Euclid Mission

Euclid is a mission of the European Space Agency (ESA), adopted in 2012 in the framework of Cosmic Vision 2015-2025, with expected launch in 2022. Euclid is a high-precision cosmology mission exploiting the combination of weak lensing and large scale structure in order to constrain the dark energy equation of state, to test modified gravity models and to address other key questions in modern cosmology. Euclid will survey 15,000 deg2 with visible and near-infrared imaging to magAB~24-25, and with near-infrared slitless spectroscopy, plus a deeper field of 40 deg2.
Euclid will also provide an immense legacy dataset. Italy is member of the Euclid Consortium together with several European countries and the participation of NASA and CSA. The Italian participation in Euclid is mainly supported by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and MIUR (PRIN). Several scientists of the DIFA – Astrophysics Sector played a key role in the development (2008) and approval (2011) of Euclid, and currently have management, scientific (cosmology, clusters, galaxies, gravitational lensing and AGNs) and data processing responsibilities.
DIFA staff members
Marco Baldi
Associate Professor
Fabrizio Brighenti
Associate Professor
Marcella Brusa
Full Professor
Andrea Cimatti
Full Professor
Luca Ciotti
Full Professor
Giuseppe Cosentino
Area dei Funzionari - Settore scientifico - tecnologico
Daniele Dallacasa
Associate Professor
Gabriele Giovannini
Alma Mater Professor
Myriam Gitti
Associate Professor
Annarita Margiotta
Associate Professor
Federico Marulli
Associate Professor
Nicoletta Mauri
Associate Professor
Robert Benton Metcalf
Associate Professor
Michele Ennio Maria Moresco
Associate Professor
Lauro Moscardini
Full Professor
Carlo Nipoti
Associate Professor
Silvia Pellegrini
Associate Professor
Francesca Pozzi
Associate Professor
Emanuel Rossetti
Area dei Funzionari - Settore scientifico - tecnologico
Maurizio Spurio
Full Professor
Margherita Talia
Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)
Cristian Vignali
Associate Professor
DIFA post-doc and PhD students
INAF Members
INFN Members
Laura Patrizii
Gabriele Sirri
Alessandro Tronconi
- UniBo