Scientific publications
Ambrosio M.; Antolini R.; Aramo C.; Auriemma G.; Baldini A.; Barbarino G.C.; Barish B.C.; Battistoni G.; Bellotti R.; Bemporad C.; Bernardini P.; Bilokon H.; Bisi V.; Bloise C.; Bower C.; Bussino S.; Cafagna F.; Calicchio M.; Campana D.; Carboni M.; Castellano M.; Cecchini S.; Cei F.; Chiarella V.; Choudhary B.C.; Coutu S.; de Benedictis L.; Dc Cataldo G.; Dekhissi H.; de Marzo C.; de Mitri I.; Derkaoui J.; de Vincenzi M.; Di Credico A.; Erriquez O.; Favuzzi C.; Forti C.; Fusco P.; Giacomelli G.; Giannini G.; Giglietto N.; Giorgini M.; Grassi M.; Gray L.; Grillo A.; Guarino F.; Guarnaccia P.; Gustavino C.; Habig A.; Hanson K.; Heinz R.; Huang Y.; Iarocci E.; Katsavounidis E.; Kearns E.; Kim H.; Kyriazopoulou S.; Lamanna E.; Lane C.; Levin D.S.; Lipari P.; Longley N.P.; Longo M.J.; Maaroufi F.; Mancarella G.; Mandrioli G.; Manzoor S.; Neri A.M.; Marini A.; Martello D.; Marzari-Chiesa A.; Mazziotta M.N.; Mazzotta C.; Michael D.G.; Mikheyev S.; Miller L.; Monacelli P.; Montarali T.; Mont, Measurement of the energy spectrum of underground muons at Gran Sasso with a transition radiation detector, «ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS», 1999, 10, pp. 11 - 20 [Scientific article]
Cappi M.; Palumbo G.G.C.; Pellegrini S.; Persic M., Highlights of BeppoSAX results on the starburst galaxies NGC 253 and M82, and on the LINER active galaxy M81, «ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN», 1999, 320, pp. 248 - 250 [Scientific article]
Pellegrini S., BeppoSAX observation of NGC 3923, and the problem of the X-ray emission in E/S0 galaxies of low and medium LX/LB, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1999, 343, pp. 23 - 32 [Scientific article]
Pellegrini S., Global X-ray emission and central properties of early type galaxies, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1999, 351, pp. 487 - 494 [Scientific article]
Paci E.; Karplus M., Forced unfolding of fibronectin type 3 modules: An analysis by biased molecular dynamics simulations, «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY», 1999, 288, pp. 441 - 459 [Scientific article]
ciotti, l., Modeling elliptical galaxies: Phase-space constraints on two-component (γ1, γ2) models, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 1999, 520, pp. 574 - 591 [Scientific article]
ciotti, l.; bertin, g., Analytical properties of the R1/m law, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1999, 352, pp. 447 - 451 [Scientific article]
Vicini B; Natta A; Marconi A; Testi L; Hollenbach D; Draine B, A near-infrared study of the planetary nebula NGC 2346, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1999, 342, pp. 823 - 830 [Scientific article]
Cesaroni R; Felli M; Jenness T; Neri R; Olmi L; Robberto M; Testi L; Walmsley C, Unveiling the disk-jet system in the massive (proto)star IRAS 20126+4104, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1999, 345, pp. 949 - 964 [Scientific article]
Testi L; Felli M; Taylor G, Young massive stars in the ISOGAL survey. I. VLA observations of the ISOGAL l=+45 field, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS SUPPLEMENT SERIES», 1999, 138, pp. 71 - 85 [Scientific article]
TESTI L; PALLA F; NATTA A, The onset of cluster formation around Herbig Ae/Be stars, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 1999, 342, pp. 515 - 523 [Scientific article]
Hunter T; Testi L; Zhang Q; Sridharan T, Molecular Jets and H_2O Masers in the AFGL 5142 Hot Core, «THE ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL», 1999, 118, pp. 477 - 487 [Scientific article]
Filippi, A; Agnello, M; Balestra, F; Bergo, D; Botta, E; Bressani, T; Bussa, MP; Busso, L; Calvo, D; Cerello, P; Costa, S; Denisov, O; Fanara, C; Feliciello, A; Ferrero, L; Garfagnini, R; Grasso, A; Iazzi, F; Maggiora, A; Marcello, S; Minetti, B; Mirfakhraee, N; Panzarasa, A; Panzieri, D; Raimondo, A; Tosello, F; Valacca, L; Zosi, G; Alberico, V; Bertin, A; Bruschi, M; Capponi, M; De Castro, S; Donà, R; Ferretti, A; Galli, D; Giacobbe, B; Marconi, U; Piccinini, M; Poli, M; Semprini Cesari, N; Spighi, R; Vagnoni, V; Vecchi, S; Vigotti, F; Villa, M; Vitale, A; Zoccoli, A; Corradini, M; Donzella, A; Rizzini, EL; Venturelli, L; Zenoni, A; Cicalò, C; Masoni, A; Mauro, S; Puddu, G; Serci, S; Temnikov, P; Usai, G; Gorchakov, OE; Prakhov, SN; Rozhdestvensky, AM; Sapozhnikov, MG; Tretyak, VI; Gianotti, P; Guaraldo, C; Lanaro, A; Lucherini, V; Nichitiu, F; Petrascu, C; Ableev, V; Cavion, C; Gastaldi, U; Lombardi, M; Maron, G; Vannucci, L; Vedovato, G; Bendiscioli, G; Filippini, V; Fontana, A;, Study of anti-n p → ϕ π+ and anti-n p → ω π+ Annihilation Reactions in Flight, «NUCLEAR PHYSICS. A», 1999, 655, pp. 453 - 494 [Scientific article]
Bastianelli F.; Zucchini R., Three point functions of chiral primary operators in d= 3, N = 8 and d=6, N = (2,0) SCFT at large N, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1999, 467, pp. 61 - 66 [Scientific article]
Bastianelli F.; Zucchini R., Bosonic quadratic actions for 11-dimensional supergravity on AdS7/4 × S4/7, «CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY», 1999, 16, pp. 3673 - 3684 [Scientific article]
Tinti S.; Armigliato A.; Bortolucci E.; Piatanesi A., Identification of the source fault of the 1908 Messina Earthquake through tsunami modelling. Is it a possible task?, «PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH. PART B: HYDROLOGY, OCEANS AND ATMOSPHERE», 1999, 24, pp. 417 - 421 [Scientific article]
Tinti S.; Bortolucci E.; Armigliato A., Numerical simulation of the landslide-induced tsunami of 1988 on Vulcano Island, Italy, «BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY», 1999, 61, pp. 121 - 137 [Scientific article]
Losurdo G; Bernardini M; Braccini S; Bradaschia C; Casciano C; Dattilo V; De Salvo R; Di Virgilio A; Frasconi F; Gaddi A; Gennai A; Giazotto A; Pan HB; Paoletti F; Pasqualetti A; Passaquieti R; Passuello D; Taddei R; Zhang Z; Cella G; Cuoco E; D'Ambrosio E; Fidecaro F; Gaggero S; La Penna P; Mancini S; Poggiani R; Vicere A; Mazzoni M; Stanga R; Holloway L; Winterflood J, An inverted pendulum preisolator stage for the VIRGO suspension system, «REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS», 1999, 70, pp. 2507 - 2515 [Scientific article]