; Kiessling, A.; Kilbinger, M.; Kitching, T.; Kubik, B.; Kummel, M.; Kunz, M.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Laureijs, R.; Ligori, S.; Lilje, P. B.; Lloro, I.; Maiorano, E.; Marggraf, O.; Markovic, K.; Massey, R.; Meneghetti, M.; Meylan, G.; Moscardini, L.; Niemi, S. M.; Padilla, C.; Pasian, F., Euclid Preparation. XIV. The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation (C3R2) Survey: Data Release 3, «ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES», 2021, 256, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Predehl P., Andritschke R., Arefiev V., Babyshkin V., Batanov O., Becker W., Boehringer H., Bogomolov A., Boller T., Borm K., Bornemann W., Br"auninger H., Br"uggen M., Brunner H., Brusa M., Bulbul E., Buntov M., Burwitz V., Burkert W., Clerc N., Churazov E., Coutinho D., Dauser T., Dennerl K., Doroshenko V., Eder J., Emberger V., Eraerds T., Finoguenov A., Freyberg M., Friedrich P., Friedrich S., Fuermetz M., Georgakakis A., Gilfanov M., Granato S., Grossberger C., Gueguen A., Gureev P., Haberl F., Haelker O., Hartner G., Hasinger G., Huber H., Ji L., Kienlin A., v., Kink W., Korotkov F., Kreykenbohm I., Lamer G., Lomakin I., Lapshov I., Liu T., Maitra C., Meidinger N., Menz B., Merloni A., Mernik T., Mican B., Mohr J., M"uller S., Nandra K., Nazarov V., Pacaud F., Pavlinsky M., Perinati E., Pfeffermann E., Pietschner D., Ramos-Ceja M.,~E., Rau A., Reiffers J., Reiprich T.,~H., Robrade J., Salvato M., Sanders J., Santangelo A., Sasaki M., Scheuerle H., Schmid C., Schmitt J., Schwope , The eROSITA X-ray telescope on SRG, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2021, 647, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bischetti M., Feruglio C., Piconcelli E., Duras F., Perez-Torres M., Herrero R., Venturi G., Carniani S., Bruni G., Gavignaud I., Testa V., Bongiorno A., Brusa M., Circosta C., Cresci G., D'Odorico V., Maiolino R., Marconi A., Mingozzi M., Pappalardo C., Perna M., Traianou E., Travascio A., Vietri G., Zappacosta L., Fiore F., The WISSH quasars project. IX. Cold gas content and environment of luminous QSOs at z {ensuremath{sim}} 2.4-4.7, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2021, 645, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article] Open Access
Toba Yoshiki, Brusa Marcella, Liu Teng, Buchner Johannes, Terashima Yuichi, Urrutia Tanya, Salvato Mara, Akiyama Masayuki, Arcodia Riccardo, Goulding,y D., Higuchi Yuichi, Inoue Kaiki T., Kawaguchi Toshihiro, Lamer Georg, Merloni,rea, Nagao Tohru, Ueda Yoshihiro, Nandra Kirpal, The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS). An X-ray-bright, extremely luminous infrared galaxy at z = 1.87, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2021, 649, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ishiyama T.; Prada F.; Klypin A.A.; Sinha M.; Metcalf R.B.; Jullo E.; Altieri B.; Cora S.A.; Croton D.; De La Torre S.; Millan-Calero D.E.; Oogi T.; Ruedas J.; Vega-Martinez C.A., The Uchuu simulations: Data Release 1 and dark matter halo concentrations, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2021, 506, pp. 4210 - 4231 [Scientific article] Open Access
Mukherjee S.; Koopmans L.V.E.; Metcalf R.B.; Tortora C.; Schaller M.; Schaye J.; Vernardos G.; Bellagamba F., SEAGLE - II. Constraints on feedback models in galaxy formation from massive early-type strong-lens galaxies, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2021, 504, pp. 3455 - 3477 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gori D.; Durazzi F.; Montalti M.; Di Valerio Z.; Reno C.; Fantini M.P.; Remondini D., Mis-tweeting communication: a Vaccine Hesitancy analysis among twitter users in Italy, «ACTA BIOMEDICA», 2021, 92, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article] Open Access
Prada, F.; Brizi, L.; Franzellitti, S.; Mengoli, S.; Fermani, S.; Polishchuk, I.; Baraldi, N.; Ricci, F.; Palazzo, Q.; Caroselli, E.; Pokroy, B.; Giorgini, L.; Dubinsky, Z.; Fantazzini, P.; Falini, G.; Goffredo, S.; Fabricius, K. E., Coral micro- and macro-morphological skeletal properties in response to life-long acclimatization at CO2 vents in Papua New Guinea, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2021, 11, pp. 19927 - 19932 [Scientific article] Open Access
Alessandro CHELI, Arianna MANCUSO1,2, Fiorella PRADA, Luca PASQUINI, Giuseppe FALINI, Stefano GOFFREDO, Daniele SCARPONI, EXPLORING SHELL VARIATIONS DYNAMICS OF THE BIVALVE CHAMELEA GALLINA ON A MILLENNIAL TEMPORAL SCALE: FROM THE HOLOCENE SUBFOSSIL RECORD TO MODERN THANATOCOENOSES OF THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA, in: Paleodays 2021. Abstract Book del XXI Convegno della Società Paleontologica Italiana, live virtual edition, 2021, pp. 33 - 33 (atti di: Paleodays 2021, Virtual - Bologna, (14)15-17 giugno 2021) [Abstract]
Engler C.; Pillepich A.; Joshi G.D.; Nelson D.; Pasquali A.; Grebel E.K.; Lisker T.; Zinger E.; Donnari M.; Marinacci F.; Vogelsberger M.; Hernquist L., The distinct stellar-to-halo mass relations of satellite and central galaxies: Insights from the IllustrisTNG simulations, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2021, 500, pp. 3957 - 3975 [Scientific article] Open Access
Donnari M.; Pillepich A.; Joshi G.D.; Nelson D.; Genel S.; Marinacci F.; Rodriguez-Gomez V.; Pakmor R.; Torrey P.; Vogelsberger M.; Hernquist L., Quenched fractions in the IllustrisTNG simulations: The roles of AGN feedback, environment, and pre-processing, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2021, 500, pp. 4004 - 4024 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gomez F.A.; Torres-Flores S.; Mora-Urrejola C.; Monachesi A.; White S.D.M.; Maffione N.P.; Grand R.J.J.; Marinacci F.; Pakmor R.; Springel V.; Frenk C.S.; Amram P.; Epinat B.; De Oliveira C.M., A tidally induced global corrugation pattern in an external disk galaxy similar to the milky way, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2021, 908, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Van De Voort F.; Bieri R.; Pakmor R.; Gomez F.A.; Grand R.J.J.; Marinacci F., The effect of magnetic fields on properties of the circumgalactic medium, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2021, 501, pp. 4888 - 4902 [Scientific article] Open Access
Thomas G.F.; Martin N.F.; Fattahi A.; Ibata R.A.; Helly J.; McConnachie A.W.; Frenk C.; Gomez F.A.; Grand R.J.J.; Gwyn S.; Mackey D.; Marinacci F.; Pakmor R., Observing the Stellar Halo of Andromeda in Cosmological Simulations: The AURIGA2PANDAS Pipeline, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2021, 910, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article] Open Access