Scientific publications
M. Carlotti; G. Brizzi; E. Papandrea; M. Prevedelli; M. Ridolfi; B. M. Dinelli; L. Magnani, GMTR: two-dimensional multi-target retrieval model for MIPAS/ENVISAT observations, «APPLIED OPTICS», 2006, 45, pp. 716 - 727 [Scientific article]
G. Baldazzi; D. Bollini; M. Gambaccini; R. Golfieri; P. L. Lollini; A. Margotti; S. Masetti; G. Nicoletti; G. Pancaldi; L. Roma; P.L. Rossi; M. Zuffa, Development of a K-edge micro CT for the study of tumor angiogenesis in small animals, in: Medical Imaging 2006: Physics of Medical Imaging, «PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING», 2006, 6142, pp. 14241 - 14241 (atti di: Medical Imaging 2006: Physics of Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, USA, 12 February 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
S.Amadori; E.G.Campari; A.L.Fiorini; R.Montanari;L.Pasquini; L.Savini; E.Bonetti, Automated resonant vibrating reed apparatus for a non destructive characterization of materials for industrial applications, «MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING», 2006, A 442, pp. 543 - 546 [Scientific article]
mathews w.g.; Faltenbacher a.; brighenti f., Heating Cooling Flows with Weak Shock Waves, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2006, 638, pp. 659 - 667 [Scientific article]
brighenti f.; mathews w.g., Stopping Cooling Flows with Jets, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2006, 643, pp. 120 - 127 [Scientific article]
Cocozza G.; Ferraro F.R.; Possenti A.; D'Amico N., The puzzling properties of the Helium White Dwarf orbiting the millisecond pulsar PSR J1911$-$5958A in NGC 6752, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2006, 641, pp. L129 - L132 [Scientific article]
Mucciarelli A.; Origlia L.; Ferraro F.R.; Maraston C.; Testa V., Red Giant stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud clusters, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2006, 646, pp. 939 - 950 [Scientific article]
A.Montone; J.Grbovic; A.Bassetti; L.Mirenghi; P.Rotolo; E.Bonetti; L.Pasquini; M.Vittori Antisari, Microstructure, surface properties and hydrating behavior of Mg-C composites ball milled with benzene, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY», 2006, 31, pp. 2088 - 2096 [Scientific article]
Remondini D.; Bernardini C.; Forni M.; Bersani F.; Castellani G.C.; Bacci M.L., Induced metastable memory in Heat Shock Response, «JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS», 2006, 32, pp. 49 - 59 [Scientific article]
S. Chekanov; M. Derrick; D. Krakauer; J.H. Loizides 1; S. Magill; B. Musgrave; J. Repond; R. Yoshida; M.C.K. Mattingly; P. Antonioli; G. Bari; M. Basile; L. Bellagamba; D. Boscherini; A. Bruni; G. Bruni; G. Cara Romeo; L. Cifarelli; F. Cindolo; A. Contin; M. Corradi; S. De Pasquale; P. Giusti; G. Iacobucci; A. Margotti; A. Montanari; R. Nania; F. Palmonari; A. Pesci; A. Polini; L. Rinaldi; G. Sartorelli; A. Zichichi; G. Aghuzumtsyan; D. Bartsch; I. Brock; S. Goers; H. Hartmann; E. Hilger; P. Irrgang, FORWARD JET PRODUCTION IN DEEP INELASTIC EP SCATTERING AND LOW-X PARTON DYNAMICS AT HERA, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 2006, 632, pp. 13 - 26 [Scientific article]
angelini e.; campanini r.; iampieri e.; lanconelli n.; masotti m.; roffilli m., TESTING THE PERFORMANCES OF DIFFERENT IMAGE REPRESENTATIONS FOR MASS CLASSIFICATION IN DIGITAL MAMMOGRAMS, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C», 2006, 17, pp. 113 - 131 [Scientific article]
P. Luches; V. Bellini; S. Colonna; L. Di Giustino; F. Manghi; S. Valeri; F. Boscherini, Iron oxidation, interfacial expansion and buckling at the Fe/NiO(001) interface, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2006, 96, pp. 106106-1 - 106106-4 [Scientific article]
M. Malvestuto; G. Scarel; C. Wiemer; M. Fanciulli; F. D'Acapito; F. Boscherini, X-ray absorption study of Yb2O3 and Lu2O3 thin films deposited on Si(001) by atomic layer deposition, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS», 2006, 246, pp. 131 - 135 [Scientific article]
S. Colonna; P. Luches; S. Valeri; F. Boscherini, The Fe/NiO interface studied by polarization dependent x-ray absorption spectroscopy, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS», 2006, 246, pp. 90 - 95 [Scientific article]
L. Signorini; L. Pasquini; F. Boscherini; E. Bonetti; I. Letard; S. Brice-Profeta; Ph. Sainctavit, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism study of iron/iron oxide granular nanostructures, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS», 2006, 246, pp. 20 - 24 [Scientific article]
P. Fons; H. Tampo; S. Niki; A.V. Kolobov; M. Ohkubo; J. Tominaga; S. Friedrich; R. CArboni; F. Boscherini, Soft x-ray XANES of N in ZnO:N - why is doping so difficult?, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS», 2006, 246, pp. 75 - 78 [Scientific article]
F. Bastianelli; P. van Nieuwenhuizen, Path Integrals and Anomalies in Curved Space, CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 399 (Cambridge monograph on mathematical physics). [Research monograph]
T.Cesca; A. Gasparotto; A.Verna; B.Fraboni; G.Impellizzeri; F.Priolo; L.Tarricone; M.Longo, Incorporation of active Fe impurities in GaInP by high temperature ion implantation, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS», 2006, 242, pp. 653 - 657 [Scientific article]
Y. Becherini; A. Margiotta; M. Sioli; M. Spurio, A parameterisation of single and multiple muons in the deep water or ice, «ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS», 2006, 25, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]
Rossetti A.; Fanti C.; Fanti R.; Dallacasa D.; Stanghellini C., The B3-VLA CSS sample. VI. VLA images at 2 cm, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2006, 449, pp. 49 - 60 [Scientific article]