Scientific publications
Chen XQ; Fu CL; Franchini C; Podloucky R, Hybrid density-functional calculation of the electronic and magnetic structures of tetragonal CuO, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2009, 80, pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article]
Dona E; Cordin M; Deisl C; Bertel E; FRANCHINI, CESARE; Zucca R; Redinger J., Halogen-Induced Corrosion of Platinum, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY», 2009, 131, pp. 2827 - 2829 [Scientific article]
Li F; Parteder G; Allegretti F; Franchini C; Podloucky R; Surnev S; Netzer FP, Two-dimensional manganese oxide nanolayers on Pd(100): the surface phase diagram, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONDENSED MATTER», 2009, 21, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]
Franchini, C.; Podloucky, R.; Allegretti, F.; Li, F.; Parteder, G.; Surnev, S.; Netzer, F. P., Structural and vibrational properties of two-dimensional Mn(x)O(y) layers on Pd(100): Experiments and density functional theory calculations, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2009, 79, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]
Franchini C; Kresse G; Podloucky R, Polaronic Hole Trapping in Doped BaBiO(3), «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2009, 102, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]
Franchini, C.; Zabloudil, J.; Podloucky, R.; Allegretti, F.; Li, F.; Surnev, S.; Netzer, F. P., Interplay between magnetic, electronic, and vibrational effects in monolayer Mn(3)O(4) grown on Pd(100), «THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2009, 130, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]
Barontini G.; Weber C.; Rabatti F.; Catani J.; Thalhammer G.; Inguscio M.; Minardi F., Observation of Heteronuclear Atomic Efimov Resonances, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2009, 103, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]
Catani J.; Barontini G.; Lamporesi G.; Rabatti F.; Thalhammer G.; Minardi F.; Stringari S.; Inguscio M., Entropy exchange in a mixture of ultracold atoms, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2009, 103, pp. 140401-1 - 140401-4 [Scientific article]
Thalhammer G.; Barontini G.; Catani J.; Rabatti F.; Weber C.; Simoni A.; Minardi F.; Lnguscio M., Collisional and molecular spectroscopy in an ultracold Bose-Bose mixture, «NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS», 2009, 11, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]
Zilibotti G; Righi Maria Clelia; Ferrario Mauro, Ab initio study on the surface chemistry and nanotribological properties of passivated diamond surfaces, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2009, 79, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
Bertelli, Matteo; Löptien, P.; Wenderoth, M.; Rizzi, Angela; Ulbrich, R. G.; Righi, Maria Clelia; Ferretti, Andrea; Martin Samos, L.; Bertoni, Carlo Maria; Catellani, A., Atomic and electronic structure of the nonpolar GaN (1 1̄ 00) surface, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2009, 80, pp. 115324 1 - 115324 7 [Scientific article]
PIERI, Pierbiagio; PERALI, Andrea; STRINATI CALVANESE, Giancarlo, Enhanced paraconductivity-like fluctuations in the radiofrequency spectra of ultracold Fermi atoms, «NATURE PHYSICS», 2009, 5, pp. 736 - 740 [Scientific article]
A. KHAN; PIERI, Pierbiagio, Ground-state fidelity in the BCS-BEC crossover, «PHYSICAL REVIEW A», 2009, 80, pp. 012303-1 - 012303-6 [Comment or similar]
M.C.Albertini; F.Olivieri; A.Accorsi; M.R.Rippo; G.Spada; M.B.L.Rocchi; A.Procopio, A simple Fortran script to identify potential mRNA targets of miRNA potentially regulated by Vitamin E, in: Society for Free Radical Research-Europe Meeting 2009 (SFRR-E), 2009, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Society for Free Radical Research-Europe Meeting 2009 (SFRR-E), Roma, 26-29 August 2009) [Abstract]
M.C. ALBERTINI; F. OLIVIERI; A. ACCORSI; M.R. RIPPO; G. SPADA; M.B.L. ROCCHI; F. GALLI; A.D. PROCOPIO, A simple Fortran Script to identify potential mRNA targets of miRNA regulated by Vitamin E, in: SFRR – Europe meeting 2009: Vitamin E Satellite Symposium (VESS)., 2009, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: SFRR – Europe meeting 2009: Vitamin E Satellite Symposium (VESS)., Roma, 26 Agosto 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Cannelli, V.; Melini, D.; Piersanti, A.; SPADA, GIORGIO, Application of the Post-Widder Laplace inversion algorithm to postseismic rebound models, in: Calcolo Scientifico nella Fisica Italiana - CSFI 2008, 2009, 32, 2, pp. 197 - 200 (atti di: Calcolo Scientifico nella Fisica Italiana - CSFI 2008, Rimini, Senigallia, 29-30 e 31 Maggio 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
SPADA, GIORGIO; STOCCHI P; COLLEONI F., Glacio-isostatic adjustment in the Po plain and in the northern Adriatic region, «PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS», 2009, 166, pp. 1303 - 1318 [Scientific article]
STOCCHI P; SPADA G, Influence of glacial isostatic adjustment upon current sea level variations in the Mediterranean, «TECTONOPHYSICS», 2009, 474 (1-2), pp. 56 - 68 [Scientific article]
STOCCHI P; GIROMETTI L; SPADA G; ANZIDEI M; COLLEONI F, Post glacial readjustment, sea level variations, subsidence and erosion along the Italian coasts, «BOLLETTINO DI GEOFISICA TEORICA E APPLICATA», 2009, 50 (2), pp. 129 - 144 [Scientific article]
STOCCHI P; COLLEONI F; SPADA G, Bounds on the time-history and Holocene mass budget of Antarctica from sea-level records in SE Tunisia, «PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS», 2009, 166 (8-9), pp. 1319 - 1341 [Scientific article]