Scientific publications
Serena Righi; Filippo Baioli; Diego Marazza; Roberto Porcelli; Andrea Contin, Life cycle assessment applied to biofuels from sewage sludge: definition of system boundaries and scenarios, in: Proceedings of the 12th Italian LCA Network Conference, 2018, pp. 168 - 177 (atti di: 12th Italian LCA Network Conference, Messina, Italy, 11-12 June 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
E. Clementi, J. Pistoia, D. Delrosso, G. Mattia, C. Fratianni, A. Storto, M. Drudi, A. Grandi, S.A. Ciliberti, B. Lemieux-Dudon, E. Fenu, S. Simoncelli, D. Padeletti, P. Di Pietro, N. Pinardi, The Mediterranean analysis and forecasting physical system for the Copernicus Marine Service: description and skill assessment, in: 11th HyMeX Workshop, 2018(atti di: 11th HyMeX Workshop, Lecce, Italia, 29 Maggio-2 Giugno 2018) [Poster]
Kappenberger, Rhea; Hammerath, Franziska; Rousse, Pierre; Afrassa, Mesfin Asfaw; Haghighi, M. Hossein; Kamusella, Sirko; Prando, Giacomo; Lamura, Gianrico; Wolter, Anja U. B.; Moroni, Matteo; Sanna, Samuele; Carretta, Pietro; Hess, Christian; Grafe, Hans-Joachim; Klauss, Hans-Henning; Wurmehl, Sabine; Büchner, Bernd, Impact of concomitant y and Mn substitution on superconductivity in La1-y YyFe1-xMnxAsO0.89 F0.11, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B», 2018, 97, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]
Bertello, Lara; Berti, Matteo*; Castellaro, Silvia; Squarzoni, Gabriela, Dynamics of an Active Earthflow Inferred From Surface Wave Monitoring, «JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. EARTH SURFACE», 2018, 123, pp. 1811 - 1834 [Scientific article] Open Access
Luca Compagnoni; Diego Marazza; Enrico Balugani; Eva Merloni, Land Use Change comprehensive framework in LCA for microalgae cultivation systems as emerging production option in the bio-economy, in: ABSTRACT BOOK SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 2018(atti di: SETAC Europe 28 th Annual Meeting, Roma, 13-17 Maggio 2018) [Poster]
Balugani, E.*; Lubczynski, M.W.; van der Tol, C.; Metselaar, K., Testing three approaches to estimate soil evaporation through a dry soil layer in a semi-arid area, «JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY», 2018, 567, pp. 405 - 419 [Scientific article]
Vorabbi, Matteo; Finelli, Paolo; Giusti, Carlotta, Proton-nucleus elastic scattering: Comparison between phenomenological and microscopic optical potentials, «PHYSICAL REVIEW C», 2018, 98, pp. 0646021 - 06460212 [Scientific article]
P. Finelli, M Vorabbi, C. Giusti, Chiral Nucleon-Nucleus potentials at N3LO, in: TNPI2016 - XV Conference on Theoretical Nuclear Physics in Italy, IOP Science, 2018, pp. 0120021 - 0120028 (atti di: TNPI2016 - XV Conference on Theoretical Nuclear Physics in Italy, Pisa, 20–22 April 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Compagnoni, D. Marazza, S. Righi, E. Balugani, E. Merloni,, Land Use Change comprehensive framework in LCA for microalgae cultivation systems as emerging production option in the bio-economy, in: ABSTRACT BOOK SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 2018(atti di: SETAC Europe 28 th Annual Meeting, Roma, 13-17 Maggio 2018) [Poster]
Leo, L.S., Buccolieri, R., Di Sabatino S., Scale-adaptive morphometric analysis for urban air quality and ventilation applications, «BUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION», 2018, 46, pp. 931 - 951 [Scientific article] Open Access
P. Ielpo; M. R. Taurino; R. Buccolieri; C. M. Placentino; F. Gallone; V. Ancona; S. Di Sabatino, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a bakery indoor air: trends, dynamics, and dispersion, «ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL», 2018, 25, pp. 28760 - 28771 [Scientific article]
Wang, Y. Li, Y., Di Sabatino S., Martilli A., Chan P.W., Effects of anthropogenic heat due to air-conditioning systems on an extreme high temperature event in Hong Kong, «ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2018, 13, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access
Molnar, S.*; Cassidy, J.F.; Castellaro, S.; Cornou, C.; Crow, H.; Hunter, J.A.; Matsushima, S.; Sánchez-Sesma, F.J.; Yong, A., Application of Microtremor Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (MHVSR) Analysis for Site Characterization: State of the Art, «SURVEYS IN GEOPHYSICS», 2018, 39, pp. 613 - 631 [Scientific article]
Merlotti, A.; Faria do Valle, I.; Castellani, G.*; Remondini, D., Statistical modelling of CG interdistance across multiple organisms, «BMC BIOINFORMATICS», 2018, 19, pp. 355 - 362 [Scientific article] Open Access
Grech, Orlanda; Vogli, Luciano; Righi, Serena; D’Eusanio, Manuela, Social Life Cycle Assessment addressed to the valorisation of wine production waste and residues - A review with methodological clues, in: Social LCA - People and Places for Partnership - Pre-proceedings of the 6th International Social Life Cycle Assessment Conference, Montpellier, CIRAD, 2018, pp. 92 - 95 (atti di: 6th International Social Life Cycle Assessment Conference “People and Places for Partnership”, Pescara, 10-12 Settembre 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Novi, Alberto; Vogli, Luciano; Righi, Serena; Macrelli, Stefano; Samorì, Chiara; Torri, Cristian; Galletti, Paola; Tagliavini, Emilio, Life Cycle Assessment of a novel process of polyhydroxyalkanoates production with waste and by-products from wine industry value chain, in: Abstract book - SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Brussels, SETAC Europe, 2018, pp. 289 - 289 (atti di: SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, Roma, Italia, 13-17 Maggio 2018) [Abstract]
Castellaro, Silvia, NELLE NTC LE STRUTTURE RISUONANO. E I TERRENI?, «STRUCTURAL», 2018, 216, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]
Mariani, M.; Borsa, F.; Graf, M.J.; Sanna, S.; Filibian, M.; Orlando, T.; Sabareesh, K.P.V.; Cardona-Serra, S.; Coronado, E.; Lascialfari, A., Spin dynamics in the single-ion magnet [Er(W5 O18)2]9-, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B», 2018, 97, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
Sanna, S.*; Prando, G.; Khasanov, R.; Carretta, P.; Amato, A.; Luetkens, H.; Putti, M.; Martinelli, A.; De Renzi, R., Effect of the external pressure at the crossover between magnetism and superconductivity in LnFeAsO1-x Fx (Ln = La0.7Y0.3, Ce) superconductors, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B», 2018, 32, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]
Cesari, R., Buccolieri, R., Dinoi, A., Maurizi, A., Landi, T.C., Di Sabatino S., Influence of Ship Emissions on Ozone Concentration in a Mediterranean Area: A Modelling Approach, in: AIR POLLUTION MODELING AND ITS APPLICATION XXV, Boeretang 200, Mensink, C; Kallos, G, 2018, pp. 317 - 321 [Chapter or essay]