Art Bonus - Crowdfunding for the Specola Museum of Astronomy

Art Bonus - Crowdfunding for the Specola Museum of Astronomy

Preserving the Museum’s historical and artistic heritage, for the university community and the public. Restoration and conservation of collections

Published: 20 November 2024 | In Ateneo

Unimpatto is the new University of Bologna website aimed at encouraging donations and other initiatives to support the University.

Among the featured projects, you can contribute to the Museo della Specola and the restoration of ancient instruments used to observe, study, and understand the sky. This is made possible through the "Art Bonus," a tax incentive that supports Italy's cultural heritage.

Together, we can "Preserve the historical and artistic heritage for the university community and the wider public" through your donation.

The Art Bonus is a fiscal benefit offering a tax credit to encourage cultural donations.

It is available to businesses, individuals, and non-commercial entities that donate to support three types of initiatives:

  1. Conservation for the maintenance, protection, and restoration of publicly owned cultural heritage.
  2. Support for public cultural institutions and venues (such as museums, libraries, archives, opera foundations, theaters, and archaeological parks).
  3. Creation of new structures, as well as the restoration and enhancement of existing ones, exclusively dedicated to performing arts activities (e.g., Municipal Theaters).