Scientific publications
M. Baldi, Multiple dark matter as a self-regulating mechanism for dark sector interactions, «ANNALEN DER PHYSIK», 2012, 524, pp. 602 - 617 [Scientific article]
Weiguang Cui;Marco Baldi;Stefano Borgani, The halo mass function in interacting dark energy models, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2012, 424, pp. 993 - 1005 [Scientific article]
Marco Baldi, The codecs project: a publicly available suite of cosmological N-body simulations for interacting dark energy models★, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2012, 422, pp. 1028 - 1044 [Scientific article]
Emma Beynon;Marco Baldi;David J. Bacon;Kazuya Koyama;Cristiano Sabiu, Weak lensing predictions for coupled dark energy cosmologies at non-linear scales, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2012, 422, pp. 3546 - 3553 [Scientific article]
M. Viel;K. Markovič;M. Baldi;J. Weller, The non-linear matter power spectrum in warm dark matter cosmologies, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2012, 421, pp. 50 - 62 [Scientific article]
Jounghun Lee;Marco Baldi, CAN COUPLED DARK ENERGY SPEED UP THE BULLET CLUSTER?, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2012, 747, pp. 45 - 71 [Scientific article]
Marco Baldi, Early massive clusters and the bouncing coupled dark energy, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2012, 420, pp. 430 - 440 [Scientific article]
Marco Baldi;Paolo Salucci, Constraints on interacting Dark Energy models from galaxy rotation curves, «JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS», 2012, 2012, pp. 014 - 028 [Scientific article]
Seminara L.; Pinna L.; Valle M.; Basiricò L.; Loi A.; Cosseddu P.; Bonfiglio A.; Ascia A.; Biso M.; Ansaldo A.; Ricci D.; Metta G., Piezoelectric polymer transducer arrays for flexible tactile sensors, in: 2012 IEEE SENSORS PROCEEDINGS, «PROCEEDINGS OF IEEE SENSORS ...», 2012, pp. 889 - 892 (atti di: 11th IEEE Sensors Conference, Taipei, TAIWAN, OCT 28-31, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
P Cosseddu; S Lai; A Loi; A Bonfiglio; L Basirico, Organic bendable and stretchable field effect devices for sensing applications, in: 2012 IEEE SENSORS PROCEEDINGS, «PROCEEDINGS OF IEEE SENSORS ...», 2012, pp. 224 - 227 (atti di: 11th IEEE Sensors Conference, Taipei, TAIWAN, OCT 28-31, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C. Tonon; R. De Giorgio; R. Rinaldi; D. N. Manners; C. La Morgia; C. Testa; G. Rizzo; E. Boschetti; F. Giancola; V. Stanghellini; R. Lodi, Double dissociation between severe CIPO, mild neurological, but severe neuroradiological findings: Presentation of 6 cases of Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy (MNGIE), in: Special Issue: Abstracts of the Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting, 6-8 September 2012, Bologna, Italy, «NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY & MOTILITY», 2012, 24, pp. 173 - 173 (atti di: Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting, Bologna, 6-8 September 2012) [Poster]
Mammarella M.C.; Grandoni G.; Fedele P.; Fernando H.J.S.; Di Sabatino S.; Leo L.S.; Cacciani M.; Casasanta G.; Dallman A., New Atmospheric Pollution Indicators and Tools to Support Policy for Environmental Sustainable Development, in: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, PHOENIX, Fernando H.J.S.,Klaic Z.B.,McCulley J.L., 2012, pp. 191 - 197 (NATO SCIENCE FOR PEACE AND SECURITY SERIES. C, ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY) [Chapter or essay]
Salieri B.; Miseljic M.; Righi S.; Olsen S.I., How to evaluate the exposure to engineered nanoparticles in freshwater, in: SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting Abstract Book., BRUSSELS, SETAC Europe, 2012, pp. 422 - 422 (atti di: 6th SETAC World Congress 2012, Securing a sustainable future: Integrating science, policy and people., Berlin, Germany, 20–24 May 2012) [Abstract]
Salieri B.; Bauman J.; Pasteris A.; Koser J.; D’amato R.; Righi S.; Filser J., The influence of exposure mode in the hazard identification of metallic nanoparticles: the case of TiO2 and Daphnia Magna, in: SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting Abstract Book., BRUSSELS, SETAC Europe, 2012, pp. 425 - 425 (atti di: 6th SETAC World Congress 2012, Securing a sustainable future: Integrating science, policy and people., Berlin, Germany, 20–24 May 2012) [Abstract]
M Feroci; JW den Herder; JW Bozzo; E Barret; D Brandt; S Hernanz; M van der Klis; M Pohl; M Santangelo; A Stella; L Watts; A Wilms; J Zane; S Ahangarianabhari; M Alpar; A Altamirano; D Alvarez; L Amati; L Amoros; C Andersson; N Antonelli; A Argan; A Artigue R; Azzarello P; G Baldazzi; Balman; S Barbera; M Belloni; T Bertuccio; G Bianchi; S Bianchini; A Bodin; P Bidaud; JMB Boutloukos; S Braga; J Brown; E Bucciantini; N Burderi; L Bursa; M Budtz-Jorgensen; C Cackett; E Cadoux; FR Cais; P Caliandro; GA Campana; R Campana; S Casella; P Chakrabarty; D Chenevez; J Coker; J Cole; R Collura; A Courvoisier; T Cros; A Cumming; A Cusumano; G D'Ai; A D'Elia; V Del Monte; E De Martino; D De Rosa; A Di Cosimo; S Diebold; S Di Salvo; T Donnarumma; I Drago; A Durant; M Emmanoulopoulos; D Evangelista; Y Fabian; A Falanga; M Favre; Y Feldman; C Ferrigno; C Finger; MH Fraser; GW Fuschino; F Galloway; DK Sanchez; JLG Garcia-B, LOFT - the Large Observatory For x-ray Timing, in: Proceedings of SPIE, Amsterdam, Tadayuki Takahashi; Stephen S. Murray; Jan-Willem A. den Herder, «PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE», 2012, 8443, pp. 84432D-01 - 84432D-16 (atti di: Conference on Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012 - Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS, JUL 01-06, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
P.-M. POULAIN; R. GERIN; M. RIXEN; P. ZANASCA; J. TEIXEIRA; A. GRIFFA; A. MOLCARD; M. DE MARTE; N. PINARDI, Aspects of the surface circulation in the Liguro-Provençal basin and Gulf of Lion as observed by satellite-tracked drifters (2007-2009), «BOLLETTINO DI GEOFISICA TEORICA E APPLICATA», 2012, 53, pp. 261 - 279 [Scientific article]
D. Casella; S. Dietrich; F. Di Paola; M. Formenton; A. Mugnai; F. Porcu'; P. Sanò, PM-GCD - A combined IR–MW satellite technique for frequent retrieval of heavy precipitation, «NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES», 2012, 12, pp. 231 - 240 [Scientific article]
C. Caracciolo;M. Napoli; F. Porcù; F. Prodi; S. Dietrich; C. Zanchi; S. Orlandini, RAIN DROP SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND SOIL EROSION, «JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING», 2012, 138, pp. 461 - 469 [Scientific article]
J. J. Brondijk;W. S. C. Roelofs;S. G. J. Mathijssen;A. Shehu;T. Cramer;F. Biscarini;P. W. M. Blom;D. M. de Leeuw, Two-Dimensional Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Semiconductors, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2012, 109, pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article]
T. Cramer;A. Kyndiah;M. Murgia;F. Leonardi;S. Casalini;F. Biscarini, Double layer capacitance measured by organic field effect transistor operated in water, «APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS», 2012, 100, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]