Scientific publications
Pascale S.; Gregory J.M.; Ambaum M.H.P.; Tailleux R.; Lucarini V., Vertical and horizontal processes in the global atmosphere and the maximum entropy production conjecture, «EARTH SYSTEM DYNAMICS», 2012, 3, pp. 19 - 32 [Scientific article]
Lederer C.; Altstadt S.; Andriamonje S.; Andrzejewski J.; Audouin L.; Barbagallo M.; Becares V.; Becvar F.; Belloni F.; Berthier B.; Berthoumieux E.; Billowes J.; Boccone V.; Bosnar D.; Brugger M.; Calviani M.; Calvino F.; Cano-Ott D.; Carrapico C.; Cerutti F.; Chiaveri E.; Chin M.; Colonna N.; Cortes G.; Cortes-Giraldo M.A.; Diakaki M.; Dillmann I.; Domingo-Pardo C.; Duran I.; Dressler R.; Dzysiuk N.; Eleftheriadis C.; Fernandez-Ordonez M.; Ferrari A.; Fraval K.; Ganesan S.; Garcia A.R.; Giubrone G.; Gomez-Hornillos M.B.; Goncalves I.F.; Gonzalez-Romero E.; Gramegna F.; Griesmayer E.; Guerrero C.; Gunsing F.; Gurusamy P.; Harrisopulos S.; Heil M.; Ioannides K.; Jenkins D.G.; Jericha E.; Kadi Y.; Kappeler F.; Karadimos D.; Kivel N.; Koehler P.; Kokkoris M.; Korschinek G.; Krticka M.; Kroll J.; Langer C.; Lebbos E.; Leeb H.; Leong L.S.; Losito R.; Lozano M.; Manousos A.; Marganiec J.; Marrone S.; Martinez T.; Massimi C.; Mastinu P.F.; Mastromarco M.; Meaze M.; Mendoza E.; Mengoni A.; M, Neutron induced reactions for the s process, and the case of Fe and Ni isotopes, in: Proceedings of Science, 2012, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: 12th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, NIC 2012, Cairns, QLD, aus, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Tarrio D.; Tassan-Got L.; Audouin L.; Duron I.; Leong L.S.; Paradela C.; Altstadt S.; Andrzejewski J.; Barbagallo M.; Becares V.; Becvar F.; Bellont F.; Berthoumieux F.; Billowes J.; Boccone V.; Bosnar D.; Brugger M.; Calviani M.; Calvino F.; Cano-Ott D.; Carrapico C.; Cerutti F.; Chiaveri E.; Chin M.; Colonna N.; Cortes G.; Cortes-Giraldo M.A.; Diakaki M.; Domingo-Pardo C.; Dzysiuk N.; Eleftheriadis C.; Ferrari A.; Fraval K.; Ganesan S.; Garcia A.R.; Giubrone G.; Gomez-Hornillos M.B.; Goncalves I.F.; Gonzalez-Romero E.; Griesmayer E.; Guerrero C.; Gunsing F.; Gurusamy P.; Jenkins D.G.; Jericho E.; Kadi Y.; Rappeler F.; Karadimos D.; Koehler P.; Kokkoris M.; Krticka M.; Krol J.; Langer C.; Lederer C.; Leeb H.; Losito R.; Manousos A.; Marganiec J.; Martinez T.; Massimi C.; Mastinu P.F.; Mastromarco M.; Meaze M.; Mendoza E.; Mengoni A.; Milazzo P.M.; Mingrone F.; Mirea M.; Mondalaers W.; Pavlik A.; Perkowski J.; Plompen A.; Praena J.; Quesada J.M.; Rauscher T.; Reifarth R.; Riego A.; Ro, Measurement of the fission fragment angular distribution for Th-232(n,f) at the CERN n-TOF facility, in: CERN-Proceedings, CERN, «CERN-PROCEEDINGS», 2012, pp. 253 - 260 (atti di: 13th International Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM 2012, Varenna, ita, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Argnani, A.; Armigliato, A.; Pagnoni, G.; Zaniboni, F.; Tinti, S.; Bonazzi, C., Active tectonics along the submarine slope of south-eastern Sicily: The January 11, 1693 earthquake and tsunami, «RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA», 2012, 22, pp. 1 - 3 [Scientific article]
Paci E., Using models to design new bioinspired materials, «BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2012, 103, pp. 1814 - 1815 [Scientific article]
Shalashilin D.V.; Beddard G.S.; Paci E.; Glowacki D.R., Peptide kinetics from picoseconds to microseconds using boxed molecular dynamics: Power law rate coefficients in cyclisation reactions, «THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2012, 137, pp. 165102 - 165110 [Scientific article]
Ikeda-Kobayashi A.; Taniguchi Y.; Brockwell D.J.; Paci E.; Kawakami M., Prying open single GroES Ring complexes by force reveals cooperativity across domains, «BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2012, 102, pp. 1961 - 1968 [Scientific article]
Yew Z.T.; Paci E., Simulation Studies of Force-Induced Unfolding, in: Comprehensive Biophysics, Oxford, Academic Press, 2012, pp. 138 - 147 [Chapter or essay]
Alici A., Performance of the MRPC-based Time-Of-Flight detector of ALICE at LHC, in: Proceedings of Science, Sissa Medialab Srl, 2012, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 11th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors, RPC 2012, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN - Frascati, ita, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Abbrescia M.; Agafonova N.Y.; Aglietta M.; Agostinelli A.; Aiola S.; Akindinov A.; Alici A.; Amati E.; Amerigo S.; Angelotti A.M.; Antolini R.; Antonioli P.; Arcelli S.; Asta A.; Atalmi A.; Attanasi A.; Avanzini C.; Baldini Ferroli R.; Bari G.; Bartolucci S.; Belligan N.; Bellini F.; Bencivenni G.; Bessi C.; Boi M.; Bologna M.; Bonardi A.; Bonetti C.; Borromeo A.; Bossini E.; Boyarkin V.V.; Bragagnolo A.; Bressan E.; Brunelli C.; Brunetti G.; Brunos G.; Burato M.; Burzi S.; Calemasi D.; Calvari F.; Cannas A.; Cara Romeo G.; Cardillo A.; Cari A.; Carli M.; Cassinadri A.; Celati F.; Celano M.; Chiaranda L.; Chiavassa A.; Chinnici L.; Cicalo C.; Cifarelli L.; Civili I.; Coccetti F.; Coccia E.; Cocuzza S.; Corti M.; Dambrosio G.; D'Amico C.; De Angelo N.; De Caro A.; De Gruttola D.; Del Chiaro R.; Del Corda S.; Del Corral F.; De Pasquale S.; Deplano S.; Di Giovanni A.; D'Incecco M.; Dispensa E.; Di Carlo L.; Di Crescenzo E.; Di Pietro F.; Di Staso G.; Di Vittorio P.; Dondarini I.; Dreucci, Proposal for an MRPC system with high-precision timing in the LVD structure, «THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS», 2012, 127, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]
Dubois C.; Somot S.; Calmanti S.; Carillo A.; Deque M.; Dell'Aquila A.; Elizalde A.; Gualdi S.; Jacob D.; L'Heveder B.; Li L.; Oddo P.; Sannino G.; Scoccimarro E.; Sevault F., Erratum to: Future projections of the surface heat and water budgets of the Mediterranean Sea in an ensemble of coupled atmosphere-ocean regional climate models (Clim Dyn, 10.1007/s00382-011-1261-4), «CLIMATE DYNAMICS», 2012, 39, pp. 3125 - 3125 [Comment on a court sentence]
Dubois C.; Somot S.; Calmanti S.; Carillo A.; Deque M.; Dell'Aquilla A.; Elizalde A.; Gualdi S.; Jacob D.; L'Heveder B.; Li L.; Oddo P.; Sannino G.; Scoccimarro E.; Sevault F., Future projections of the surface heat and water budgets of the Mediterranean Sea in an ensemble of coupled atmosphere-ocean regional climate models, «CLIMATE DYNAMICS», 2012, 39, pp. 1859 - 1884 [Scientific article]
Gori P; Pulci O; Marsili M; Bechstedt F, Side-dependent electron escape from graphene- and graphane-like SiC layers, «APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS», 2012, 100, pp. 043110 - 043113 [Scientific article]
V. Garbuio; M. Cascella; R. Del Sole; MARSILI, MARGHERITA; O. Pulci, Excited state properties of formamide in water solution: An ab initio study, «THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2012, 137, pp. 164317 - 164324 [Scientific article]
Shkrebtii A; Marsili M; Heritage E; Pulci O; Del Sole R; Bechstedt F, Defect induced modification of the surface gap and optical properties of C(111)2 X 1 surface, «PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI. A, APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE», 2012, 209, pp. 669 - 674 [Scientific article]
Pulci O; Gori P; Marsili M; Garbuio V; Del Sole R; Bechstedt F, Strong excitons in novel two-dimensional crystals: Silicane and germanane, «EUROPHYSICS LETTERS», 2012, 98, pp. 37004 - 37010 [Scientific article]
Pesce M; Maugeri MC; Marsili M; Zarcone M; Tonini D; Bottosso C; Galiazzo M; Tomasi A, Technological and economic assessment of two-steps printing processes in a mc-Si solar cells production environment, in: Proceedings of Third Metallization Workshop on Metallization for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, 2012, 21, pp. 24 - 31 (atti di: Third Metallization Workshop on Metallization for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, Charleroi, Belgium, 25-26 October 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Longmore S; Rathborne J; Bastian N; Alves J; Ascenso J; Bally J; Testi L; Longmore A; Battersby C; Bressert E; Purcell C; Walsh A; Jackson J; Foster J; Molinari S; Meingast S; Amorim A; Lima J; Marques R; Moitinho A; Pinhao J; Rebordao J; Santos F, G0.253 + 0.016: A Molecular Cloud Progenitor of an Arches-like Cluster, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2012, 746, pp. 117 - 126 [Scientific article]
Pérez LM; Carpenter JM; Chandler CJ; Isella A; Andrews SM; Ricci L; Calvet N; Corder SA; Deller AT; Dullemond CP; Greaves JS; Harris RJ; Henning T; Kwon W; Lazio J; Linz H; Mundy LG; Sargent AI; Storm S; Testi L; Wilner DJ, Constraints on the Radial Variation of Grain Growth in the AS 209 Circumstellar Disk, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS», 2012, 760, pp. 17 - 23 [Scientific article]
Ricci L; Testi L; Maddison S; Wilner D, Fomalhaut debris disk emission at 7 millimeters: constraints on the collisional models of planetesimals, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2012, 539, pp. 6 - 9 [Scientific article]