Scientific publications
Pellegrini S.; Baldi A.; Kim D.W.; Fabbiano G.; Soria R.; Siemiginowska A.; Elvis M., A deep Chandra look at the nearby, low L_B elliptical galaxy NGC821, in: X-rays from Nearby Galaxies, s.l, MPE Report, 2007, pp. 250 - 251 (atti di: X-rays from Nearby Galaxies, Madrid (Spain), September 5-7, 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Pellegrini S.; Siemiginowska A.; Fabbiano G.; Elvis M.; Greenhill L.; Soria R.; Baldi A.; Kim D.W., A multiwavelength study of a nearby low luminosity supermassive black hole, in: X-RAY SURVEYS: EVOLUTION OF ACCRETION, STAR FORMATION AND LARGE SCALE STRUCTURE, s.l, s.n, 2007, pp. 68 - 69 (atti di: X-RAY SURVEYS: EVOLUTION OF ACCRETION, STAR FORMATION AND LARGE SCALE STRUCTURE, Rodos island (Greece), July 02 - July 06, 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Fragos T.; Kalogera V.; Fabbiano G.; Kim D.W.; Angelini L.; Davies R.L.; Gallagher J.S.; King A.R.; Pellegrini S., Models for Low Mass X-ray Binaries in the elliptical galaxies NGC3379 and NGC4278: comparison with observations, in: X-RAY SURVEYS: EVOLUTION OF ACCRETION, STAR FORMATION AND LARGE SCALE STRUCTURE. Book of Abstracts, ATENE, National Observatory of Athens, 2007, pp. 70 - 71 (atti di: X-RAY SURVEYS: EVOLUTION OF ACCRETION, STAR FORMATION AND LARGE SCALE STRUCTURE, Rodos Island (Greece), July 2-6, 2007) [Abstract]
Panessa F.; Barcons X.; Bassani L.; Cappi M.; Carrera F.J.; Dadina M.; Ho L.C.; Pellegrini S., The radio and X-ray properties of Low Luminosity Active Nuclei, in: Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics IV, Proceedings of the VII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA), s.l, Springer, 2007, pp. 254 - 255 (atti di: Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics IV, Barcelona (Spain), September 12-15, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Lanzoni B.; Dalessandro E.; Perina S.; Ferraro F. R.; Rood R. T.; Sollima A., The Surprising External Upturn of the Blue Straggler Radial Distribution in M55, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2007, 670, pp. 1065 - 1073 [Scientific article]
Marcolini A.; Sollima A.; D'Ercole A.; Gibson B. K.; Ferraro F. R., Modelling the chemical evolution of ? Centauri using three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2007, 382, pp. 443 - 454 [Scientific article]
Sollima A.; Ferraro F. R.; Bellazzini M., The mass function of Omega Centauri down to 0.15 Msolar, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2007, 381, pp. 1575 - 1582 [Scientific article]
Mucciarelli A.; Origlia L.; Ferraro F.R., The Intermediate-Age Globular Cluster NGC 1783 in the Large Magellanic Cloud, «THE ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL», 2007, 134, pp. 1813 - 1820 [Scientific article]
Lanzoni B.; Dalessandro E.; Ferraro F. R.; Miocchi P.; Valenti E.; Rood R. T., The Surface Density Profile of NGC 6388: A Good Candidate for Harboring an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS», 2007, 668, pp. L139 - L143 [Scientific article]
Origlia L.; Rood R.T.; Fabbri S.; Ferraro F. R.; Fusi Pecci F.; Rich R. M., The First Empirical Mass-Loss Law for Population II Giants, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS», 2007, 667, pp. L85 - L89 [Scientific article]
Lanzoni B.; Sanna N.; Ferraro F. R.; Valenti E.; Beccari G.; Schiavon R. P.; Rood R. T.; Mapelli M.; Sigurdsson S., A Panchromatic Study of the Globular Cluster NGC 1904. I. The Blue Straggler Population, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2007, 663, pp. 1040 - 1048 [Scientific article]
Pancino E.; Galfo A.; Ferraro F. R.; Bellazzini M., The Rotation of Subpopulations in ? Centauri, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS», 2007, 661, pp. L155 - L159 [Scientific article]
Mucciarelli A.; Ferraro F.R.; Origlia L.; Fusi Pecci F., The Globular Cluster NGC 1978 in the Large Magellanic Cloud, «THE ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL», 2007, 133, pp. 2053 - 2060 [Scientific article]
Romano D.; Matteucci F.; Tosi M.; Pancino E.; Bellazzini M.; Ferraro F.R.; Limongi M.; Sollima A., The chemical evolution of Omega Centauri's progenitor system, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2007, 367, pp. 405 - 415 [Scientific article]
Monaco L.; Bellazzini M.; Bonifacio P.; Buzzoni A.; Ferraro F. R.; Marconi G.; Sbordone L.; Zaggia S., High-resolution spectroscopy of RGB stars in the Sagittarius streams. I. Radial velocities and chemical abundances, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2007, 464, pp. 201 - 209 [Scientific article]
Testa V.; Marconi M.; Musella I.; Ripepi V.; Dall'Ora M.; Ferraro F. R.; Mucciarelli A.; Mateo M.; Côté P., Infrared photometry of Cepheids in the LMC clusters NGC 1866 and NGC 2031, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2007, 462, pp. 599 - 605 [Scientific article]
T. Cesca; G. Mattei; A. Gasparotto; B. Fraboni; F.Boscherini; M.Longo; L.Tarricone, Local structure of Fe incorporated in GaInP layers by high temperature ion implantation, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS», 2007, 257, pp. 332 - 335 [Scientific article]
B.Fraboni; E.Piana; T.Cesca; A.Gasparotto; M.Longo; R.Jakomin; L.Tarricone, Deep levels controlling the electrical properties of Fe implanted InGaP/GaAs, «APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS», 2007, 90, pp. 182106 - 182109 [Scientific article]
B.Fraboni; A.Castaldini; A.Cavallini; N.Auricchio; M.Bianconi, Charge collecting properties of proton irradiated CdTe detectors, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE», 2007, 54, pp. 807 - 812 [Scientific article]
B.Fraboni; A.Cavallini; N.Auricchio; M.Bianconi, Deep traps induced by 700keV protons in CdTe and CdZnTe detectors, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE», 2007, 54, pp. 828 - 833 [Scientific article]