Scientific publications
Ptak, M.; MącZka, M.; Gągor, A.; Sieradzki, A.; Stroppa, A.; Di Sante, D.; Perez-Mato, J.M.; MacAlik, L., Experimental and theoretical studies of structural phase transition in a novel polar perovskite-like [C2H5NH3][Na0.5Fe0.5(HCOO)3] formate, «DALTON TRANSACTIONS», 2016, 45, pp. 2574 - 2583 [Scientific article]
Zhao, W.-P.; Shi, C.; Stroppa, A.; Di Sante, D.; Cimpoesu, F.; Zhang, W., Lone-Pair-Electron-Driven Ionic Displacements in a Ferroelectric Metal-Organic Hybrid, «INORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 2016, 55, pp. 10337 - 10342 [Scientific article]
Sessi, P.; Di Sante, D.; Szczerbakow, A.; Glott, F.; Wilfert, S.; Schmidt, H.; Bathon, T.; Dziawa, P.; Greiter, M.; Neupert, T.; Sangiovanni, G.; Story, T.; Thomale, R.; Bode, M., Robust spin-polarized midgap states at step edges of topological crystalline insulators, «SCIENCE», 2016, 354, pp. 1269 - 1273 [Scientific article]
Di Sante, D.; Barone, P.; Stroppa, A.; Garrity, K.F.; Vanderbilt, D.; Picozzi, S., Intertwined Rashba, Dirac, and Weyl Fermions in Hexagonal Hyperferroelectrics, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2016, 117, pp. 076401 - 076401 [Scientific article]
Das, P.K.; Di Sante, D.; Vobornik, I.; Fujii, J.; Okuda, T.; Bruyer, E.; Gyenis, A.; Feldman, B.E.; Tao, J.; Ciancio, R.; Rossi, G.; Ali, M.N.; Picozzi, S.; Yadzani, A.; Panaccione, G.; Cava, R.J., Layer-dependent quantum cooperation of electron and hole states in the anomalous semimetal WTe2, «NATURE COMMUNICATIONS», 2016, 7, pp. 10847 - 10847 [Scientific article]
Das, P.K.; Di Sante, D.; Vobornik, I.; Fujii, J.; Okuda, T.; Bruyer, E.; Gyenis, A.; Feldman, B.E.; Tao, J.; Ciancio, R.; Rossi, G.; Ali, M.N.; Picozzi, S.; Yadzani, A.; Panaccione, G.; Cava, R.J., Erratum: Layer-dependent quantum cooperation of electron and hole states in the anomalous semimetal WTe 2 (Nature Communications (2016) 7 (10847) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10847), «NATURE COMMUNICATIONS», 2016, 7, pp. 11355 - 11355 [Scientific article]
Mosser, B.; Miglio, A., IV.2 Pulsating red giant stars, in: The CoRoT Legacy Book, -, EDP Sciences, 2016, pp. 197 - 207 [Chapter or essay]
Lagarde N.; Bossini D.; Miglio A.; Vrard M.; Mosser B., Testing the cores of first ascent red giant stars using the period spacing of g modes, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. LETTERS», 2016, 457, pp. 59 - 63 [Scientific article]
Eggenberger P.; Lagarde N.; Miglio A.; Montalban J.; Ekstrom S.; Georgy C.; Salmon S.; Meynet G.; Maeder A., Models of rotating stars constrained by asteroseismic measurements of red giants, «ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN», 2016, 337, pp. 832 - 836 [Scientific article]
Lundkvist M.S.; Kjeldsen H.; Albrecht S.; Davies G.R.; Basu S.; Huber D.; Justesen A.B.; Karoff C.; Silva Aguirre V.; Van Eylen V.; Vang C.; Arentoft T.; Barclay T.; Bedding T.R.; Campante T.L.; Chaplin W.J.; Christensen-Dalsgaard J.; Elsworth Y.P.; Gilliland R.L.; Handberg R.; Hekker S.; Kawaler S.D.; Lund M.N.; Metcalfe T.S.; Miglio A.; Rowe J.F.; Stello D.; Tingley B.; White T.R., Hot super-Earths stripped by their host stars, «NATURE COMMUNICATIONS», 2016, 7, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]
Lund M.N.; Basu S.; Aguirre V.S.; Chaplin W.J.; Serenelli A.M.; Garcia R.A.; Latham D.W.; Casagrande L.; Bieryla A.; Davies G.R.; Viani L.S.; Buchhave L.A.; Miglio A.; Soderblom D.R.; Valenti J.A.; Stefanik R.P.; Handberg R., Asteroseismology of the hyades with K2: First detection of main-sequence solar-like oscillations in an open cluster, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2016, 463, pp. 2600 - 2611 [Scientific article]
Reese D.R.; Chaplin W.J.; Davies G.R.; Miglio A.; Antia H.M.; Ball W.H.; Basu S.; Buldgen G.; Christensen-Dalsgaard J.; Coelho H.R.; Hekker S.; Houdek G.; Lebreton Y.; Mazumdar A.; Metcalfe T.S.; Silva Aguirre V.; Stello D.; Verma K., SpaceInn hare-and-hounds exercise: Estimation of stellar properties using space-based asteroseismic data, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2016, 592, pp. 1 - 29 [Scientific article]
Davies G.R.; Miglio A., Asteroseismology of red giants: From analysing light curves to estimating ages, «ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN», 2016, 337, pp. 774 - 782 [Scientific article]
Brogaard K.; Jessen-Hansen J.; Handberg R.; Arentoft T.; Frandsen S.; Grundahl F.; Bruntt H.; Sandquist E.L.; Miglio A.; Beck P.G.; Thygesen A.O.; Kjaergaard K.L.; Haugaard N.A., Testing asteroseismic scaling relations using eclipsing binaries in star clusters and the field, «ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN», 2016, 337, pp. 793 - 798 [Scientific article]
Valentini M.; Chiappini C.; Miglio A.; Montalban J.; Rodrigues T.; Mosser B.; Anders F.; CoRot R.; Ges C., The CoRoT-GES Collaboration: Improving red giants spectroscopic surface gravitity and abundances with asteroseismology, «ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN», 2016, 337, pp. 970 - 975 [Scientific article]
Anders F.; Chiappini C.; Rodrigues T.S.; Piffl T.; Mosser B.; Miglio A.; Montalban J.; Girardi L.; Minchev I.; Valentini M.; Steinmetz M., Galactic Archaeology with CoRoT and APOGEE: Creating mock observations from a chemodynamical model, «ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN», 2016, 337, pp. 926 - 930 [Scientific article]
Santiago B.X.; Brauer D.E.; Anders F.; Chiappini C.; Queiroz A.B.; Girardi L.; Rocha-Pinto H.J.; Balbinot E.; Da Costa L.N.; Maia M.A.G.; Schultheis M.; Steinmetz M.; Miglio A.; Montalban J.; Schneider D.P.; Beers T.C.; Frinchaboy P.M.; Lee Y.S.; Zasowski G., Spectro-photometric distances to stars: A general purpose Bayesian approach, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2016, 585, pp. 1 - 30 [Scientific article]
Miglio A.; Chaplin W.J.; Brogaard K.; Lund M.N.; Mosser B.; Davies G.R.; Handberg R.; Milone A.P.; Marino A.F.; Bossini D.; Elsworth Y.P.; Grundah F.; Arentoft T.; Bedin L.R.; Campante T.L.; Jessen-Hansen J.; Jones C.D.; Kuszlewicz J.S.; Malavolta L.; Nascimbeni V.; Sandquist E.L., Detection of solar-like oscillations in relics of the Milky Way: Asteroseismology of K giants in M4 using data from the NASA K2 mission, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2016, 461, pp. 760 - 765 [Scientific article]
Handberg R.; Miglio A.; Brogaard K.; Bossini D.; Elsworth Y.P., Peakbagging in the open cluster NGC 6819: Opening a treasure chest or Pandora's box?, «ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN», 2016, 337, pp. 799 - 804 [Scientific article]
Bertozzi Eugenio, Technology-embedding Instruments and Performative Goals: the case of the fully-automatized cloud chamber by the Officine Galileo in Florence, «BULLETIN OF THE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT SOCIETY», 2016, 129, pp. 34 - 42 [Scientific article]