Scientific publications
Mastrolia, Pierpaolo; Mirabella, Edoardo; Peraro, Tiziano, Integrand reduction of one-loop scattering amplitudes through Laurent series expansion, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2012, 2012, pp. 1 - 27 [Scientific article]
Mastrolia, Pierpaolo; Mirabella, Edoardo; Peraro, Tiziano, Erratum: integrand reduction of one-loop scattering amplitudes through Laurent series expansion, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2012, 2012, pp. 1 - 1 [Scientific article]
Mastrolia, Pierpaolo; Mirabella, Edoardo; Ossola, Giovanni; Peraro, Tiziano, Scattering amplitudes from multivariate polynomial division, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 2012, 718, pp. 173 - 177 [Scientific article]
Morel T.; Miglio A., Assessing the accuracy of the surface gravity determination in late-type stars with solar-like pulsators, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. LETTERS», 2012, 419, pp. 34 - 38 [Scientific article]
Silva Aguirre V.; Casagrande L.; Basu S.; Campante T.L.; Chaplin W.J.; Huber D.; Miglio A.; Serenelli A.M.; Ballot J.; Bedding T.R.; Christensen-Dalsgaard J.; Creevey O.L.; Elsworth Y.; Garcia R.A.; Gilliland R.L.; Hekker S.; Kjeldsen H.; Mathur S.; Metcalfe T.S.; Monteiro M.J.P.F.G.; Mosser B.; Pinsonneault M.H.; Stello D.; Weiss A.; Tenenbaum P.; Twicken J.D.; Uddin K., Verifying asteroseismically determined parameters of Kepler stars using Hipparcos parallaxes: Self-consistent stellar properties and distances, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2012, 757, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
Metcalfe T.S.; Chaplin W.J.; Appourchaux T.; Garcia R.A.; Basu S.; Brandao I.; Creevey O.L.; Deheuvels S.; Doan G.; Eggenberger P.; Karoff C.; Miglio A.; Stello D.; Yildiz M.; Elik Z.; Antia H.M.; Benomar O.; Howe R.; Regulo C.; Salabert D.; Stahn T.; Bedding T.R.; Davies G.R.; Elsworth Y.; Gizon L.; Hekker S.; Mathur S.; Mosser B.; Bryson S.T.; Still M.D.; Christensen-Dalsgaard J.; Gilliland R.L.; Kawaler S.D.; Kjeldsen H.; Ibrahim K.A.; Klaus T.C.; Li J., Asteroseismology of the solar analogs 16 Cyg A and B from Kepler observations, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS», 2012, 748, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]
Miglio A.; Morel T.; Barbieri M.; Mosser B.; Girardi L.; Montalban J.; Valentini M., Solar-like pulsating stars as distance indicators: G-K giants in the CoRoT and Kepler fields, in: EPJ Web of Conferences, 2012, 19, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: International Conference on Assembling the Puzzle of the Milky Way, Le Grand-Bornand, fra, 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Gilmore, G.; Randich, S.; Asplund, M.; Binney, J.; Bonifacio, P.; Drew, J.; Feltzing, S.; Ferguson, A.; Jeffries, R.; Micela, G.; Negueruela, I.; Prusti, T.; Rix, H. -W.; Vallenari, A.; Alfaro, E.; Allende-Prieto, C.; Babusiaux, C.; Bensby, T.; Blomme, R.; Bragaglia, A.; Flaccomio, E.; François, P.; Irwin, M.; Koposov, S.; Korn, A.; Lanzafame, A.; Pancino, E.; Paunzen, E.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Sacco, G.; Smiljanic, R.; Van Eck, S.; Walton, N.; Aden, D.; Aerts, C.; Affer, L.; Alcala, J. -M.; Altavilla, G.; Alves, J.; Antoja, T.; Arenou, F.; Argiroffi, C.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Bailer-Jones, C.; Balaguer-Nunez, L.; Bayo, A.; Barbuy, B.; Barisevicius, G.; Barrado y Navascues, D.; Battistini, C.; Bellas Velidis, I.; Bellazzini, M.; Belokurov, V.; Bergemann, M.; Bertelli, G.; Biazzo, K.; Bienayme, O.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Boeche, C.; Bonito, S.; Boudreault, S.; Bouvier, J.; Brandao, I.; Brown, A.; de Bruijne, J.; Burleigh, M.; Caballero, J.; Caffau, E.; Calura, F.; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.; Caramazz, The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey, «THE MESSENGER», 2012, 147, pp. 25 - 31 [Scientific article]
Montalban J.; Miglio A.; Noels A.; Scuflaire R.; Ventura P.; D'Antona F., Adiabatic solar-like oscillations in red giant stars, in: Red Giants as Probes of the Structure and Evolution of the Milky Way, Springer Netherlands, «ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE PROCEEDINGS», 2012, pp. 23 - 32 (atti di: Red Giants as Probes of the Structure and Evolution of the Milky Way, Roma, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Beck P.G.; Montalban J.; Kallinger T.; De Ridder J.; Aerts C.; Garcia R.A.; Hekker S.; Dupret M.-A.; Mosser B.; Eggenberger P.; Stello D.; Elsworth Y.; Frandsen S.; Carrier F.; Hillen M.; Gruberbauer M.; Christensen-Dalsgaard J.; Miglio A.; Valentini M.; Bedding T.R.; Kjeldsen H.; Girouard F.R.; Hall J.R.; Ibrahim K.A., Fast core rotation in red-giant stars as revealed by gravity-dominated mixed modes, «NATURE», 2012, 481, pp. 55 - 57 [Scientific article]
Huber D.; Ireland M.J.; Bedding T.R.; Brandao I.M.; Piau L.; Maestro V.; White T.R.; Bruntt H.; Casagrande L.; Molenda-Zakowicz J.; Silva Aguirre V.; Sousa S.G.; Barclay T.; Burke C.J.; Chaplin W.J.; Christensen-Dalsgaard J.; Cunha M.S.; De Ridder J.; Farrington C.D.; Frasca A.; Garcia R.A.; Gilliland R.L.; Goldfinger P.J.; Hekker S.; Kawaler S.D.; Kjeldsen H.; McAlister H.A.; Metcalfe T.S.; Miglio A.; Monteiro M.J.P.F.G.; Pinsonneault M.H.; Schaefer G.H.; Stello D.; Stumpe M.C.; Sturmann J.; Sturmann L.; Ten Brummelaar T.A.; Thompson M.J.; Turner N.; Uytterhoeven K., Fundamental properties of stars using asteroseismology from Kepler and CoRoT and interferometry from the CHARA Array, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2012, 760, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]
Salmon S.; Montalban J.; Morel T.; Miglio A.; Dupret M.-A.; Noels A., Testing the effects of opacity and the chemical mixture on the excitation of pulsations in B stars of the Magellanic Clouds, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2012, 422, pp. 3460 - 3474 [Scientific article]
Borucki W.J.; Koch D.G.; Batalha N.; Bryson S.T.; Rowe J.; Fressin F.; Torres G.; Caldwell D.A.; Christensen-Dalsgaard J.; Cochran W.D.; Devore E.; Gautier T.N.; Geary J.C.; Gilliland R.; Gould A.; Howell S.B.; Jenkins J.M.; Latham D.W.; Lissauer J.J.; Marcy G.W.; Sasselov D.; Boss A.; Charbonneau D.; Ciardi D.; Kaltenegger L.; Doyle L.; Dupree A.K.; Ford E.B.; Fortney J.; Holman M.J.; Steffen J.H.; Mullally F.; Still M.; Tarter J.; Ballard S.; Buchhave L.A.; Carter J.; Christiansen J.L.; Demory B.-O.; Desert J.-M.; Dressing C.; Endl M.; Fabrycky D.; Fischer D.; Haas M.R.; Henze C.; Horch E.; Howard A.W.; Isaacson H.; Kjeldsen H.; Johnson J.A.; Klaus T.; Kolodziejczak J.; Barclay T.; Li J.; Meibom S.; Prsa A.; Quinn S.N.; Quintana E.V.; Robertson P.; Sherry W.; Shporer A.; Tenenbaum P.; Thompson S.E.; Twicken J.D.; Van Cleve J.; Welsh W.F.; Basu S.; Chaplin W.; Miglio A.; Kawaler S.D.; Arentoft T.; Stello D.; Metcalfe T.S.; Verner G.A.; Karoff C.; Lundkvist M.; Lund M.N.; Handberg R.;, Kepler-22b: A 2.4 earth-radius planet in the habitable zone of a sun-like star, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2012, 745, pp. - - - [Scientific article]
Miglio A.; Brogaard K.; Stello D.; Chaplin W.J.; D'Antona F.; Montalban J.; Basu S.; Bressan A.; Grundahl F.; Pinsonneault M.; Serenelli A.M.; Elsworth Y.; Hekker S.; Kallinger T.; Mosser B.; Ventura P.; Bonanno A.; Noels A.; Silva Aguirre V.; Szabo R.; Li J.; McCauliff S.; Middour C.K.; Kjeldsen H., Asteroseismology of old open clusters with Kepler: Direct estimate of the integrated red giant branch mass-loss in NGC 6791 and 6819, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2012, 419, pp. 2077 - 2088 [Scientific article]
Eggenberger P.; Montalban J.; Miglio A., Angular momentum transport in stellar interiors constrained by rotational splittings of mixed modes in red giants, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2012, 544, pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article]
Carter J.A.; Agol E.; Chaplin W.J.; Basu S.; Bedding T.R.; Buchhave L.A.; Christensen-Dalsgaard J.; Deck K.M.; Elsworth Y.; Fabrycky D.C.; Ford E.B.; Fortney J.J.; Hale S.J.; Handberg R.; Hekker S.; Holman M.J.; Huber D.; Karoff C.; Kawaler S.D.; Kjeldsen H.; Lissauer J.J.; Lopez E.D.; Lund M.N.; Lundkvist M.; Metcalfe T.S.; Miglio A.; Rogers L.A.; Stello D.; Borucki W.J.; Bryson S.; Christiansen J.L.; Cochran W.D.; Geary J.C.; Gilliland R.L.; Haas M.R.; Hall J.; Howard A.W.; Jenkins J.M.; Klaus T.; Koch D.G.; Latham D.W.; MacQueen P.J.; Sasselov D.; Steffen J.H.; Twicken J.D.; Winn J.N., Kepler-36: A pair of planets with neighboring orbits and dissimilar densities, «SCIENCE», 2012, 337, pp. 556 - 559 [Scientific article]
Brogaard K.; Vandenberg D.A.; Bruntt H.; Grundahl F.; Frandsen S.; Bedin L.R.; Milone A.P.; Dotter A.; Feiden G.A.; Stetson P.B.; Sandquist E.; Miglio A.; Stello D.; Jessen-Hansen J., Age and helium content of the open cluster NGC 6791 from multiple eclipsing binary members: II. Age dependencies and new insights, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2012, 543, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]
Alberto Carrassi, Accounting for model error in data assimilation., in: Mathematical and Algorithmic Aspects of Atmosphere-Ocean Data Assimilation, Oberwolfach Report, European Mathematical Society., 2012, pp. 3437 - 3438 [Chapter or essay]
Carrassi A.; Hamdi R.; Termonia P.; Vannitsem S., Short time augmented extended Kalman filter for soil analysis: A feasibility study, «ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS», 2012, 13, pp. 268 - 274 [Scientific article]
Pascale S.; Gregory J.M.; Ambaum M.H.P.; Tailleux R., A parametric sensitivity study of entropy production and kinetic energy dissipation using the FAMOUS AOGCM, «CLIMATE DYNAMICS», 2012, 38, pp. 1211 - 1227 [Scientific article]