Scientific publications
Grand R J J; Springel V; Gómez F A; Marinacci F; Pakmor R; Campbell D J R; Jenkins A, Vertical disc heating in Milky Way-sized galaxies in a cosmological context, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2016, 459, pp. 199 - 219 [Scientific article]
Kannan R; Vogelsberger M; Stinson G S; Hennawi J F; Marinacci F; Springel V; Macciò A V, Galaxy formation with local photoionization feedback - II. Effect of X-ray emission from binaries and hot gas, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2016, 458, pp. 2516 - 2529 [Scientific article]
Grand R J J; Springel V; Kawata D; Minchev I; Sánchez-Blázquez P; Gómez F A; Marinacci F; Pakmor R; Campbell D J R, Spiral-induced velocity and metallicity patterns in a cosmological zoom simulation of a Milky Way-sized galaxy, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2016, 460, pp. L94 - L98 [Scientific article]
Mocz P; Pakmor R; Springel V; Vogelsberger M; Marinacci F; Hernquist L, A moving mesh unstaggered constrained transport scheme for magnetohydrodynamics, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2016, 463, pp. 477 - 488 [Scientific article]
Popa C; Naoz S; Marinacci F; Vogelsberger M, Gas-rich and gas-poor structures through the stream velocity effect, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2016, 460, pp. 1625 - 1639 [Scientific article]
Zhu Q; Marinacci F; Maji M; Li Y; Springel V; Hernquist L, Baryonic impact on the dark matter distribution in Milky Way-sized galaxies and their satellites, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2016, 458, pp. 1559 - 1580 [Scientific article] Open Access
Simpson C M; Pakmor R; Marinacci F; Pfrommer C; Springel V; Glover S C O; Clark P C; Smith R J, The Role of Cosmic-Ray Pressure in Accelerating Galactic Outflows, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS», 2016, 827, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article] Open Access
Kannan R; Springel V; Pakmor R; Marinacci F; Vogelsberger M, Accurately simulating anisotropic thermal conduction on a moving mesh, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2016, 458, pp. 410 - 424 [Scientific article]
Marinacci F; Vogelsberger M, Effects of simulated cosmological magnetic fields on the galaxy population, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2016, 456, pp. L69 - L73 [Scientific article]
Maltoni, Fabio; Vryonidou, Eleni; Zhang, Cen*, Higgs production in association with a top-antitop pair in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory at NLO in QCD, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2016, 2016, pp. 1 - 42 [Scientific article] Open Access
Degrassi, G.; Giardino, P.P.; Maltoni, F.; Pagani, D.*, Probing the Higgs self coupling via single Higgs production at the LHC, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2016, 2016, pp. 1 - 31 [Scientific article]
Hespel, B.; Maltoni, F.; Vryonidou, E.*, Signal background interference effects in heavy scalar production and decay to a top-anti-top pair, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2016, 2016, pp. 16 - 45 [Scientific article]
Maltoni, Fabio; Selvaggi, Michele; Thaler, Jesse, Exposing the dead cone effect with jet substructure techniques, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D», 2016, 94, pp. 054015 - 054027 [Scientific article]
Lim, Matthew; Maltoni, Fabio; Ridolfi, Giovanni; Ubiali, Maria*, Anatomy of double heavy-quark initiated processes, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2016, 2016, pp. 1 - 26 [Scientific article]
Arina, Chiara; Backović, Mihailo*; Conte, Eric; Fuks, Benjamin; Guo, Jun; Heisig, Jan; Hespel, Benoît; Krämer, Michael; Maltoni, Fabio; Martini, Antony; Mawatari, Kentarou; Pellen, Mathieu; Vryonidou, Eleni, A comprehensive approach to dark matter studies: exploration of simplified top-philic models, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2016, 2016, pp. 1 - 52 [Scientific article]
Bylund, Olga Bessidskaia; Maltoni, Fabio; Tsinikos, Ioannis; Vryonidou, Eleni*; Zhang, Cen, Probing top quark neutral couplings in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory at NLO in QCD, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2016, 2016, pp. 1 - 39 [Scientific article]
Maltoni, Fabio; Pagani, Davide*; Tsinikos, Ioannis, Associated production of a top-quark pair with vector bosons at NLO in QCD: impact on tt¯H searches at the LHC, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2016, 2016, pp. 1 - 43 [Scientific article]
McKean, J.P.; Godfrey, L.E.H.; Vegetti, S.; Wise, M.W.; Morganti, R.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Rafferty, D.; Anderson, J.; Avruch, I.M.; Beck, R.; Bell, M.E.; van Bemmel, I.; Bentum, M.J.; Bernardi, G.; Best, P.; Blaauw, R.; Bonafede, A.; Breitling, F.; Broderick, J.W.; Brüggen, M.; Cerrigone, L.; Ciardi, B.; de Gasperin, F.; Deller, A.; Duscha, S.; Engels, D.; Falcke, H.; Fallows, R.A.; Frieswijk, W.; Garrett, M.A.; Grießmeier, J.M.; van Haarlem, M.P.; Heald, G.; Hoeft, M.; van der HorstA.J., null; Iacobelli, M.; Interna, H.; Juette, E.; Karastergiou, A.; Kondratiev, V.I.; Koopmans, L.V.E.; Kuniyoshi, M.; Kuper, G.; van Leeuwen, J.; Maat, P.; Mann, G.; Markoff, S.; McFadden, R.; McKay-Bukowski, D.; Mulcahy, D.D.; Munk, H.; Nelles, A.; Orru, E.; Paas, H.; Pandey-Pommier, M.; Pietka, M.; Pizzo, R.; Polatidis, A.G.; Reich, W.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; Rowlinson, A.; Scaife, A.M.M.; Serylak, M.; Shulevski, A.; Sluman, J.; Smirnov, O.; Steinmetz, M.; Stewart, A.; Swinbank, J.; Tagger, M.; Thoudam, , LOFAR imaging of Cygnus A - direct detection of a turnover in the hotspot radio spectra, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2016, 463, pp. 3143 - 3150 [Scientific article]
Golovich, Nathan; Dawson, William A.; Wittman, David; Ogrean, Georgiana; Weeren, Reinout Van; Bonafede, Annalisa, MC2: DYNAMICAL ANALYSIS of the MERGING GALAXY CLUSTER MACS J1149.5+2223, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2016, 831, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article] Open Access
Jackson, N.*; Tagore, A.; Deller, A.; Moldón, J.; Varenius, E.; Morabito, L.; Wucknitz, O.; Carozzi, T.; Conway, J.; Drabent, A.; Kapinska, A.; Orrù, E.; Brentjens, M.; Blaauw, R.; Kuper, G.; Sluman, J.; Schaap, J.; Vermaas, N.; Iacobelli, M.; Cerrigone, L.; Shulevski, A.; Ter Veen, S.; Fallows, R.; Pizzo, R.; Sipior, M.; Anderson, J.; Avruch, I.M.; Bell, M.E.; Van Bemmel, I.; Bentum, M.J.; Best, P.; Bonafede, A.; Breitling, F.; Broderick, J.W.; Brouw, W.N.; Brüggen, M.; Ciardi, B.; Corstanje, A.; De Gasperin, F.; De Geus, E.; Eislöffel, J.; Engels, D.; Falcke, H.; Garrett, M.A.; Grießmeier, J.M.; Gunst, A.W.; Van Haarlem, M.P.; Heald, G.; Hoeft, M.; Hörandel, J.; Horneffer, A.; Intema, H.; Juette, E.; Kuniyoshi, M.; Van Leeuwen, J.; Loose, G.M.; Maat, P.; McFadden, R.; McKay-Bukowski, D.; McKean, J.P.; Mulcahy, D.D.; Munk, H.; Pandey-Pommier, M.; Polatidis, A.G.; Reich, W.; Röttgering, H.J.A.; Rowlinson, A.; Scaife, A.M.M.; Schwarz, D.J.; Steinmetz, M.; Swinbank, J.; Thoudam, , LBCS: The LOFAR Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2016, 595, pp. A86 - 99 [Scientific article]