Scientific publications
Zironi, Isabella; Virelli, Angela; Gavoçi, Entelë; Remondini, Daniel; Aicardi, Giorgio; Re, Brunella Del; Giorgi, Gianfranco; Castellani, Gastone; Bersani, Ferdinando, Effects of ELF magnetic field tuned on “parametric resonance” conditions on single channel K+ currents in a human neural cell line, in: Atti del III Convegno Nazionale ICEmB, 2014, pp. 42 - 43 (atti di: Interazioni tra Campi Elettromagnetici e Biosistemi, Napoli, 2-4 luglio 2014.) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Spurio, Maurizio, Gamma-rays, Neutrinos and Particle Astronomy as Messengers of the Universe, in: FRASCATI WORKSHOP 2013, Praga, Czech Technical University in Prague, 2014, 1, pp. 13 - 19 (atti di: Frascati Workshop 2013 on Multifrequency Behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources, Palermo, 27 May - 01 Jun 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Alici, A., Particle identification with the ALICE Time-Of-Flight detector at the LHC, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 2014, 766, pp. 288 - 291 [Scientific article]
Golumbeanu, M.; Oros, A.; Nenciu, M.; Zavatarelli, M.; Drago, A., Contribution of environmental indices in meeting the objectives and principles of the Marine Strategy Framework directive (MSFD), «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ECOLOGY», 2014, 15, pp. 1130 - 1138 [Scientific article]
Damiano, Delrosso; Paolo, Oddo; Marina, Tonani, Nesting the Mediterranean Forecasting System into a daily real time Global Ocean Forecasting System, in: -, 2014(atti di: MyOcean Science Days 2014 / GMMC, Toulouse, France, 22-24 Settembre 2014) [Poster]
Kovač, K; Lilly, S.J.; Knobel, C.; Bschorr, T.J.; Peng, Y.; Carollo, C.M.; Contini, T.; Kneib, J.-P.; Le Févre, O.; Mainieri, V.; Renzini, A.; Scodeggio, M.; Zamorani, G.; Bardelli, S.; Bolzonella, M.; Bongiorno, A.; Caputi, K.; Cucciati, O.; de la Torre, S.; de Ravel, L.; Franzetti, P.; Garilli, B.; Iovino, A.; Kampczyk, P.; Lamareille, F.; Le Borgne, J.-F.; Le Brun, V.; Maier, C.; Mignoli, M.; Oesch, P.; Pello, R.; Perez Montero, E.; Presotto, V.; Silverman, J.; Tanaka, M.; Tasca, L.; Tresse, L.; Vergani, D.; Zucca, E.; Aussel, H.; Koekemoer, A.M.; Le Floc'h, E.; Moresco, M.; Pozzetti, L., ZCOSMOS 20k: Satellite galaxies are the main drivers of environmental effects in the galaxy population at least to z ~ 0.7, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2014, 438, pp. 717 - 738 [Scientific article]
De Gasperin, F; Van Weeren, R.J.; Brã¼ggen, M.; Vazza, F.; Bonafede, A.; Intema, H.T., A new double radio relic in PSZ1 G096.89+24.17 and a radio relic mass-luminosity relation, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2014, 444, pp. 3130 - 3138 [Scientific article]
Vazza, F.; Brì uggen, M., Do radio relics challenge diffusive shock acceleration?, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2014, 437, pp. 2291 - 2296 [Scientific article]
Vazza, F.; Brã¼ggen, M.; Gheller, C.; Wang, P., On the amplification of magnetic fields in cosmic filaments and galaxy clusters, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2014, 445, pp. 3706 - 3722 [Scientific article]
Vazza, F.; Gheller, C.; Brã¼ggen, M., Simulations of cosmic rays in large-scale structures: Numerical and physical effects, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2014, 439, pp. 2662 - 2677 [Scientific article]
Simonetti, Giorgia; Padella, Antonella; Ferrari, Anna; Guadagnuolo, Viviana; Zago, Elisa; Griggio, Francesca; Garonzi, Marianna; Bernardi, Simona; Papayannidis, Cristina; Paolini, Stefania; Volpato, Francesca; Ottaviani, Emanuela; Bodini, Margherita; Riva, Laura; Formica, Serena; Astolfi, Annalisa; Baldazzi, Carmen; Dan, Elisa; Sinigaglia, Barbara; Iacobucci, Ilaria; Testoni, Nicoletta; Remondini, Daniel; Pelicci, Pier Giuseppe; Calogero, Raffaele; Ferrarini, Alberto; Delledonne, Massimo; Martinelli, Giovanni, Dissecting the Molecular Mechanisms of Aneuploidy in Acute Myeloid Leukemia By Next Generation Sequencing, «BLOOD», 2014, 124, pp. 1028 - 1028 [Abstract]
Simonetti, Giorgia; Padella, Antonella; Guadagnuolo, Viviana; Papayannidis, Cristina; Volpato, Francesca; Ottaviani, Emanuela; Formica, Serena; Astolfi, Annalisa; Iacobucci, Ilaria; Capranico, Giovanni; Remondini, Daniel; Martinelli, Giovanni, Gene expression signature of aneuploidy in acute myeloid leukemia, «CANCER RESEARCH», 2014, 74, pp. 2243 - 2243 [Abstract]
Vieira, B. L.; Hernandez, J. P. P.; Guerra, R., AVS-SEM AND POTENTIAL BIOAVAILABILITY OF METALS IN SEDIMENTS FROM A COASTAL LAGOON (NW ADRIATIC SEA, ITALY), in: ANAIS DE RESUMOS CBO 2014 - CONGRESO BRASILEIRO DE OCEANOGRAFIA, Associação Brasileira de Oceanografia – AOCEANO Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI, 2014, pp. 1633 - 1634 (atti di: Congresso Brasileiro de Oceanografia - CBO 2014, Itajaí - SC, Brazil, 25-29 de novembro 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Vazza, Franco; Ferrari, Chiara; Bonafede, Annalisa; Brüggen, Marcus; Gheller, Claudio; Braun, Robert; Brown, Shea, Filaments of the radio cosmic web: Opportunities and challenges for SKA, «POS PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE», 2014, 9-13-June-2014, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
A. Bonafede, F. Vazza, M. Brüggen, T. Akahori, E. Carretti, S. Colafrancesco, L. Feretti, C. Ferrari, G. Giovannini, F. Govoni, M. Johnston-Hollitt, M. Murgia, A. Scaife, V. Vacca, L. Rudnick, Unravelling the origin of large-scale magnetic fields in galaxy clusters and beyond through Faraday Rotation Measures with the SKA, «POS PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE», 2014, 9-13-June-2014, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]
Giocoli Carlo; Borgani Stefano, Ettori Stefano, Meneghetti Massimo, Metcalf Robert Benton, Moscardini Lauro, Sereno Mauro, Recovering galaxy cluster properties with gravitational lensing, in: Building the Euclid Cluster Survey - Scientific Program, proceedings of a conference held July 6-11 2014 at the Sexten Center for Astrophysics, 2014, pp. 0 - 0 (atti di: Building the Euclid Cluster Survey - Scientific Program, proceedings of a conference held July 6-11 2014 at the Sexten Center for Astrophysics, Sexten, 07/2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Agafonova, N.; Aleksandrov, A.; Anokhina, A.; Aoki, S.; Ariga, A.; Ariga, T.; Asada, T.; Autiero, D.; Badertscher, A.; Dhahbi, A. Ben; Bender, D.; Bertolin, A.; Bozza, C.; Brugnera, R.; Brunetti, G.; Büttner, B.; Buontempo, S.; Chaussard, L.; Chernyavskiy, M.; Chiarella, V.; Chukanov, A.; Consiglio, L.; D'Ambrosio, N.; Del Amo Sanchez, P.; De Lellis, G.; De Serio, M.; Di Crescenzo, A.; Di Ferdinando, D.; Di Marco, N.; Dmitrievski, S.; Dracos, M.; Duchesneau, D.; Dusini, S.; Ebert, J.; Ereditato, A.; Favier, J.; Ferber, T.; Fini, R.A.; Fukuda, T.; Garfagnini, A.; Giacomelli, G.; Goellnitz, C.; Goldberg, J.; Gornushkin, Y.; Grella, G.; Grianti, F.; Guler, A.M.; Gustavino, C.; Hagner, C.; Hakamata, K.; Hara, T.; Hayakawa, T.; Hierholzer, M.; Hollnagel, A.; Hosseini, B.; Ishida, H.; Ishiguro, K.; Ishikawa, M.; Jakovcic, K.; Jollet, C.; Kamiscioglu, C.; Kamiscioglu, M.; Katsuragawa, T.; Kawahara, H.; Kawada, J.; Kim, J.H.; Kim, S.H.; Kimura, M.; Kitagawa, N.; Klicek, B.; Kodama, K.; Komat, Erratum: New results on nu_mu -> nu_tau appearance with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2014, 2014, pp. 1 - 3 [Scientific article]
Patent EP3038942B1, Safety capsule for containers.
Stroppa A; Di Sante D; Barone P; Bokdam M; Kresse G; Franchini C; Whangbo MH; Picozzi S, Tunable ferroelectric polarization and its interplay with spin-orbit coupling in tin iodide perovskites, «NATURE COMMUNICATIONS», 2014, 5, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]
Cordin M; Lechner BAJ; Duerrbeck S; Menzel A; Bertel E; Redinger J; Franchini C, Experimental observation of defect pair separation triggering phase transitions, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2014, 4, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article] Open Access