Scientific publications
R. Aaij; B. Adeva; M. Adinolfi; A. Affolder; Z. Ajaltouni; S. Akar; J. Albrecht; F. Alessio; M. Alexander; S. Ali; G. Alkhazov; P. Alvarez Cartelle; A.A. Alves Jr; S. Amato; S. Amerio; Y. Amhis; L. An; L. Anderlini; J. Anderson; R. Andreassen; M. Andreotti; J.E. Andrews; R.B. Appleby; O. Aquines Gutierrez; F. Archilli; A. Artamonov; M. Artuso; E. Aslanides; G. Auriemma; M. Baalouch; S. Bachmann; J.J. Back; A. Badalov; C. Baesso; W. Baldini; R.J. Barlow; C. Barschel; S. Barsuk; W. Barter; V. Batozskaya; V. Battista; A. Bay; L. Beaucourt; J. Beddow; F. Bedeschi; I. Bediaga; S. Belogurov; K. Belous; I. Belyaev; E. Ben-Haim; G. Bencivenni; S. Benson; J. Benton; A. Berezhnoy; R. Bernet; M.-O. Bettler; M. van Beuzekom; A. Bien; S. Bifani; T. Bird; A. Bizzeti; P.M. Bjørnstad; T. Blake; F. Blanc; J. Blouw; S. Blusk; V. Bocci; A. Bondar; N. Bondar; W. Bonivento; S. Borghi; A. Borgia; M. Borsato; T.J.V. Bowcock; E. Bowen; C. Bozzi; T. Brambach; J. Bressieux; D. Brett; M. Britsch; T. Britton; J, Precision Luminosity Measurements at LHCb, «JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION», 2014, 9, pp. 1 - 89 [Scientific article]
Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro;Federico Marulli;Matteo Viel;Enzo Branchini;Emanuele Castorina;Emiliano Sefusatti;Shun Saito, Cosmology with massive neutrinos I: towards a realistic modeling of the relation between matter, haloes and galaxies, «JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS», 2014, 2014, pp. 011 - 011 [Scientific article]
C. Tonon; L.L. Gramegna; D.N. Manners; C. Testa; C. Bianchini; R. Rinaldi; R. D'Angelo; R. Latorre; V. Stanghellini; R. De Giorgio; R. Lodi, Advanced brain MR study in mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy: double dissociation between severe CIPO, mild neurological, and severe neuroradiological findings, in: Special Issue: Abstracts of the 1st Federation Neurogastroenterology and Motility Scientific Meeting, September 5-7, 2014, Guangzhou, China, «NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY & MOTILITY», 2014, 26, pp. 173 - 173 (atti di: 1st Federation Neurogastroenterology and Motility Scientific Meeting, Guangzhou, 5-7 september) [Poster]
Marco Baldi, Cold dark matter halos in Multi-coupled Dark Energy cosmologies: Structural and statistical properties, «PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE», 2014, 3, pp. 4 - 17 [Scientific article]
Arpine Piloyan; Valerio Marra; Marco Baldi; Luca Amendola, Linear perturbation constraints on multi-coupled dark energy, «JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS», 2014, 2014, pp. 045 - 069 [Scientific article]
Menichetti G; Remondini D; Panzarasa P; Mondragón RJ; Bianconi G, Weighted multiplex networks, «PLOS ONE», 2014, 9, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]
Castellani G; Intrator N; Remondini D, Systems biology and brain activity in neuronal pathways by smart device and advanced signal processing, «FRONTIERS IN GENETICS», 2014, 5, pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]
Chust G.; Allen J.I.; Bopp L.; Schrum C.; Holt J.; Tsiara K.; Zavatarelli M.; Chifflet M.; Cannaby H.; Dadou I.; Daewel U.; Wakelin S.L.; Machu E.; Pushpadas D.; Butenschoen M.; Artioli Y.; Petihakis G.; Smith C.; Garcon V.; Goubanova K.; Le Vu B.; Fach B. A.; Salihoglu B.; Clementi E.; Irigoien X., Biomass changes and trophic amplification of plankton in a warmer ocean, «GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY», 2014, 20, pp. 2124 - 2139 [Scientific article]
Lazzari P.; Mattia G.; Solidoro C.; Salon S.; Crise A.; Zavatarelli M.; Oddo P.; Vichi M., The impacts of climate change and environmental management policies on the trophic regimes in the Mediterranean Sea: Scenario analyses, «JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS», 2014, 135, pp. 137 - 149 [Scientific article]
Do-Seong Byun;Xiao Hua Wang;Deirdre E. Hart;Marco Zavatarelli, Review of PAR parameterizations in ocean ecosystem models, «ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE», 2014, 151, pp. 318 - 323 [Scientific article]
Belcastro M.G.; Mariotti V.; Bonfiglioli B.; Todero A.; Bocchini G.; Bettuzzi M.; Brancaccio R.; De Stefano S.; Casali F.; Morigi M.P., Dental status and 3D reconstruction of the malocclusion of the famous singer Farinelli (1705-1782), «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PALEOPATHOLOGY», 2014, 7, pp. 64 - 69 [Scientific article]
R. Aaij; B. Adeva; M. Adinolfi; A. Affolder; Z. Ajaltouni; S. Akar; J. Albrecht; F. Alessio; M. Alexander; S. Ali; G. Alkhazov; P. Alvarez Cartelle; A.A. Alves Jr; S. Amato; S. Amerio; Y. Amhis; L. An; L. Anderlini; J. Anderson; R. Andreassen; M. Andreotti; J.E. Andrews; R.B. Appleby; O. Aquines Gutierrez; F. Archilli; A. Artamonov; M. Artuso; E. Aslanides; G. Auriemma; M. Baalouch; S. Bachmann; J.J. Back; A. Badalov; W. Baldini; R.J. Barlow; C. Barschel; S. Barsuk; W. Barter; V. Batozskaya; V. Battista; A. Bay; L. Beaucourt; J. Beddow; F. Bedeschi; I. Bediaga; S. Belogurov; K. Belous; I. Belyaev; E. Ben-Haim; G. Bencivenni; S. Benson; J. Benton; A. Berezhnoy; R. Bernet; M.-O. Bettler; M. van Beuzekom; A. Bien; S. Bifani; T. Bird; A. Bizzeti; P.M. Bjørnstad; T. Blake; F. Blanc; J. Blouw; S. Blusk; V. Bocci; A. Bondar; N. Bondar; W. Bonivento; S. Borghi; A. Borgia; M. Borsato; T.J.V. Bowcock; E. Bowen; C. Bozzi; T. Brambach; J. van den Brand; J. Bressieux; D. Brett; M. Britsch; T. Bri, Measurements of CP Violation in the Three-Body Phase Space of Charmless B± Decays, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY», 2014, 90, pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]
de Oliveira LR; Bazzani A; Giampieri E; Castellani GC., The role of non-equilibrium fluxes in the relaxation processes of the linear chemical master equation., «THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2014, 141, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]
Combi T.; Guerra R., Extraction of PCBs in spiked marine sediments using accelerated-solvent extraction (ASE) and Soxhlet extraction., in: Green economy e la sua implementazione nel Mediterraneo - Atti ECOMONDO, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN), Ed. Maggioli, 2014, pp. 359 - 363 (atti di: ECOMONDO - Green economy: ricerca, innovazione e azioni del Mediterraneo, Rimini, 5-8 Novembre 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Guerra R.; Pozo Hernandez J.P., Surface sediment quality assessment in a coastal lagoon (NW Adriatic Sea) based on SEM-AVS analysis, in: Green economy e sua implementazione nel mediterraneo - Atti ecomondo 2014, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN), Ed. Maggioli, 2014, pp. 559 - 563 (atti di: ECOMONDO - Green economy: ricerca, innovazione e azioni del Mediterraneo, 5-8 Novembre 2014 Rimini, Fabio Fava Eds., 559-563., Rimini, 5-8 Novembre 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Mudd D.; Mathur S.; Guainazzi M.; Piconcelli E.; Bianchi S.; Komossa S.; Vignali C.; Lanzuisi G.; Nicastro F.; Fiore F.; Maiolino R., XMM-Newton Observations of Three Interacting Luminous Infrared Galaxies, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2014, 787, pp. 40 - 50 [Scientific article]
Delvecchio I.; Gruppioni C.; Pozzi F.; Berta S.; Zamorani G.; Cimatti A.; Lutz D.; Scott D.; Vignali C.; Cresci G.; Feltre A.; Coorey A.; Vaccari M.; Fritz J.; Le Floch E.; Magnelli B.; Popesso P.; Oliver S.; Bock J.; Carollo M.; Contini T.; Le Fevre O.; Lilly S.; Mainieri V.; Renzini A.; Scodeggio M., Tracing the cosmic growth of supermassive black holes to z~3 with Herschel, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2014, 439, pp. 2736 - 2754 [Scientific article]
Shemmer O.; Brandt W.N.; Paolillo M.; Kaspi S.; Vignali C.; Stein M.S.; Lira P.; Schneider D.P.; Gibson R.R., Exploratory X-ray Monitoring of Luminous Radio-Quiet Quasars at High Redshift: Initial Results, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2014, 783, pp. 116 - 133 [Scientific article]
Moretti A.; Ballo L.; Braito V.; Caccianiga A.; Della Ceca R.; Gilli R.; Salvaterra R.; Severgnini P.; Vignali C., X-ray observation of ULAS J1120+0641, the most distant quasar at z=7.08, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2014, 563, pp. A46 - A46 [Scientific article]
Del Moro A.; Mullaney J.R.; Alexander D.M.; Comastri A.; Bauer F.E.; Treister E.; Stern D.; Civano F. ; Ranalli P.; Vignali C.; Aird J.A.; Ballantyne D.; Balokovic M.; Boggs S.E.; Brandt W.N.; Christensen S.E.; Craig W.W.; Gandhi P.; Gilli R.; Hailey C.J.; Harrison F.A.; Hickox R.C.; LaMassa S.M.; Lansbury G.B.; Luo B.; Puccetti S.; Urry M.; Zhang W.W., NuSTAR J033202-2746.8: direct constraints on the Compton reflection in a heavily obscured quasar at z~2, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2014, 786, pp. 16 - 28 [Scientific article]