Scientific publications
L.A. Gergely; Z. Keresztes; A.Y. Kamenchtchik, Distributional cosmological quantities solve the paradox of soft singularity crossing, in: Multiverse and fundamental cosmology : Multicosmofun '12, New York, American Institute Of Physics, 2013, pp. 132 - 135 (AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS) [Chapter or essay]
C.F. Steinwachs; A.Y. Kamenchtchik, Non-minimal Higgs Inflation and Frame Dependence in Cosmology, in: Multiverse and fundamental cosmology : Multicosmofun '12, New York, American Institute Of Physics, 2013, pp. 161 - 164 (AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS) [Chapter or essay]
A.Y. Kamenchtchik; S. Manti, Classical and quantum Big Brake cosmology for scalar field and tachyonic models, in: Multiverse and fundamental cosmology : Multicosmofun '12, New York, American Institute Of Physics, 2013, pp. 179 - 182 (AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS) [Chapter or essay]
N. Colonna;S. Altstadt;J. Andrzejewski;L. Audouin;M. Barbagallo;V. Bécares;F. Bečvář;F. Belloni;E. Berthoumieux;J. Billowes;V. Boccone;D. Bosnar;M. Brugger;M. Calviani;F. Calviño;D. Cano-Ott;C. Carrapiço;F. Cerutti;E. Chiaveri;M. Chin;G. Cortés;M. A. Cortés-Giraldo;M. Diakaki;C. Domingo-Pardo;I. Duran;N. Dzysiuk;C. Eleftheriadis;A. Ferrari;K. Fraval;S. Ganesan;A. R. García;G. Giubrone;M. B. Gómez- Hornillos;I. F. Gonçalves;E. González-Romero;E. Griesmayer;C. Guerrero;F. Gunsing;P. Gurusamy;D. G. Jenkins;E. Jericha;Y. Kadi;F. Käppeler;D. Karadimos;P. Koehler;M. Kokkoris;M. Krtička;J. Kroll;C. Langer;C. Lederer;H. Leeb;L. S. Leong;R. Losito;A. Manousos;J. Marganiec;T. Martínez;C. Massimi;P. F. Mastinu;M. Mastromarco;M. Meaze;E. Mendoza;A. Mengoni;P. M. Milazzo;F. Mingrone;M. Mirea;W. Mondalaers;C. Paradela;A. Pavlik;J. Perkowski;A. Plompen;J. Praena;J. M. Quesada;T. Rauscher;R. Reifarth;A. Riego;F. Roman;C. Rubbia;R. Sarmento;P. Schillebeeckx;S. Schmidt;G. , Neutron research at the N_TOF facility (CERN): Results and perspectives, in: Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: Twenty-Second International Conference, New York, American Institute Of Physics, 2013, pp. 570 - 576 (AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS) [Chapter or essay]
Morigi M.P.; Bettuzzi M.; Brancaccio R.; Ragazzini L.; Mazzola F.; Casali F., Indagine radiografica in situ, in: Dossier sulla Pala Bertoni, Faenza (RA), EDIT FAENZA srl, 2013, pp. 73 - 84 [Chapter or essay]
F. Boscherini, X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure in the Study of Semiconductor Heterostructures and Nanostructures, in: Characterization of Semiconductor Heterostructures and Nanostructures, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2013, pp. 259 - 310 [Chapter or essay]
M. Lenci, Exactness, K-property and infinite mixing, in: Publicaciones Matemáticas del Uruguay, vol. 14, Montevideo, Departamento de Publicaciones de la Universidad de la República, 2013, pp. 159 - 170 (PUBLICACIONES MATEMÁTICAS DEL URUGUAY) [Chapter or essay]
U. Ulbrich; E/ Xoplaki; S.Dobricic; R.Garcia-Herrera; P.Lionello; M.Adani; M.Baldi; D.Barriopedro; P.Coccimilgio; G.Dalu; D.Efthymiadis; M.Gaetani; M.B. Galati; L.Gimeno; C.M.Goodess; P.D. Jones; F.G. Kuglitsch; G.C. Leckebusch; J.Luterbacher; M.Marcos-Moreno; A.Mariotti; R.Nieto; K.M.Nissen; D.Pettenuzzo; N.Pinardi; C.Pino; A.G.P. Shaw; P.Souza; A.Toreti; R.M.Trigo; M.Tsimplis, Past and current climate changes in the Mediterranean region., in: regional Assessment of climate change in the Mediterranean, Dordrecht, Springer, 2013, pp. 9 - 51 (ADVANCES IN GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH) [Chapter or essay]
Stefano Casalini;Tobias Cramer;Francesca Leonardi;Massimiliano Cavallini;Fabio Biscarini, Low-Dimensionality Effects in Organic Field Effect Transistors, in: Organic Nanomaterials, Weinheim, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, 2013, pp. 397 - 419 [Chapter or essay]
T. Treu; P. J. Marshall; F. -Y. Cyr-Racine; C. D. Fassnacht; C. R. Keeton; E. V. Linder; L. A. Moustakas; M. Bradac; E. Buckley-Geer; T. Collett; F. Courbin; G. Dobler; D. A. Finley; J. Hjorth; C. S. Kochanek; E. Komatsu; L. V. E. Koopmans; G. Meylan; P. Natarajan; M. Oguri; S. H. Suyu; M. Tewes; K. C. Wong; A. I. Zabludoff; D. Zaritsky; T. Anguita; R. J. Brunner; R. Cabanac; E. E. Falco; A. Fritz; G. Seidel; D. A. Howell; C. Giocoli; N. Jackson; S. Lopez; R. B. Metcalf; V. Motta; T. Verdugo, Dark energy with gravitational lens time delays, in: T. Treu, White paper submitted to SNOWMASS2013, Standford, SNOWMASS2013, 2013, pp. 1 - 9 [Chapter or essay]
Gualdi S.; Somot S.; May W.; Castellari S.; Déqué M.; Adani M.; Artale V.; Bellucci A.; Breitgand J.S.; Carillo A.; Cornes R.; Dell’Aquila A.; Dubois C.; Efthymiadis D.; Elizalde A.; Gimeno L.; Goodess C.M.; Harzallah A.; Krichak S.O.; Kuglitsch F.G.; Leckebusch G.C.; L’Hévéder B.; Li L.; Lionello P.; Luterbacher J.; Mariotti A.; Navarra A.; Nieto R.; Nissen K.M.; Oddo P.; Ruti P.; Sanna A.; Sannino G.; Scoccimarro E.; Sevault F.; Struglia M.V.; Toreti A.; Ulbrich U.; Xoplaki E., Future Climate Projections, in: Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean, Dordrecht, Springer, 2013, pp. 53 - 118 (ADVANCES IN GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH) [Chapter or essay]