Scientific publications
Gabrielli A.; Villani G.; Demarchi D., Exploiting a latchup circuit via commercial CMOS technologies, in: Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 2009 IEEEConference Record, ORLANDO, sine loco, 2009, pp. 1198 - 1201 [Chapter or essay]
GABRIELLI A; BONACINI S.; KLOUKINAS K.; MARCHIORO A.; MOREIRA P.; RANIERI A.; DE ROBERTIS G., The GBT-SCA, a radiation tolerant ASIC for detector control applications in SLHC experiments, in: TWEPP-09: Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle PhysicsConference Record, GENEVE, CERN, 2009, pp. 557 - 560 [Chapter or essay]
GABRIELLI A.; LOLLI M.; DEMARCHI D.; VILLANI G.; RANIERI A., A latchup topology to investigate novel particle detectors., in: TWEPP-09: Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, GENEVE, CERN, 2009, pp. 318 - 320 [Chapter or essay]
Gabrielli A.; Villani G., Radiation detection: novel approaches and readout capabilities exploiting latchup topology via bipolar, MOSFET and MESFET transistors, «POS PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE», 2009, PoS(RD09)039, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]
Gabrielli A.; Villani G., Simulation of a Floating Gate device fabricated in standard CMOS technology for dosimetry applications, «POS PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE», 2009, PoS(RD09)023, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]
GABRIELLI, A.; DEROBERTIS, G.; FIORE, D.; RANIERI, A.; LODDO, F.;, Architecture of a slow-control ASIC for future high-energy physics experiments at S-LHC, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE», 2009, 56, pp. 1163 - 1167 [Scientific article]
R. EDGECOCK; J. MATHESON; M. WEBER; E. GIULIO VILLANI; R. BOSE; A. KHAN; D. R. SMITH; I.A-SMITH; GABRIELLI A., Evaluation of commercial programmable Floating Gate devices as radiation dosimeters, «JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION», 2009, 4, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]
G. Villani; A. Gabrielli; D Demarchi; M. Weber, Novel approaches to radiation detection and readout using the latchup effect, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 2009, 604/1-2, pp. 416 - 419 [Scientific article]
M. Rixen; J. Book; A. Carta; V. Grandi; L. Gualdesi; R. Stoner; P. Ranelli; A. Cavanna; P. Zanasca; G. Baldasserini; A. Trangeled; C. Lewis; C. Trees; R. Grasso; S. Giannechini; A. Fabiani; D. Merani; A. Berni; M. Leonard; P. Martin; C. Rowley; M. Hulbert; A. Quaid; W. Goode; R. Preller; N. Pinardi; P. Oddo; A. Guarnieri; J. Chiggiato; S. Carniel; A. Russo; M. Tudor; L. Vandenbulcke, Improved ocean prediction skill and reduced uncertainty in the coastal region from multi-model super-ensembles., «JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS», 2009, 78, pp. 282 - 289 [Scientific article]
Brusa M.; Fiore F.; Santini P.; Grazian A.; Comastri A.; Zamorani G.; Hasinger G.; Merloni A.; Civano F.; Fontana A.; Mainieri V., Black hole growth and starburst activity at z = 0.6-4 in the Chandra Deep Field South. Host galaxies properties of obscured AGN, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2009, 507, pp. 1277 - 1289 [Scientific article]
Ilbert O.; Capak P.; Salvato M.; Aussel H.; McCracken H. J.; Sanders D. B.; Scoville N.; Kartaltepe J.; Arnouts S.; Le Floc'h E.; Mobasher B.; Taniguchi Y.; Lamareille F.; Leauthaud A.; Sasaki S.; Thompson D.; Zamojski M.; Zamorani G.; Bardelli S.; Bolzonella M.; Bongiorno A.; Brusa M.; Caputi K. I.; Carollo C. M.; Contini T.; Cook R.; Coppa G.; Cucciati O.; de la Torre S.; de Ravel L.; Franzetti P.; Garilli B.; Hasinger G.; Iovino A.; Kampczyk P.; Kneib J.-P.; Knobel C.; Kovac K.; Le Borgne J. F.; Le Brun V.; Fèvre O. Le; Lilly S.; Looper D.; Maier C.; Mainieri V.; Mellier Y.; Mignoli M.; Murayama T.; Pellò R.; Peng Y.; Pérez-Montero E.; Renzini A.; Ricciardelli E.; Schiminovich D.; Scodeggio M.; Shioya Y.; Silverman J.; Surace J.; Tanaka M.; Tasca L.; Tresse L.; Vergani D.; Zucca E., Cosmos Photometric Redshifts with 30-Bands for 2-deg2, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2009, 690, pp. 1236 - 1249 [Scientific article]
Peter Schillebeeckx;A. Borella;S. Kopecky;C. Massimi;L. C. Mihailescu;M. Moxon;P. Siegler;I. Sirakov;T. Ware;Jan Jolie;Andreas Zilges;Nigel Warr;Andrey Blazhev, Neutron Induced Capture Reaction Studies in the Resonance Region at GELINAAIP Conference Proceedings, in: CAPTURE GAMMA‐RAY SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED TOPICS: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Capture Gamma‐Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, New York, American Institute Of Physics, 2009, pp. 432 - 439 (AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS) [Chapter or essay]
S. Marrone;U. Abbondanno;G. Aerts;H. Álvarez;F. Alvarez-Velarde;S. Andriamonje;J. Andrzejewski;P. Assimakopoulos;L. Audouin;G. Badurek;P. Baumann;F. Bečvář;E. Berthoumieux;M. Calviani;F. Calviño;D. Cano-Ott;R. Capote;A. Carnllo de Albornoz;P. Cennini;V. Chepel;E. Chiaveri;N. Colonna;G. Cortes;A. Couture;J. Cox;M. Dahlfors;S. David;I. Dillmann;R. Dolfini;C. Domingo-Pardo;W. Dridi;I. Duran;C. Eleftheriadis;M. Embid-Segura;L. Ferrant;A. Ferrari;R. Ferreira-Marques;L. Fitzpatrick;H. Frais-Koelbl;K. Fujii;W. Furman;R. Gallino;I. Goncalves;E. Gonzalez-Romero;A. Goverdovski;F. Gramegna;E. Griesmayer;C. Guerrero;F. Gunsing;B. Haas;R. Haight;M. Heil;A. Herrera-Martinez;M. Igashira;S. Isaev;E. Jericha;Y. Kadi;F. Käppeler;D. Karamanis;D. Karadimos;M. Kerveno;V. Ketlerov;P. Koehler;V. Konovalov;E. Kossionides;M. Krtička;C. Lamboudis;H. Leeb;A. Lindote;I. Lopes;M. Lozano;S. Lukic;J. Marganiec;L. Marques;C. Massimi;P. Mastinu;A. Mengoni;P. M. Milazzo;C. Moreau;M. Mosconi;F. Neves;H. O, n_TOF Experiment: Past, Present And Future, in: NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS: Proceedings of the First Ulaanbaatar Conference on Nuclear Physics and Applications, New York, American Institute Of Physics, 2009, pp. 78 - 83 (AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS) [Chapter or essay]
J. R. Trump;C. D. Impey;Y. Taniguchi;M. Brusa;F. Civano;M. Elvis;J. M. Gabor;K. Jahnke;B. C. Kelly;A. M. Koekemoer;T. Nagao;M. Salvato;Y. Shioya;P. Capak;J. P. Huchra;J. S. Kartaltepe;G. Lanzuisi;P. J. McCarthy;V. Maineri;N. Z. Scoville, The Nature of Optically Dull Active Galactic Nuclei in COSMOS, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2009, 706, pp. 797 - 809 [Scientific article]
J. R. Trump;C. D. Impey;B. C. Kelly;M. Elvis;A. Merloni;A. Bongiorno;J. Gabor;H. Hao;P. J. McCarthy;J. P. Huchra;M. Brusa;N. Cappelluti;A. Koekemoer;T. Nagao;M. Salvato;N. Z. Scoville, Observational Limits on Type 1 Active Galactic Nucleus Accretion Rate in COSMOS, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2009, 700, pp. 49 - 55 [Scientific article]
P. Tozzi;V. Mainieri;P. Rosati;P. Padovani;K. I. Kellermann;E. Fomalont;N. Miller;P. Shaver;J. Bergeron;W. N. Brandt;M. Brusa;R. Giacconi;G. Hasinger;B. D. Lehmer;M. Nonino;C. Norman;J. Silverman, The VLA Survey of the Chandra Deep Field-South. III. X-Ray Spectral Properties of Radio Sources, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2009, 698, pp. 740 - 755 [Scientific article]
J. R. Trump;C. D. Impey;M. Elvis;P. J. McCarthy;J. P. Huchra;M. Brusa;M. Salvato;P. Capak;N. Cappelluti;F. Civano;A. Comastri;J. Gabor;H. Hao;G. Hasinger;K. Jahnke;B. C. Kelly;S. J. Lilly;E. Schinnerer;N. Z. Scoville;V. Smolčić, The COSMOS Active Galactic Nucleus Spectroscopic Survey. I. XMM-Newton Counterparts, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2009, 696, pp. 1195 - 1212 [Scientific article]
J. M. Gabor;C. D. Impey;K. Jahnke;B. D. Simmons;J. R. Trump;A. M. Koekemoer;M. Brusa;N. Cappelluti;E. Schinnerer;V. Smolčić;M. Salvato;J. D. Rhodes;B. Mobasher;P. Capak;R. Massey;A. Leauthaud;N. Scoville, Active Galactic Nucleus Host Galaxy Morphologies in COSMOS, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2009, 691, pp. 705 - 722 [Scientific article]
M. Salvato;G. Hasinger;O. Ilbert;G. Zamorani;M. Brusa;N. Z. Scoville;A. Rau;P. Capak;S. Arnouts;H. Aussel;M. Bolzonella;A. Buongiorno;N. Cappelluti;K. Caputi;F. Civano;R. Cook;M. Elvis;R. Gilli;K. Jahnke;J. S. Kartaltepe;C. D. Impey;F. Lamareille;E. L. Floc'h;S. Lilly;V. Mainieri;P. McCarthy;H. McCracken;M. Mignoli;B. Mobasher;T. Murayama;S. Sasaki;D. B. Sanders;D. Schiminovich;Y. Shioya;P. Shopbell;J. Silverman;V. Smolčić;J. Surace;Y. Taniguchi;D. Thompson;J. R. Trump;M. Urry;M. Zamojski, Photometric Redshift and Classification for the XMM-COSMOS Sources, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2009, 690, pp. 1250 - 1263 [Scientific article]
M. G. Watson;A. C. Schröder;D. Fyfe;C. G. Page;G. Lamer;S. Mateos;J. Pye;M. Sakano;S. Rosen;J. Ballet;X. Barcons;D. Barret;T. Boller;H. Brunner;M. Brusa;A. Caccianiga;F. J. Carrera;M. Ceballos;R. D. Ceca;M. Denby;G. Denkinson;S. Dupuy;S. Farrell;F. Fraschetti;M. J. Freyberg;P. Guillout;V. Hambaryan;T. Maccacaro;B. Mathiesen;R. McMahon;L. Michel;C. Motch;J. P. Osborne;M. Page;M. W. Pakull;W. Pietsch;R. Saxton;A. Schwope;P. Severgnini;M. Simpson;G. Sironi;G. Stewart;I. M. Stewart;A. Stobbart;J. Tedds;R. Warwick;N. Webb;R. West;D. Worrall;W. Yuan, The XMM-Newton serendipitous survey. V. The Second XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2009, 493, pp. 339 - 373 [Scientific article]