Scientific publications
L. Brizi; M. Camaiti; P. Fantazzini; M. Mariani, Il gradiente di campo magnetico negli strumenti NMR portatili per i Beni Culturali: da fonte di errore ad opportunità, in: XCVIII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica, 2012, pp. 222 - 223 (atti di: Congresso Nazionale SIF, Napoli, 17 - 21 settembre 2012) [Abstract]
A. Mucciarelli;M. Salaris;P. Bonifacio, Giants reveal what dwarfs conceal: Li abundance in lower red giant branch stars as diagnostic of the primordial Li★, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2012, 419, pp. 2195 - 2205 [Scientific article]
C Grandi; B Bockelman; D Bonacorsi; G Donvito; D Dykstra; I Fisk; J Hernandez; S Metson; I Sfiligoi; S Wakefield, Evolution of the Distributed Computing Model of the CMS experiment at the LHC, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2012, 396, pp. 032053 - 032061 [Scientific article]
Giuseppe Bagliesi; Kenneth Bloom; Daniele Bonacorsi; Chris Brew; Ian Fisk; Jose Flix; Peter Kreuzer; Andrea Sciabà, CMS resource utilization and limitations on the grid after the first two years of LHC collisions, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2012, 396, pp. 032012 - 032022 [Scientific article]
D Bonacorsi; J Flix; R Kaselis; J Letts; N Magini; A Sartirana, Performance studies and improvements of CMS distributed data transfers, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2012, 396, pp. 032040 - 032051 [Scientific article]
Pier Paolo Ricci;Daniele Bonacorsi;Alessandro Cavalli;Luca Dell'Agnello;Daniele Gregori;Andrea Prosperini;Lorenzo Rinaldi;Vladimir Sapunenko;Vincenzo Vagnoni, The Grid Enabled Mass Storage System (GEMSS): the Storage and Data management system used at the INFN Tier1 at CNAF, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2012, 396, pp. 042051 - 042064 [Scientific article]
J Molina-Perez;D Bonacorsi;O Gutsche;A Sciabà;J Flix;P Kreuzer;E Fajardo;T Boccali;M Klute;D Gomes;R Kaselis;R Du;N Magini;I Butenas;W Wang, Monitoring techniques and alarm procedures for CMS Services and Sites in WLCG, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2012, 396, pp. 042041 - 042048 [Scientific article]
Salieri B; Righi S; Olsen SI, Characterization of aggregation and dissolution rate constants of metal oxide nanoparticles in freshwater archetypes, in: Sustainability Assessment in the 21st century. Tools, Trends & Applications, Brussels, SETAC Europe, 2012, pp. 123 - 123 (atti di: SETAC Europe 18th LCA case study symposium, Copenhagen, 26-28 November) [Abstract]
Bandini V.; Righi S.; Marazza D.; Torri C.; Buscaroli A.; Salieri B.; Fabbri D.; Contin A., Preliminary life cycle assessment of energy and carbon results of high ligno-cellulosic biomass pyrolysis coupled with anaerobic digestion, in: Sustainability Assessment in the 21st century. Tools, Trends & Applications, Brussels, SETAC Europe, 2012, pp. 138 - 138 (atti di: SETAC Europe 18th LCA case study symposium, Copenhagen, 26-28 November) [Abstract]
S. Castellaro; N. Negri; M. Rovere; L. Vigliotti, Interazione suolo-struttura e struttura-struttura: una lezione dal terremoto di Mirandola del 20.05.2012, «IL GEOLOGO», 2012, 45, pp. 47 - 52 [Scientific article]
N. Mauri;M. Sioli, Measurement of the cosmic ray muon charge ratio with the OPERA detector, «NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS», 2012, 229-232, pp. 565 - 565 [Scientific article]
Dario Benedetto; Emanuele Caglioti; Mirko Degli Esposti, The unreasonable effectiveness of Mathematics in Human Science: the attribution of texts by Antonio Gramsci, in: Imagine Math - Between Culture and Mathematics, Milano, Springer Italia, 2012, pp. 143 - 154 (atti di: Imagine Math: Between Culture and Mathematics, Venezia, Marzo 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
S. Cecchini;M. Spurio, Atmospheric muons: experimental aspects, «GEOSCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTATION, METHODS AND DATA SYSTEMS», 2012, 1, pp. 185 - 196 [Scientific article]
Tanaka Masayuki; Finoguenov Alexis; Lilly Simon J.; Bolzonella Micol; Carollo C. Marcella; Contini Thierry; Iovino Angela; Kneib Jean-Paul; Lamareille Fabrice; Le Fevre Olivier; Mainieri Vincenzo; Presotto Valentina; Renzini Alvio; Scodeggio Marco; Silverman John D.; Zamorani Gianni; Bardelli Sandro; Bongiorno Angela; Caputi Karina; Cucciati Olga; de la Torre Sylvain; de Ravel Loic; Franzetti Paolo; Garilli Bianca; Kampczyk Pawel; Knobel Christian; Kovac Katarina; Le Borgne Jean-Francois; Le Brun Vincent; López-Sanjuan Carlos; Maier Christian; Mignoli Marco; Pello Roser; Peng Yingjie; Perez-Montero Enrique; Tasca Lidia; Tresse Laurence; Vergani Daniela; Zucca Elena; Barnes Luke; Bordoloi Rongmon; Cappi Alberto; Cimatti Andrea; Coppa Graziano; Koekemoer Anton M.; McCracken Henry J.; Moresco Michele; Nair Preethi; Oesch Pascal; Pozzetti Lucia; Welikala Niraj, X-Ray Groups of Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 1 in zCOSMOS: Increased AGN Activities in High Redshift Groups, «PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN», 2012, 64, pp. 22 - 33 [Scientific article]
S. Di Sabatino; R. Buccolieri; P. Salizzoni, Recent advancement from flow and dispersion studies around bluff bodies for urban environment applications, in: Proc. The Seventh International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications (BBAA7), Shangai, Tamura; Xiang, 2012, pp. 989 - 999 (atti di: The Seventh International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications (BBAA7), Shangai, China, September 2-6, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
J. Hang; Y. Li; M. Sandberg; R. Buccolieri; S. Di Sabatino., The influence of building height variability on pollutant dispersion and pedestrian ventilation in idealized high-rise urban areas, «BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT», 2012, 56, pp. 346 - 360 [Scientific article]
David Carruthers; Di Sabatino S.; Julian Hunt, Urban Air Quality: Meteorological Processes, in: -, Urban Air Quality: Meteorological Processes, Lakspur, Meyers Robert (ED) - Springer New York, 2012, pp. 11262 - 11291 [Chapter or essay]
J. Hang; Y. Li; R. Buccolieri; M. Sandberg; S. Di Sabatino, On the contribution of mean flow and turbulence to city breathability: the case of long streets with tall buildings, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2012, 416, pp. 362 - 373 [Scientific article]
Marco Baldi, Dark Energy simulations, «PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE», 2012, 1, pp. 162 - 193 [Scientific article]
Piero Cosseddu; Laura Basiricò; Alberto Loi; Stefano Lai; P Maiolino; E Baglini; S Denei; F Mastrogiovanni; G Cannata; Annalisa Bonfiglio, Inkjet printed Organic Thin Film Transistors based tactile transducers for artificial robotic skin, in: Proceedings of the IEEE RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2012, pp. 1907 - 1912 (atti di: 2012 4th IEEE RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, BioRob 2012, Rome, 24/06/2012 - 27/06/2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]