Scientific publications

  • Fiore F.; Arnaud M.; Briel U.; Cappi M.; Comastri A.; Decourchelle A.; Della Ceca R.; Ferrando P.; Feruglio C.; Gilli R.; Giommi P.; Goldwurm A.; Laurent P.; Lebrun F.; Malaguti G.; Mereghetti S.; Micela G.; Pareschi G.; Piconcelli E.; Puccetti S.; Roques J. P.; Tagliaferri G.; Vignali C., Science with Simbol-X, in: Simbol-X: the hard X-ray Universe in focus, PISA-ROMA, Memories of SAIt, 2008, 79, pp. 38 - 43 (atti di: Simbol-X: the hard X-ray Universe in focus, Bologna, 14-16 maggio (2007)) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Tinti S.; Armigliato A.; Manucci A.; Pagnoni G.; Tonini R.; Zaniboni F.; Maramai A.; Graziani L., The double landslide-induced tsunami, in: The Stromboli volcano: an integrated study of the 2002-2003 eruption, WASHINGTON DC, American Geophysical Union, 2008, pp. 147 - 156 (Geophysical Monograph Series) [Chapter or essay]

  • E. Lamanna; A.S. Fiorillo; A. Trapasso; R. Vena; A. Berdondini; M. Bettuzzi; R. Brancaccio; F. Casali; M.P. Morigi; H. Bilokon; G. Barca; F. Castrovillari; Y.F.T. Siaka, 3D dosimetry of high intensity therapeutic electrons beams, in: 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, DRESDEN, IEEE, 2008, pp. 1758 - 1762 (IEEE CONFERENCE RECORD - NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM & MEDICAL IMAGING CONFERENCE) [Chapter or essay]

  • R. Brancaccio; M. Bettuzzi; F. Casali; M.P. Morigi; A. Berdondini; E. Lamanna; A.S. Fiorillo; R. Vena; G. Barca; F. Castrovillari, A tri-dimensional dosimetry study for electron beams in IORT (Intra Operative Radiation Theraphy), in: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, s.l, s.n, 2008, pp. 1 - 11 (atti di: 9th International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques, Crete (Greece), 8-14 June 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • R. Brancaccio; M. Bettuzzi; F. Casali; M.P. Morigi, From micro-tomography to macro-tomography: a survey of applications for Cultural Heritage and Industry, in: Proceedings on the 9th International Conference on applications of Nuclear Techniques, s.l, s.n, 2008, pp. - - - (atti di: 9th International Conference on applications of Nuclear Techniques, Crete (Greece), 8-14 June 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M.E. Belardinelli, Extended sources of the main events of the Umbria-Marche (1997) seismic sequence inverted from geophysical data, «ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS», 2008, 51, pp. 217 - 229 [Scientific article]

  • F. Mulargia; S. Castellaro, Passive Imaging in Nondiffuse Acoustic Wavefileds, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2008, 100, pp. 218501-1 - 218501-4 [Scientific article]

  • A.R. Addessi; M. Degli Esposti; F. Pachet, Musical style again: A mathematical analysis of musical intertext., in: CIM08. 4th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology. MUSICAL STRUCTURE, THESSALONIKI, Department of Music Studies, Aristotle University, 2008, pp. - - - (atti di: CIM08- 4th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology. Musical Structure, Thessaloniki, 2-6 luglio 2008) [Abstract]

  • A.S. Asha; M. Canino; C. Summonte; S. Binetti; M. Acciarri; J. Libal; D.Cavalcoli; A. Cavallini, Proceedings of the 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, 2008, in: H. A. OSSENBRINK, Proceedings of the 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, MUNICH, DRIP, 2008, pp. 2DV1-30 - 2DV1-30 (atti di: 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Valencia, Spain, 1.5 Sept 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Castellaro S.; Mulargia F.; Rossi P.L.M., Vs30: Proxy for Seismic Amplification?, «SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2008, 79, pp. 540 - 543 [Scientific article]

  • Castellaro S.; Imposa S.; Barone F.; Chiavetta F.; Gresta S.; Mulargia F., Georadar and passive seismic survey in the Roman Amphitheatre of Catania (Sicily), «JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE», 2008, 20, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]

  • E.Miccio;F.Fanzago;D.Spiga;M.Cinquilli;S.Lacaprara;F.Farina;A.Fanfani;G.Codispoti;S.Belforte;E.Vandeering; A.Sciabà, Experience in Testing the Grid Based Workload Management System of a LHC Experiment, in: WORLDCOMP 2008, GCA2008, s.l, s.n, 2008, GCA2008, pp. 40 - 45 (atti di: 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GRID COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS, Las Vegas, USA, Las Vegas, USA) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • G. Battistoni; A. Margiotta; S. Muraro; M. Sioli, FLUKA as a new high energy cosmic ray generator, in: XXth RENCONTRES DE BLOIS - Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, HANOI, The Gioi Publishers, 2008, pp. 283 - 286 (atti di: XXth RENCONTRES DE BLOIS - Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Château de Blois (Francia), 18-23 maggio 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M. Abbrescia ; A. Alici; S. An; A. Badala ; Y.W. Baek;R. Baldini Ferroli; G. Bencivenni; F. Blanco; E. Bressan; A. Chiavassa; C. Chiri; C. Cicalo; L. Cifarelli; A. De Caro; D. De Gruttola; S. De Pasquale; A. Di Giovanni; F.L. Fabbri; V. Frolov; M. Garbini; C. Guarnaccia C. Gustavino; D. Hatzifotiadou; J.S. Kim; M.M. Kim; P. La Rocca; F. Librizzi; A. Maggiora; H. Menghetti; S. Miozzi; R. Moro; F. Noferini; P. Pagano; M. Panareo; G.S. Pappalardo; G. Piragino; R. Preghenella; F. Riggi; F. Romano; G. Russo; G. Sartorelli; C. Sbarra; G. Scioli; M. Selvi; S. Serci; E. Siddi; H. Wenninger; M.C.S. Williams; C. Zampolli; A. Zichichi; R. Zuyeuski, Performance of a six gap MRPC built for large area coverage, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS», 2008, A593, pp. 263 - 268 [Scientific article]

  • R. Pani; M. N. Cinti; R. Scafè; P. Bennati; R. Pellegnini; F. Vittorini; S. Ridolfi; S. Lo Meo; M. Mattioli; G. Baldazzi; G. Trotta; F. Navarria; G. Moschini; V. Orsolini Cencelli, Gamma Ray Spectroscopy with LaBr3:Ce Scintillation Crystals Coupled to an Ultra High Quantum Efficiency PMT, in: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2008. NSS '08. IEEE, NY, Curran Associates Inc, 2008, NSS apos;08. IEEE, pp. 2462 - 2466 (atti di: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposiumand Medical Imaging Conference, Germany, 19 - 25 October 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • M. Bettuzzi; R. Brancaccio; F. Casali; A. Flisch; A. Miceli; M.P. Morigi, Tomografia con raggi X di elevata energia per analisi di vasi contenenti monete antiche, in: Scienza e Beni Culturali, SIRACUSA, Morrone Editore, 2008, pp. 63 - 70 (atti di: V Congresso Nazionale di Archeometria, Siracusa, 26-29 febbraio 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Patent European patent reference number: 09162128.4-2313, Machine for the preparation of beverages.

  • M. Ponti; G. Vasi; A. Pasteris; R. Guerra; M. Abbiati, Impact of dredging on macrobenthic assemblages in a northern Adriatic coastal lagoon, in: null, 2008, 15(1), pp. 126 - 129 (atti di: 37° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA MARINA. ., Cesenatico e Ravenna, 9-13 Giugno 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • S. Cecchini; M. Cozzi; D. Di Ferdinando; M. Errico; F. Fabbri; G. Giacomelli; R. Giacomelli; M. Giorgini; A.Kumar; S. Manzoor; J. McDonald; G. Mandrioli; A. Margiotta; E. Medinaceli; L.Patrizii; J. Pinfold; V.Popa; I.E. Qureshi; O.Saavedra; Z. Sahnoun; G. Sirri; M. Spurio; V. Togo; C. Valieri; A.Velarde; A.Zanini, Results of the search for strange quark matter and Q-balls with the SLIM experiment, «THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS», 2008, 57, pp. 525 - 533 [Scientific article]

  • N. Semprini Cesari, Exotics, «IL NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA. B», 2008, 123B, pp. 701 - 706 [Scientific article]