Scientific publications
A. Margiotta, The ANTARES detector, in: null, 2009, 190, pp. 121 - 126 (atti di: Cosmic Ray International Seminars (CRIS 2008), Malfa, Salina Island, Italy, 15-19 September 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Margiotta, Systematic uncertainties in Monte Carlo simulations of the atmospheric muon flux in the 5-line ANTARES detector, in: 3rd International Workshop on a Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope for the Mediterranean Sea, 2009, 602, pp. 76 - 79 (atti di: 3rd International Workshop on a Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope for the Mediterranean Sea, Toulon, France., 22-24 April 2008.) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Turco; D. Bianchini; L. Roma; P.L. Rossi; N. Lanconelli; G. Baldazzi; A. Margotti; M. Bello; N.M.Uzunov, An experimental apparatus for analyzing the physical properties of biological tissues, in: INSTITUTE OF ACCELERATING SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS (IASA) AND THE NATIONAL & KAPODISTRIAN UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, 5 5th th International Conference on Imaging Technologies in Biomedical Sciences - ITBS 2009 - Book of Abstracts, ATHENS, Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications, 2009, pp. 64 - 64 (atti di: 5 5th th International Conference on Imaging Technologies in Biomedical Sciences - ITBS 2009, Milos Conference Center G.Eliopoulos, Milos Island, Greece, 13-16 September 2009) [Abstract]
G. Codispoti; C. Mattia; A. Fanfani; F. Fanzago; F. Farina; C. Kavka; S. Lacaprara; V. Miccio; D. Spiga; E. Vaandering, CRAB: A CMS application for distributed analysis, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE», 2009, 56, pp. 2850 - 2858 [Scientific article]
M. Tonani; N. Pinardi; J. Pistoia; S. Dobricic; S. Pensieri; M. de Alfonso; K. Nittis, Mediterranean Forecasting System: forecast and analysis assessment through skill scores, «OCEAN SCIENCE», 2009, 5, pp. 649 - 660 [Scientific article]
N.Pinardi, Misurare il mare, BOLOGNA, Bononia University Press, 2009, pp. 83 . [Research monograph]
A.Y. Kamenshchik; M. Luzzi; G. Venturi, METHOD OF COMPARISON EQUATIONS AND GENERALIZED ERMAKOV’S EQUATION, «RUSSIAN PHYSICS JOURNAL», 2009, 52, pp. 1339 - 1351 [Scientific article]
S. Bettarini; C. Avanzini; G. Batignani; F. Bosi; M. Ceccanti; R. Cenci; A. Cervelli; F. Crescioli; M. Dell'Orso; F. Forti; P. Giannetti; M.A. Giorgi; S. Gregucci; P. Mammini; G. Marchiori; M. Massa; F. Morsani; N. Neri; E. Paoloni; M. Piendibene; A. Profeti; G. Rizzo; L. Sartori; J. Walsh; E. Yurtsev; A.Lusiani; M. Manghisoni; V. Re; G. Traversi; M. Bruschi; R. Di Sipio; B. Giacobbe; A. Gabrielli; F. Giorgi; G. Pellegrini; C. Sbarra; N. Semprini; R. Spighi; S. Valentinetti; M. Villa; A. Zoccoli; M. Citterio; V. Liberali; F. Palombo; C. Andreoli; L. Gaioni; E. Pozzati; L. Ratti; V. Speziali; D. Gamba; G. Giraudo; P. Mereu; G.F. Dalla Betta; G. Soncini; G. Fontana; M. Bomben; L. Bosisio; P. Cristaudo; G. Giacomini; D. Jugovaz; L. Lanceri; I. Rashevskaya; L. Vitale; G. Venier, The SuperB Silicon Vertex Tracker, in: null, 2009, RD09, pp. 038-1 - 038-9 (atti di: 9th International Conference on Large Scale Applications and Radiation Hardness of Semiconductor Detectors, Firenze, 30 September - 2 October 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Gabrielli; F. Giorgi; M. Villa, Efficiency and readout architectures for a large matrix of pixels, in: -, 2009, RD09, pp. 042-1 - 042-9 (atti di: 9th International Conference on Large Scale Applications and Radiation Hardness of Semiconductor Detectors, RD09, Firenze, September 30-October 2, 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ferraro F. R.; Lanzoni B., Probing the link between dynamics and stellar evolution: Blue Straggler Stars in Globular clusters, in: Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series, MEXICO CITY, E. Recillas, A. Luna, Y. D. Mayya, 2009, 37, pp. 62 - 71 (atti di: A Long Walk Through Astronomy: A Celebration of Luis Carrasco's 60th Birthday, Huatulco, Oaxaca, México, October 15 - 17, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Brassington N.; Fabbiano G.; Kim D.-W.; Zezas A.; Zepf S.; Kundu A.; Angelini L.; Davies R. L.; Gallagher J.; Kalogera V.; Fragos T.; King A. R.; Pellegrini S.; Trinchieri G., Catalog of X-ray sources in NGC 4278, STRASBOURG, SIMBAD Astronomical Database, CDS, 2009, pp. 10 (VizieR On-line Data Catalog). [Editorship]
Brassington N. J.; Fabbiano G.; Kim D.-W.; Zezas A.; Zepf S.; Kundu A.; Angelini L.; Davies R. L.; Gallagher J.; Kalogera V.; Fragos T.; King A. R.; Pellegrini S.; Trinchieri G., Catalog of X-ray sources in NGC 3379, STRASBOURG, SIMBAD Astronomical Database, CDS, 2009, pp. 10 (VizieR On-line Data Catalog). [Editorship]
F. Casali; M.P. Morigi; R. Brancaccio; L. Montefusco; I. Jerjen; A. Flisch; U. Sennhauser; I. Liritzis; I. Tiseanu, X-ray computed tomography for damage assessment of cultural heritage assets, in: Protection of historical buildings, BOCA RATON, FLORIDA, CRC Press Inc - Taylor & Francis Group, 2009, 1, pp. 847 - 852 (atti di: Prohitech 2009 - 1st International Conference, Rome, 22-24 June 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
B.Fraboni; A.Fraleoni-Morgera; A.Cavallini, Three-dimensional anisotropic electronic properties of solution grown organic single crystals measured by Space-Charge Limited Current, in: null, 2009, 1154, pp. 66 - 73 (atti di: Spring Material Research Society (MRS) Meeting, San Francisco (U.S.A.), Aprile 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Cimatti, The formation and evolution of early-type galaxies: solid results and open questions, in: PROBING STELLAR POPULATIONS OUT TO THE DISTANT UNIVERSE: CEFALU 2008. Proceedings of the International Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, s.l, AIPC, 2009, 1111, pp. 191 - 198 (atti di: PROBING STELLAR POPULATIONS OUT TO THE DISTANT UNIVERSE: CEFALU 2008., Cefalu`, Settembre 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Grossi M.; Verde L.; Carbone C.; Dolag K.; Branchini E.; Iannuzzi F.; Matarrese S.; Moscardini L., Large-scale non-Gaussian mass function and halo bias: tests on N-body simulations, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2009, 398, pp. 321 - 331 [Scientific article]
G. Zampa; R. Campana; M. Feroci; A. Vacchi; V. Bonvicini; E. Del Monte; Y. Evangelista; F. Fuschino; C. Labanti; M. Marisaldi; F. Muleri; L. Pacciani; M. Rapisarda; A. Rashevsky; A. Rubini; P. Soffitta; N. Zampa; G. Baldazzi; E. Costa; I. Donnarumma; M. Grassi; F. Lazzarotto; P. Malcovati; M. Mastropietro; E. Morelli; L. Picolli, The X-Ray Spectroscopic Performance of a Very Large Area Silicon Drift Detector, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE», 2009, 56, pp. 832 - 835 [Scientific article]
L.C. Mihailescu; A. Borella; C. Massimi; P. Schillebeeckx, Investigations for the use of the fast digitizers with detectors for radiative capture measurements at GELINA, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION A, ACCELERATORS, SPECTROMETERS, DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT», 2009, 600, pp. 453 - 459 [Scientific article]
S. Balestra; S. Cecchini; M. Cozzi; M. Errico; F. Fabbri; G. Giacomelli; R. Giacomelli; M. Giorgini; A. Kumar; S. Manzoor; J. McDonald; G. Mandrioli; S. Marcellini; A. Margiotta; E. Medinaceli; L. Patrizii; J. Pinfold; V. Popa; I.E. Qureshi; O. Saavedra; Z. Sahnoun; G. Sirri; M. Spurio; V. Togo; A. Velarde; A. Zanini., MAGNETIC MONOPOLE SEARCH AT HIGH ALTITUDE WITH THE SLIM EXPERIMENT, «RADIATION MEASUREMENTS», 2009, 44, pp. 889 - 893 [Scientific article]
S. Balestra; S. Cecchini; M. Cozzi; M. Errico; F. Fabbri; G. Giacomelli; R. Giacomelli; M. Giorgini; A. Kumar; S. Manzoor; J. McDonald; G. Mandrioli; S. Marcellini; A. Margiotta; E. Medinaceli; L. Patrizii; J. Pinfold; V. Popa; I.E. Qureshi; O. Saavedra; Z. Sahnoun; G. Sirri; M. Spurio; V. Togo; A. Velarde; A. Zanini., Search for strange quark matter and Q-balls with the SLIM experiment, «RADIATION MEASUREMENTS», 2009, 44, pp. 894 - 897 [Scientific article]